ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most would reply with something along the lines of: "We provide intel against terrorists."

But, we negate that one because they helped spread (created) the "weapons of mass destruction" lie, and have conspired to try to validate (created) the "Steele Piss dossier" lie to remove a sitting president. Even their intel is faulty, and has damaged the USA.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Facts is a dogwhistle for the white male, cisgender, patriarchy, oligarchy!

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +3 / -1

The problem with modern day France, and much of europe, is that they did not kill off enough of their nazi collaborators after world war 2. Their failure to take decisive action against Reich operatives have led us to the situation we see today- authoritarian European leaders promoting yet another European militarized nazi state- Ukraine.


The sooner the rest of the world realizes what really lies at the root of the Ukraine problem, the sooner the world can come together to kill the fourth reich, before it does more damage than it already has.

ToxicLibertyism 5 points ago +5 / -0

Meanwhile, Fetterman blazes the path to helping democrats by voting to allow men to compete in female sports. Guy is truly an extraordinary moron.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

...At this early hour, it_appears_that tens-of-billions in American "Military Aid" to Ukraine, which was allegedly to be used to fight Russia, was cash that Ukraine DID NOT use to fight Russia, but instead invested into FTX! And, as you might guess from the Bankruptcy filing .... it now seems that all the money ... is gone. Yes, you read that correctly: Instead of using US Military Aid to fight Russia, Ukraine "invested" part or all of it, into FTX, and right now, it looks like all the money is gone. Democrat Donations Also at this early hour, it now also appears that the Chief of FTX, Sam Blankman-Fried, was the #2 donor to the Democrats. He was only outspent by Soros himself! It_seems_ Ukraine was receiving money from the US, Ukraine sent it to FTX, and FTX sent it to Democrats, who originally voted to send it to Ukraine. At this hour, it_appears_ to some observers, to be pure, criminal, money-laundering, and a criminal conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws.Uult now seems to closely-watching observers that the kid burned his own company -- and his own ass - just to make sure the Dems won the mid-term elections, and seems to have done it by pulling the rug out from all those that had funds there in FTX. So the collapse of FTX is now linked not only to Ukraine, but also to US Democrat politicians who got money from Sam Blankman-Fried, to campaign for the just-ended elections!...

ToxicLibertyism 7 points ago +7 / -0

TL;DR: We (european leaders) really, really want war with Russia because we thought the USA would pour money into the EU to fund another one of our manufactured forever proxy wars. But, now that the American people have told us to "fuck off" through their envoy, Donald J. Trump, we are really kind of screwed, because we have no military, no manufacturing base to build a military, and no energy sector to build a manufacturing base...soooo....ummm, how do I put this....

We the EU need to make...ummmm...choices, yes, choices, (that's the word) to try to figure out how we are going to explain to our constituents that we need to fuck them out of their tax dollars (because Trump and the USA are being meanie-heads) to perpetuate, and expand our Ukraine proxy war in hopes that the people of the USA will somehow get fooled into playing along with a third world war that we have created. But stay strong little peasants. We euro-cuck leaders will all be meeting together very soon to figure this all out.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

True. Let them do their old-world thing. Give the USA a call if Putin is having trouble dislodging the muzzie infestation in western europe. Maybe we will care.

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +6 / -2

Anything not being released is not really Trump's fault, and most of America understands that. The blame for slow-walking info releases, or failures to release info lie squarely at the feet of the political establishment (both democrat and republican) who have infested every corner of society.

We know who to blame, and we know what needs to be done to fix it. We simply need to stop establishment aligned politicians from getting elected, or remaining in office through our voting power. We need to elect more outsiders. And, we need to make our sheeple families, friends, and associates vote for more establishment outsiders.

Our movement does not stop, even if Trump is unsuccessful at fully draining the swamp, and clearing the swamp slime that has been hiding corruption. We the people already know how to win- we vote in force for outsiders. Now, we just keep on doing it, and do more of it. Nothing can stop what is coming- no matter how long it takes.

ToxicLibertyism 6 points ago +6 / -0

She was a DEI pick, pushed by the "republican" party establishment. They demanded Trump pick a woman. Don't believe it?

Trump stated on camera prior to Barrett's selection that {paraphrased} "...I don't know who the pick will be yet, but I know it will be a woman." It infuriated me when he said that, and from that moment I knew for certain that whoever was getting that SCOTUS seat was going to be an establishment POS pick.

Barrett is a demonstration of the power of Senate confirmation. McConnell and the senate wanted a woman for party optics. Trump was corralled into selecting a candidate that could pass senate confirmation- that's how we ended up with that turkey on the bench; McConnell and the US senate.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Iceland is strategically very important. It is a primary anti-submarine/naval reconnaissance outpost. Iceland, Greenland, and. Britain is the only land covering the Atlantic from the north/arctic route.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Roughly 1/3 of those nations were communist nations under Soviet control just 35 short years ago.

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +4 / -0

Spoiler- The USA is not "bound" to any bullshit treaty that is being wielded by "allied" nations against the will of the abused, angry, and armed American people. That's what the euro-cuck leaders need to figure out real fast.

ToxicLibertyism 8 points ago +8 / -0

Me too. If our tax money was being used to help those democrats political campaigns, then campaign finance charges should be brought.

ToxicLibertyism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just look at this kid and what his teachers said about him....

He was NOT a "kid" and that MSM photo of him in his pre-pubescent age is many years older than his actual adult murderer age. It's a slimy propaganda photo.

The real image of Crooks is an adult greaseball looking motherfucker with long hair. But, the media will never show the public those pics. To see that, we need to look at his splattered greaseball brains on the roof of his assassins perch.

ToxicLibertyism 3 points ago +3 / -0

That comes out to roughly $25,000 for each citizen (2.1 million) of Gaza, if $53 bil. were to be divided amongst the people.

As a rough estimate for the currencies generally used there we could compare it to the Israeli shekel (valued 28 US cents/$0.28) and consider that the money could effectively cover labor costs, with a good bit left over for building materials. Quite the deal- especially if further investments follow.

ToxicLibertyism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please, no uniparty frenemy purple!

ToxicLibertyism 9 points ago +9 / -0

Must be strength passed down from their mothers, who must have been Soviet olympic weightlifter's who received those special strength hormones the Soviets would give them.

ToxicLibertyism 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Mostly peaceful protests" that involve lighting fires to public structures, or cars, or seek to damage property, block access to property, or injure people.

Basically, any bullshit that the left calls a "protest" that is legally defined as a riot.

ToxicLibertyism 6 points ago +6 / -0

The little weasel is still saying the same shit. Only instead of using the words "security guarantee" he changed it up a bit to say "lasting peace," but meaning the same thing- lasting peace through American boots on the ground.

Trump already told him to shut the fuck up about "security guarantees," "long term yadda-yadda, yippity-yap," and trying to chqnge the phrasing of that dumbshit into "lasting peace" ain't gonna fool the big man.

No deals with Zelensky. Elections must return to Ukraine before even considering any deals.

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