Trump: You're playing right into their hands when you doubt the vaccine
Or is it just me?
The United States but I redrew the borders so as many as possible are represented
I saw the news about the Oklahoma National Guard and that got me thnking "What other state military units are rebelling against the federal government?"
I live in Tennessee and I'm wanting to move up north because I prefer the kind of snowflakes that come from the clouds instead of New York or California. What are some cities that have southern tradition like Tennessee but also has white christmases like upstate New York if there are any?
The Truth about the Holocaust
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
Hitler wasn't responsible for the death of 6 million jews, it was Toby from The Office.
I will delete this post when I know how.
Freedom measured in all 50 states
True Vaccine Rebellion (Basically the vaccine rebellion without RINO governors)