Get an extension that brings back dislikes on YouTube.
4:54 PM, nothing going on except I went outside and played in some snow.
Did anything happen yet?
tWo m0aR wEeKs!!1!
Ban it instead.
I trust the local meth dealer more than I do Billy G.
Freedom can't be given to, it can only be taken away.
CFB Master Race
Cause it is the highest peak in Missouri. Magazine is the highest in Arkansas and between the Appalachians and Rockies.
Mount Magazine shouldn't be that far from y'all and it's 1000 feet higher than Tam Sauk.
Them Ozarks sure are purtty.
Yo I got family in Missouri! Which part?
Move to New Hampshire, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, South Dakota, Wyoming, Washington State, or Alaska.
That is true, I miss my $2 gas.
Not trusting politicians =/= Hating them
You're playing right into their hands when you doubt the vaccine.
-Trump 12/20/21
This is a reminder to never trust politicians. You never know when they'll do a 180 and betray the people they represent.
History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.
I hear there's a lot of lakes in Florida.