Good day Ladies and Gentlemen.

There is a lot of emotion, and drama weighing in on discussions here. I'm not pointing any fingers, but I'm sure we've all seen it. This is a discussion board for Q, not what we want, not to vent, not to share unsolicited wisdom about politics, candidates and so on. If you have information, share it, research it, discuss it.

Consider how many posts here over the last two years ENDORSED and encouraged Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron Desantis. Even Candice Owens comes up from time to time.

You have to be able to discern, and something Q shows is that most and almost all politicians are corrupt and controlled. You will not get what you're looking for in politicians, especially when Donald Trump is under trial. What in the world will any of these other guys do? Why is it some great thing when a politician said something that may be comparable to wisdom? Shouldn't wisdom be something that is carried in anything a politician says?

Your endorsement of sound-good-politicians is not healthy to this community. I know some of you think that they are great, but also consider that you're new to this world of information and vetting.


Be mindful how many times Q said "Sky Event"


"Just wait until you find out who has been talking to you this whole time." ~ Q

Is it possible it's Julian Assange?


Greetings Gentlemen and board leadership/mods

Not everyone will be in agreement on some issues. In regards to subjects not permitted for discussion on this board, I ask sincerely that the members, moderators and leadership of this community stop posting and pinning unnecessarily divisive content. If it's not supposed to be discussed here and you pin a post in mockery; regardless of how right or righteous you may consider yourself to be, you're letting us all down.


We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

Red October datefag 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by TrumpFan2000 ago by TrumpFan2000

Greetings Gentlemen,

Please look into the possibility of Red1, Red2, Red3, Red4 and then Red5 being years, and that this would be the 5th red or 5th red october.


It just all clicked together for me. Gentlemen, it is all already happening/happened.

They are all actors/OR being TOLD what to do. I know we all know this, but do you understand what that means?

Give me one good reason why joe biden continued EO 13848.. None? He's controlled.

IT MEANS you can stop the worrying about what's going on. Instead just realize it is ALL coordinated, it is ALL acting, and it is designed to let the left (the public) believe their preferred party is in "control", while simultaneously doing what would otherwise be impossible. Dismantling the strongholds around the world for the deepstate. Ukraine, for example!!

What do you think all that money is going to over in Ukraine? Trump keeps saying they are using tax payer dollars to fight a proxy war with Russia. That's true! But not against Russia! We are coordinated and fighting with Russia, although discretely.

Everything is being completely dismantled, and those that have been chosen to "not be replaced", and are allowed to be rogue elements are in for a VERY VERY rude awakening. Although, I am very sad about Maui, and angry.

I doubt I need to prove to anyone that they are actors, enough of you post that kind of content here. But here is a video I took of Joe Bidens nose falling off TWO years ago.

tl;dr everyone is acting, everything is fine, everything is under complete control; the bidens aren't ruining anything, it's just a disguise to be able to do what the public left wouldn't otherwise allow peacefully; everything is a show and it's SO OBVIOUS now.

13848 🔍 Notable
posted ago by TrumpFan2000 ago by TrumpFan2000

Greetings Gentlemen,

I am grateful to be apart of such amazing times as we live in now. The things we have experienced in our recent years, and will experience in the next few years will indeed, be some of the most interesting times of our lives, and I am optimistic for what is to come, and what our future, and even our nation will become.

Our nation has been demoralized, our families have been divided, our culture has been split into a million pieces and the creativity, the drive and innovation of individuals has all but disappeared.

If you are not familiar with the incorporation of the united states, that is a subject of research I welcome you to venture into.

We live in a corporate world, and it’s important I think to realize that the interest of any corporation is the corporation. It is a matter of fact that governments of the world have incorporated themselves, and it is useful to recognize that fact, and consider the implications of such when reading in order to fully comprehend the scope of EO 13848.

It should be recognized, and it should be directly obvious to anyone that the purpose of government is to serve the people in any nation. What is not obvious to many is that for over a century, our own government has operated on the corporate level, to the extent that people are represented as individual “corporations” as opposed to people. According to the laws of the land, and the rules of English, any name is written in the manner such as “george washington”. There is no capitalization in a name, indeed, there is no instance in English where a name can exist written in a manner that uses only capitalization. Certainly, you can be taught differently, and perhaps you may read differently. However if the foundation of your nation exists on writing written and represented by words that have meanings and rules different than the ones that exist presently, in order to properly interpret such a document, it must be according to the rules of that time.

If you take out your wallet, and look upon the name written on your identification card, you may find it written in such a way that says “GEORGE WASHINGTON”. It is important to recognize that is not your name. It is equally important to recognize that you are not your name, just as much as water is not the word water. When a judge, an officer, or any member of government asks if you are “GEORGE WASHINGTON”, or you hand your identification card over, you are representing yourself as an individual corporation, making contracts with another corporation. Any time you sign your name, you are signing into contract, placing your individual corporation as the debtor and your physical body as surety (collateral). This is why when you are “charged” by government in some capacity, if you do not pay their fees, your physical body serves the consequences as opposed to the corporate fiction.

I would like to bring attention to several details of EO 13848. The first is that it was placed initially by Donald Trump, and extended two times by Joe Biden.

It is titled as following: “Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election”

Let’s review Sec. 2. (a) Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

Take note please in regards to “the following persons”.

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election; (ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or (iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.

This is very broad when you consider the implications. It is worth considering the implications that this executive order, although established by the last President is renewed now twice under Joe Biden.

Now consider for a moment how many corporations are owned, partially owned, operated, or in some manner handled from over seas.

I am not pointing fingers at anyone, I am making no accusation nor endorsement of any person, I won’t say there was election fraud in any recent elections that would cause this EO to be triggered. Instead what I will do is simply point out what I have noticed:

Walmart has completely changed. They actually have good customer service now. They no longer try to dress people in rags, and they are providing quality displays and clothing. Furthermore, the self checkouts all have “Notes” as opposed to “Us Dollar” on the registers. You can consider those implications, I will just leave it there.

YouTube no longer shows recommendations to anyone with search history off and cleared. How could it before, and why won’t it now? Consider the implications.

Consider the main stream Media in the United States. There has been a very clear shift in what is being said. Consider the implications.

If you just look around you at all the subtle changes in leadership, and in corporations you will see a very clear trend. They are becoming better for the public, and especially being more transparent in what they do behind the scenes. Consider the implications.


He is so well spoken on issues, especially things Q has exposed.

"Just wait until you see who's been talking here"... RFK?


Just curious.

Research wanted! Tuckers Watch! Here's the clip ( 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by TrumpFan2000 ago by TrumpFan2000

That's what I got from this tonight..


Tucker carlson posted a trailer for the upcoming interview! A TRAILER for an interview.


I was told I have Vitiligo, which causes my skin to lose pigmentation.. wondering if anyone knows anything about how to get rid of it. I don't trust pharma. thanks frenz



Greetings gentlemen,

I wanted to offer some additional information as some of you are becoming more aware that the present government has been operating as a corporation.

This is very real, and we have all been indoctrinated into it. The foundation and legitimacy of their "fraud" so to speak is that every American is in their own right free, and have unlimited power of contract and ultimately discretion. So any time we sign our name on anything, comply, whether compelled against our will or not, they recognize our sovereignty, and in the systems eyes it is "You didn't have to, but you did."

I have personally taken on the system in my own way, and I have won both times. My father passed away in 2020 due to Covid protocols, and my mother had been having some unrelated battles of her own, it was a difficult time-- she needed an inhaler from the pharmacy before they closed that evening, and I had a 5 minute window if I went fast enough. It was a 30 minute drive from where I lived.

An officer pulled me over, and gave me a citation, which embedded upon my ability to get to my destination on time. You need to recognize your liberty, which is for you to make responsible decisions, although having freedom to do anything.

I exorcised my right of rescission, and within the required 72 hours I sent their citation back, rescinding the contract, effectively making it void.

Over the next 30 days they harassed me, and called me into their fraud court. I showed up, but I did not acknowledge, or imply that I was the all caps entity. If at any point you tell a judge you are the name they ask, you should comprehend they are reading an all caps name, which does not follow the rules of English, or laws of the land for a written name.

Water is not the word, water, but a physical thing which exists, and we describe it with a name. In this same manner, you are not your name, but you have your name. So whenever you say "I am Name", you are saying that is your physical existence, which places you under the authority of the system, especially if that name is in all caps, because usually that's an entity/corporation.

God created man. Man can never be greater than God. Man created Government, government can never be greater than man. Government created corporations, corporations can never be greater than Government.

... DO NOT IDENTIFY as a corporation.

If a judge / officer asks you for an "ID", remember that "ID" is not identification. There are a lot of terms, and entrapments.

If you're asked for an address, and you give it, that places you into the system. All zipcodes exist in the district of columbia, and have no legal standing anywhere else.

So when you provide your zipcode, you're saying you live in foreign territory, which is actually using a second and altered constitution.

Back to my earlier story. I ended up rejecting and disputing all charges. Please recognize that charges are a business transaction between you and the court, and the judge has to wait until you accept those charges before they are valid.

Eventually I was summoned to a jury trail, and before that trial I provided in the form of affidavit explaining that the party they called the defendant was an entity, and I am the living man.

My case was ultimately dismissed.

It's all a fraud, and you don't have to comply with any layer at all. Just recognize that anything you do should be done so responsibly, and with full comprehension. Don't jump into anything with information I have provided, because it is too vague.

I have not touched on important subjects such as "legalise" which the word "Understand" when used in such a way "Sir, do you understand me?" Places you in a way where you acknowledge you stand under the authority of the speaker/judge/officer. An appropriate response to such a question is "No, I do not understand you, but I comprehend what you are doing."

Comprehend > Understand..

--- walking passed the gates in the court room, immediately places you into their authority. Remain seated always, and do not rise for any judge of the defacto court. Do not give up authority.

Do not go to the defendants chair, that chair represents an entity.

Any time judges tell you that you must do something, or you can't speak, or ask questions, they are lying.

Just some stuffs for those wondering. Again, don't do anything unless you know and comprehend fully what you are doing. The corporation is real, although not legitimate government.



Donald Trump just informed us all that starting memorial day 2025, we will enter into a year long celebration for our nations 250th birthday.

I know a lot of you don't feel like celebrating, but we know Trump. When he says there will be a celebration, then there will be a celebration. Every claim Trump has made has come through, and even his Presidential election for 2020, although was stolen, he never claimed he would be in office during this time.

So this celebration will be the END.. It will be after all of Q has been completed, because the deep state will not be celebrating with us.

So now for the doomers, you have your celebration day. But moreover, please understand that Q lets us know "Celebrate means so much", and to elaborate, let me share some posts.

QPOST 2357 Says:

CELEBRATE, PATRIOTS!!! "Let us reaffirm America's destiny of goodness and good will." -Ronald Reagan Q

QPOST 1681 Says:

Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our Independence. It also links to the youtube video here:

QPOST 2355 Says:

Celebrate - this means so much.

Now here is the REALLY JUCY bit. Checkout the date for Ronald Reagans "Peace through strength" speech, linked by QPOST 2357.. JULY 17... NOT SAYING ANYTHING MORE ON THAT...

Now also, consider 1681, where it says "Today as patriots we celebrate our independence." Q is preparing us for the biggest celebration of all time.


If Trump won(he did of course) in 2020, we would be on his last two years in office right now. I do not think he would have had enough time do re-establish our country. We need people willing to do their portion of the work, and enough rinos rooted out to make steady progress when the time comes.


DanScavino has in his biography the following: Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Director of Social Media & Assistant to the President, The Trump White House {1/17-1/21}.

I did the math, and the equation (1/17) - (1/21) equates 0.0112044818

Perhaps it means something.


This is for the mods, and this is on behalf of the community here. We are a Q Board first and foremost, and I and most others accept this. However, what I as a participant cannot except on this platform is thought police.

Today the mod team stickied a clear hit piece by MSM, likely funded by MSM towards the flat earth debate. Granted, most of you do not even give this a second glance. Fine. However, for the moderators to PIN this, even while banning the debate of this is absolutely unacceptable. Either this content is not allowed on the platform, or you accept the open discussion of the topic. This thought police is what we are here to avoid. Don't start telling us what we can and can't think.

Either it's allowed or it's not. Make up your mind.

EDIT: Thread link:

Summery of posted article: The experiment failed. This failed experiment does not prove anything, except that it didn't prove anything. This pinned content is misleading, and directly funded by the Flat Earth Society, which is a controlled-narrative group.


Some of you really like desantis. I'm going to give you my perspective on why he is just more of the same.

Desantis is potentially getting ready to run for president. That means several things:

  1. He does not support or back Donald Trump OR Q.
  2. He is saying to you, the voter fraud does not exist or that he is the answer to voter fraud. Why would he be the answer?
  3. He uses his family in political ads, to emotionally manipulate people into seeing someone put together. This has always been the way of the democrats.
  4. He only stands up for things that would get him publicity.
  5. He has not cut regulations. He's a governer. He should be restoring Florida to as close to We the People as possible. He is not. Why would he as President?

Sure he took off your masks, but that was never his choice. Sure he said he wouldn't force you to vaccinate, but that was never his choice. So go on, keep complimenting him for his daring decisions for florida, and his bravery against the deep state. 100% he is one of them.


When you consume foods, they will either cause your body to become more acidic or alkaline. When your body becomes acidic, then the oxygen in your body starts to diminish. On the contrary when your body becomes more alkaline, the oxygen throughout your body is increased.

When your body is alkaline, you will find yourself healing from cuts and scratches, bruises and other noticeable issues over night. When your body is heavily acidic, you will find that it can sometimes take days or even weeks for these minor issues to resolve themselves.

If your cells lose more than 65% oxygen, meaning that your cell has 35% or less oxygen, it will become cancerous. And, if your cells regain that oxygen, your cells will repair themselves and the cancer will go away.

If you have cancer, and you are treating the cancer specifically, you are essentially not helping yourself because cancer is only the symptom of a problem, it is what you should use to recognize a different issue. You're simply too acidic.

If you would like to know more about this specifically, you can learn about DR. Otto Warburg, who in 1931 won a nobel prize for his cancer discovery.

An excellent quote by him says as follows: "No disease including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment."

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