
"Shall we play a game once more?


It's on the aggregators too




Given the dooming that we are being assaulted by (and some may have genuine concerns so not necessarily working for the bad guys), I'm gonna take something I was using in response to one of these concerned 'doomers' re Trump and Q not being on our side basically because of the old 'guilt by association' and not understanding some of his remarks and moves.

Yes, the bad guys are building a New World Order - so are the Good guys in opposition. A MIRROR of what they intend. As we are in a literal war, both spiritual and physical, people are still going to die, but it'll be a fraction of what is intended (the culmination of cementing their NWO will be a massive blood sacrifice)

Some of you from the early days of The Donald might remember the extraordinary amount of woo woo connected with Trump, and various Prophecies that he was here to be a Cyrus. There was a whole thread stickied, but once he won it's like they were embarrassed by it and it was deleted. Wish I'd saved it as it really sent a shiver down the spine.

Anyway, here is a couple of threads I'd saved a while back, which showed there may be a lot more going on that we can comprehend. It involves not only Uncle John and Tesla, but Homer Trump, rebel Freemasons in Sonora, Jacobs descendants and the US and copper mining. Fascinating for both Biblical people and conspiracy theorists alike.

First the primer....the guy explores ideas and conspiracy theories, and tries to see if there is historical evidence to back it up. As he says, this is not his idea, there is in fact a few others who have postulated this, and are trying to piece together the evidence.

It's a very short thread:

What if the heir to the House of Judah, The President of the USA, and of the U.S. (corp). The rightful heir to the throne of Scotland, England, Ireland, Bavaria & the Holy Roman Empire, were in fact the same person?

And what if this man is a righteous man?

(and to those who say Trump isn't righteous, divorced, cheated on his wife blah blah, he is positively saintly compared to those in the Bible who God chose to do his work. Many were not only adulterers but outright murderers. It is for God to say who is worthy to do his bidding not us)


Now to the meat found down the Rabbit Hole...people forget if there are people working for 'Darkness' (Satan/Lucifer), there must be people working for 'Light'(God/Jesus). They just appear to have a different way of doing things, more subtle and quiet which may give the impression they aren't doing anything.

Unfortunately he seemed to stop after those threads, though he said he would pick it up later he doesn't appear to have done, though I'll go check I think just in case.

EDIT: found another one (1-197), think this one is different thread than others, more setting the Biblical connection and should prob be read first, but there is a lot missing). Very confusing as Twitter screwed up the timeline. You have to keep clicking the Show More Replies for the full Tweets (as he was replying to himself)

1-197 https://twitter.com/1FreeInhabitant/status/1295067833718788096

1-210 https://twitter.com/1FreeInhabitant/status/1176101326247219200

210-288 (Tesla makes an appearance here as well as Lincoln and Uncle John)


So things aren't always as they appear on the surface, there may be a ton of stuff going on that we simply have no idea about.



Or what about this one regarding military mandates:


Interesting that China allegedly aren't vaxxing their military. Or Russia. Or India.


Hmm, she is getting chatty on her Telegram. Wonder what she will reveal?

"Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me ❤️🇺🇸 - I can promise you that we are not finished. I will reveal information that will change everything. I fight for Justice - FOR OUR FREEDOM!

I need you to SHARE my channel with everyone so everyone can hear the TRUTH! 🇺🇸

Follow 👇 https://t.me/McEnany_Telegram"

Yes, it's her official channel btw. The Trump Family also have one and have posted on there

EDIT: She just posted a pic of her and Trump titled The Legitimate President with tags #COMEBACK #STAYREADY


Anybody seen the latest post on her official Telegram Channel (heh somone posted it on The Donald/PW)


The previous post above it was a NCSWIC to which she posted "Yes!"

Miss her. Sarah was great but Kayleigh was in another class dealing with the scrotes of the press.

A little bit of hopium there. :)


Mike Adams apparently has been getting intel that a HUGE FF is being planned to be blamed on 'QAnon' and Trump supporters to happen before the Maricopa Audits are released. Allegedly the FBI are recruiting like crazy.

If there was some major FF, like the White House gets blown up or the grid is taken down then I think the Maricopa audit won't matter, any Trump supporter would be enemy #1 and the audits played off as more evidence of subversion.

If this is true (and it does fits their M.O.) WTF are the military doing to prevent this?



Any of you following ToreSays on Telegram? I used to follow her on Twitter before she got canned (apparently ex-intel) and she had some good hits. Similar to @JohnHereToHelp guy.

Anyhow, she's dropping the Biden emails (minus the kiddie porn) on Monday but she has just dropped 'Thank you Jeff Sessions' and everyone is going crazy.

Wouldn't that be a kicker if Sessions really was a White Hat. Apparently she also claimed a few months ago that trust Kansas was never about Pompeo but about the BioLab4 in Kansas.

She really does appear to have good info and is pissed at all the Paytriot decoders leading everyone astray BUT she had Austin Seibert on her show (whatever his name is - the little oik who pretends to be Q) so ya know....I'm wary.. but it's interesting.


ETA: Here's her website, presumably this is where she'll be dropping the stuff, some of it's password protected but password is in the article. https://toresays.com/

EDIT: It appears Toresays is another EyeThe Spy type larper so she's off my list as a credible source. The docs she is dropping from Bidens laptop might be legit (might have got them from GNews or cobbled together from what was previously released on the chans) but she herself doesn't appear to be trustworthy which sucks. I should have known when she gave airtime to Austin Seibert she was full of shit)


Did anyone see that post of hers where she said she had just got off the phone with someone she knows "high up" in the Military that Trump did indeed sign the Insurrection Act and handed over control to them?

I saw the post as an image on Twitter or Gab I think so went searching for info to check how reliable she is (no idea who she is). Was led to a Facebook Post and she has apparently been 'fact checked' by Zuckerbers crew. Can't read all the comments as I've no account and not getting one, so can't read her response to certain questions on the matter.

It reminds me of a post on Parler from an ex marine whose contacts told them something similar - this was before Biden got sworn in so appeared to be yet another thing that didn't pan out. Or maybe it did, and it's all part of the 'movie'.

Her last 2 posts on here if anyone has an account and wants some hopium. https://www.facebook.com/DrLaurieRoth/

ETA here's the post for those who don't want to go to FB...

"Are the Military and Trump in control?

I just got off the phone with a high up and trusted, military source I know. He comfirmed a few things for me.

Regarding, the speculation/confusion as to whether President Trump signed the Insurrection Act or not,he did. He signed it on Jan 14 th , 2021. The act of signing it immediately gave him 2 more months as President according to the very directives of the Act itself. I was then told that the military gave him 2 more months as President. The second extension was over on May 20 th and most likely extended again by the military who is now in control per the signed Insurrection Act.

Now, with Manhattan Attorney Cy Vance convening a Grand Jury against President Trump, regarding his taxes and business practices, the Trump witch hunt continues. The only problem they may have is that they cannot arrest a sitting President and I am assured that he still is President. Once again, the liberal, legal crazies are desperately trying all they can to stop Trump. It was confirmed today that many Generals approached Trump to run for office to take out the deep state, criminal cabal. They have been making arrests since the Biden – fake inauguration.

The military support is all around Trump and continues under the Insurrection Act.

I was told that the military goes through the FISA court and already did their own investigation, determining that there was international and domestic voter fraud They have long known the real election and voting numbers and have acted accordingly. Our military is bound by the constitution, their duty and the signed insurrection act to be in control, do what they have to do, make arrests and make things right. They are supporting a new election in August and the return of President Trump . I am told he will be returning very soon.

My source shared much more with me that gave me real hope that justice was unfolding in a big way and the truth would soon come out in spite of the sellout media and ego-laden politicians.

Hold on to your hat. Pray for President Trump and our military as the truth really comes out.

God bless America, Dr. Laurie Roth Patriot"


For those who deny that Biden is not the same man and it's merely plastic surgery that accounts for the discussed anomalies, check out this, then read the comments and take a good look at Bidens neckline in a vid in the comments.

NSFW I guess, even though the titties aren't real, but damn, fooled the shit out of me at first! Wanna see one where they pull the face off.



One of the comments pointed out the date of the last movie came totaled 17.

Given the chatter that they were planning this, if I were Joe I'd be running to the military for protection from my own side.



"and the people will cry "what shall we do?"

I've been adamant that Biden cannot take the the Oath of Office because then it would really be all over as he'd have control over the power structure (particularly the military) and it would take time to oust him legally (and given the state of the courts very unlikely I feel.) Once he is sworn in, that is it.

Or is it?

That prophecy has been playing on my mind when I'm trying to sleep and it just won't go away. Steve Pieczenik staking his rep on that Trump will not only be Prez for the next 4 years, but 8 years. I think he is full of shit most of the time, and once a glowie always a glowie, but he and others just could be right about this.

Many people know that the US is actually a corporation (as are most countries). This is how the Bankers maintain control. We are assets of our corporations and the Birth Certificate is basically our slave papers)

Dissolving the corporation to restore the US to a legit Republic again would be the ONLY way to escape their control + this would have an effect on the rest of the world to shake off their corporations.

I also wonder if that is what Patrick Byrne meant when he said 'something happened that wasn't supposed to happen' and he'd tell us after the 20th. The US Corporation was DISSOLVED imo.

The idea of the U.S. being usurped and turned into a Corporation back in the 1800s has been discussed on here, Voat, Twitter, and the chans. I'll leave that to someone else to chime in with the details for those who don't know.

IF Trump has dotted all his i's and crossed his t's then it wouldn't matter if Biden is sworn in. He will be sworn into a bankrupt Corporation (Trump has long talked about the debt and yet he was merrily borrowing trillions which was against everything previously said, and would leave the country in debt for generations. He also took control over the Fed and a special fund they have there, which contains trillions in ill gotten gains).

Trump appears to be moving stuff from the White House that belong to the country not him, and likely recreating the White House at Mar a Largo (what was once known as the Winter White House). He wouldn't be doing that if he wasn't going to be Prez as that stuff is not his to take.

Providing he has got everyone who needs to be onboard with this (military especially) and the Supreme Court are aware of it (maybe they kept it from Roberts) then Biden literally has no power. He can order the military around but they will ignore him. Any executive orders will be ignored.

To make this work Trump has to come out and tell the people what occurred, that he is in fact still President until March 4th, Biden is President of a now bankrupt Corporation, that holds all the debt. Trillions in national debt are the responsibility of the Corporate entity not the restored Republic. Income tax cannot be charged on a mans labor otherwise he is a slave. That is a product of the Corporations.

One of the most delicious things is they are currently bankrupting the middle classes so they can buy everything cheaply and truly own it all, while we will be dependent on a meager UBI to survive after their Great Reset - if we toe the line. All that debt they have created will be theirs if things play out like this.

This would be the best outcome of all imo PROVIDING WE KNOW what has occurred so he must tell us by the 21st if Biden truly is installed. This is not something that they can keep under their hat at this point.

I don't know how long Biden would be allowed to play President (and remember he would literally have no power) but long enough for the country to see how deranged they are before the marines go and arrest them, prove Trump won the election (might need a new election in the restored Republic though.)

But I think for us not to freak out, Trump HAS to come out and tell us what has happened.

I don't think we can conceive of what it will be like to be truly free and out from under 'their' thumb.

If anyone could pull this off, Trump can.

And thus Kim Clements most obscure prophecy gets fulfilled. And Trump has 8 years.

His last term was indeed The Last President (ala Ingersoll Lockwood book) and he would be the first President of the restored Republic (and 19th I think of the legit US). Mount Rushmore worthy.

Sorry if this is a bit rambly, people who know more about this feel free to chip in because this is a real possibility imo.


Any of you been reading the twat account of Johnheretohelp which Lin Wood has just mentioned? Guy mentioned back in July that the Left knew they couldn't win so they were just planning to steal it.

Read the thread re John Roberts from back June 29. Many of us knew that Scalia was murdered thanks to the Wikileaks drops but this is first time I have heard that Roberts was heavily involved. It sounds legit.
