Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just done some Googling to see if there is any info on it at the moment and found this vid talking about the dye which some might find interesting. Talks about the Aura Goggles invented by Kilner, Dicyanin and They Live and an interesting discussion on colour perception.


Here's a guy who claims to be using real Dicyanin goggles with the 'inventor', which is a bit of a stretch as it was Kilner who invented them and he long dead. Very brief clip.


Some interesting comments on there re the ones used in Vietnam and another substance that was used with the Dicyanin.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, Dicyanin! I was trying to remember what that was called and just couldn't recall it.

I remember trying to find it years ago when I was into shit like that (although doubt I would have used it even if I could get it as I'm a bit of a nervous nellie if spooky shit appears, I was just curious and considered putting the dye on a mirror to peer into the next dimension :-) ).

I saw the name listed on some chemical sites but I think you had to be vetted for it or something. Impossible to get hold of it seems. But it's a chemical so must be available somewhere on the black market. Bet the military are still using it in some secret capacity.

Vibes of They Live and the glasses used in that :-D

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 8 points ago +8 / -0

The sound I think is Brown Noise. According to Icke that makes them lose form. I heard that once and unlike White Noise it made me feel a bit nauseous so had to turn off after less than a minute.

Be interesting if someone was to play Brown Noise when in a crowd of these people and see if anything happens.

Mind you, have to wear earplugs in case it brought on nausea, and possibly people in the crowd be too concerned about themselves if they felt bad to notice the suspects losing their 'form' and revealing who they really are.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haven't they also decoded the 'negative' image on it with better technology and found it was actually 3D encoded giving a much better image? They can't explain that either and just say it was made with a massive burst of contained radiation.

Strange how the 1980's results were all over the news at the time, but the recent studies are downplayed.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was coughing blood a few years back started out bright red enough to fill half a cup, then the big black clots came, that got stuck in my throat just hanging down in a thick gloopy string (had to actually pull them out by hand as wouldn't cough out and then saw was massive clots!). The black ones scared me a bit won't lie, and I even thought about going to the hospital if it didn't stop and I have to be half dead to think of that. Bit of research came to the conclusion might be suffering with low level scurvy (piss poor diet, rarely any fruit or veggies, chain smoker) so I got on the Vit C (cheap ascorbic acid, still had some in from previous bread making even though it was out of date).

Took about 5000mg in a glass of water, and repeated every few hours or so. Got through about 16000mg a day for about a week, then started to get the shits so dropped to 12000mg.

Eventually had to keep lowering the dose until I seemed to settle on 4/6000mg a day before the stomach ache and shits started. So it seems my body was in desperate need of VitC and could tolerate a lot before it got what it needed. No idea what the blood level was, but my body was clearly using it. If I dropped below 4000mg even a year later I tended to cough up a bit of blood (no biggie just pink streaks) so that was enough to keep me at at least 4000mg. Still a chain smoker so hack up phlegm sometimes especially in the morning, but it still remains clear.

So yeah, high dose VitC can indeed work wonders even if not Liposomal. Also a lot of supplements sold as liposomal these days are actually not, just more fraud as they try to make money off the health market. Genuine Liposomal supplements are actually quite expensive, certainly compared with a good ascorbate acid powder.

ETA: Oh yeah and it also got rid of a large patch of rough 'chicken' skin on my leg and forearm (that took a couple of years to completely erase though I did see a very noticeable softening of it after a few weeks of high Vit C).

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't there a Linus Pauling supplement regime that combines the 2 to create strong blood vessels? I used to add it to ascorbic acid for that reason although I could never remember what the ratio was. Think it was something like 2000mg of Vit C, 3000mg of Lysine but can't be sure as was a long time ago I read it. I used to just put half a teaspoon of VitC, which worked out about 2500mg when I measured it on a scale (depending how rounded it was) and I just bunged a more heaped half a teaspoon of L-lysine powder in with it (I initially got that powder for my cat to keep the herpes virus down and it worked a treat).

Obviously if your life is on the line follow the OP protocol religiously, but if maintenance it should be ok to mix the supplements although avoid competing foods I guess. I had mine on an empty stomach but then I had a milky coffee and some toast half an hour later so probably nixed any good effect.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 6 points ago +6 / -0

And the UK, we were the largest drop in Europe who all drop millions from their populations. UK was estimated at 14million population, down from over 60+ million if I recall. I'll also hazard a guess that those 14 million are mainly the new arrivals as most of them haven't been vaccinated. The unvaxxed natives would be very much a minority if this pans out.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but damn she so dumb I'm surprised she can manage to do anything without screwing it up. That stupid smirk she always has as if she has a secret and she's laughing at everyone, and the bizarre cackle.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, that's right! Hopefully he got to speak with Trump before he died and gave him some good info.

Here's another fella called Brandon Briggs who is going viral after what he said back in March, pertinent bit starts around 11 minutes


Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 10 points ago +11 / -1

All this with Kamala coming into the spotlight all of sudden reminds me of this re the 'assassination attempt on a Saturday' from Kim Clement when he said 'look to the Vice President' but I figured she was too stupid to be involved. Maybe not!


Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

We certainly live in interesting times. :-)

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coincidence? No, not really, but while I can see things being predicted (especially if they were using Looking Glass for instance), the unpredictability of bullets and wind movements is not suggestive of control if you mean the 'white hats' were controlling that aspect. Or were even in charge of anything there. Trumps head would have been blown off if he hadn't moved it a split second before the bullet went past and you can't control for that.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, that one. Nah, while it could be be stretched to cover J13 it's a very common expression since JFK. No way that attempt was 'staged' by White Hats. Could they have foreseen it? Possibly if Kim Clements prediction re the weapon they were given is true. But things aren't fixed, especially if it's Looking Glass used, that only shows probabilities.

Brandon Briggs prophecy I'll buy because that was eerily precise with the bullet going past his ear. Although like most of these prophets he doesn't seem to have a great hit rate, so he may have just got lucky there (and he explained he thought the ear drum was burst because he saw a bloodied ear when he fell to his knees and made his own assumption about what he was seeing). Now that he's gone viral the pressure will be on him so that could easily send him off track.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, sounds like it. I hope he pardons him when he next gets in.

Unless Trump gets all the blackmail files from the FBI I can't see how Congress won't try blocking his plans again. Or maybe he should threaten to release all their tax records, after all they released his so only fair. Make an Executive Order that all public servants have to release their taxes online, including Judges.

In fact he ought to do what that fella in El Salvador is doing. Whether he will or not....god I hope he's learned something from last time.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard Trump would have pardoned him but McConnell said if he did then he would be found guilty at the last impeachment.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

She has the citizenship of her parents when she was born too. She is a natural citizen because she was born in the US, but to be President there is a special clause called 'natural born' in the Constitution to make sure of no dual loyalties, which means you also need to be from citizen parents. It's supposed to be 2 parents but Obama got away with 1 and everyone ignored he also had the citizenship of his Father (who was Kenyan and as it was a British Colony at the time, also British and those citizenships would pass to his children), which is why Hillary went to Britain to try dig out Obamas real Birth certificate (actually she sent Sydney Blumenthal), but then they bought her silence with a Cabinet position and promise it would be 'her turn' next time.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

She receives the citizenship of her parents as well (in this case Jamaican). There is a specific clause that to be President you have to be born in US territory to citizen parents. That's why there was all that kerfuffle over Obama right to be President. They kind of bent things to 'show' his Mother was American and born in Hawaii, but they seemed to overlook his Father who was Kenyan, which meant he not only had Kenyan citizenship courtesy of him, but as Kenya was a British Colony at the time, he also had British citizenship, That's why Hillary sent her minion Blumenthall (the first 'birther') to the British records office to try dig out his real Birth Certificate (which as a British subject would also have been filed there).

If Kamalas Parents were not citizens at the time she was born she is not a 'natural born' citizen, merely a natural one (or even an anchor baby). I'm a Brit and learned about that peculiarity of the US system in school in the 60's. If it is no longer taught in US schools, well remember the Wikileaks emails about how they kinda butchered and downplayed the teaching of Civics in the past few decades.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Could be because he's supposedly just a private citizen, and private citizens can't prosecute anyone let alone a former President. Also I think Special Prosecutors have to be approved by Congress, which obviously he wasn't.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 2 points ago +2 / -0

As others have said, Fenben, Ivermection, VitD3, Nattokinese, and also try CDS


You are going to have to throw everything at this, and pray. I just had a friend die with a turbo cancer. His legs suddenly started getting weak and he got a bit breathless. Previously perfectly fit. Blood tests came back all fine. He kept pressing them, thinking he had a virus or something so they gave a chest x-ray, and other tests. Massive cancers in his lungs, brain and stomach. Was given 6 months but he only lasted 5 weeks from diagnosis and never got out of the hospital. Frightening how quickly it grew.

It's so monstrous what these bastards have done to people. So please don't waste anytime. I'll be praying for her too.

ETA: What was really weird he had very little pain, just weakness. Cancer is usually horrendously painful at such late stages, and necessitates morphine injections but I've heard others say the turbo cancers don't appear to cause too much pain, which is very odd. Not much consolation I know but hopefully she doesn't have too much pain.

ETA again: If she proves difficult to persuade even after watching that vid, here's some reviews on WEbMD (CDS is the ready made version of MMS)


Good luck!

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try adding in CDS https://www.brighteon.com/3b27eb80-14c4-4eaa-a20c-c5a020314ebe

Works just as well on animals apparently, though obviously a much lower dose.

https://reviews.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientreview-1622-chlorine-dioxide (CDS is the ready made version of MMS mentioned in the video)

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you use the url greatawakening.win then it's as it always was. It's only when you access through the Scored community links that it looks like shit.

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm taking it right now. :-D I'm in UK and I buy it ready bottled, and take 1ml of 3000ppm in 100mls of distilled (or boiled/cooled) water. So that's a standard 30ppm dose.

Can't say I've noticed any drastic improvements but then I'm not really taking it as I'm supposed to as you are supposed to avoid caffeine and Vit C for at least 2 hrs after last dose and I haven't managed the full 8 or so doses a day. Currently doing 2-4 doses a day (every half hour after initially doing it every hour) as I have to have my coffee dammit!

I have seen some improvement in my health but as I said nothing drastic yet., and I'm taking other supplements and herbs but at some point I might get my ass in gear and do the full protocols.

I assume you have see The Universal Antidote documentary: https://www.brighteon.com/3b27eb80-14c4-4eaa-a20c-c5a020314ebe

At some point I'll try make my own CDS using Andreas Kalcker method. Here he is being interviewed with Mike Adams and Alan Keys: https://www.brighteon.com/d4ef04b5-e8f3-4654-a8e9-719c23d6616b

So aye, I'm still standing after taking it regularly since November without issue. :-)

CDS doesn't taste at all bleachy and supposedly it's easier on the stomach than MMS. For Covid or other infection taking every 15mins is advised. Standard dose is 10ml in 1 litre of water and drink 125ml every 15 minutes. However as I work from home I decided to make it fresh for each dose but if you are out of the house working all day the litre bottle might be best.

Here's some others who have used it on WEBMD of all places https://reviews.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientreview-1622-chlorine-dioxide

There's also a Telegram group and I'm sure you'll find people on there talking about helping Autism and AD

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 6 points ago +6 / -0


Don't forget on The Donald at Reddit during 2015 someone from Trumps team was obviously on the board because people were posting Pepe memes at that time and one was that one where Pepe looks pensive with his thumb and forefinger on his chin pondering something. Trump did that exact pose when he was later giving a speech. Never done it since, but it was seen as a nod to the sub

Trump_Is_Cyrus_777 1 point ago +1 / -0

It comes from old cowboy movies: the Good Guys always wore white or light coloured hats, and the Bad Guys wore black ones. Hence White Hats & Black Hats as a euphemism for the good guys and bad guys

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