Is this Q related?
Yeah the elites of Myanmar are the leaders of the military.
Isn't "Trump is a narcissist" a MSM talking point just like him raping women? Perfect brain more like.
The first arrest will shock the world! Pope?
Huge scoop.
Lin Wood confirmed the 'pope' arrest that woke my catholic grandma up.
Don't give up on your current family though. They've been through a lot with you and remember you are 90% a personality that isn't related to politics. Jesus stresses real family just as much as he did his created one.
Should stop giving shills attention. Who cares if they can spam. I made a post as a handshake earlier and was kinda surprised I could. They should limit functionality if you have under a 100 karma
Anyone remember that paytriot book that got like 700 up votes in seconds? What if were being attacked by someone that down votes reasonable arguments and up votes nonsense? Can the mods even do anything if someone starts doing that a huge scale? Like China or the US could?
Interesting. So they are for protection like originally stated but not as they assumed.
I'm worried about not being the awakening that Q directed. He specifically denied this theory. I've had people mock me when I tell them what is reality so I know that some other farfetched idea isn't going to change much.
How crazy is it that the Falun Gong religion runs the best newspaper in the country?
Hasn't Q confirmed only a small proportion of our population would be eligible for military tribunal and execution anyway?
I put notches into sticks when Q happenings take place. Do you think this merits a notch or unconfirmed?
Why look at this?
Q rejecting JFK jr. is not psy ops saying the opposite. If we are to be the information matrix that Q needs us to be we can't be so gullible as to fall for the silliest stuff. The military intelligence wing that runs the Q account told us this isn't true or related. Sometimes I wonder if they just give up on the Q program and try another way to wake people up but then I remember Trump.
Do you think this is related to Q?
People don't just make fun of stupid things. They make fun of dangerous things.
I admire your faith. I notch a stick from out back every time a paytriot grifter predicts the date of the reveal and now live in a birdnest jk. Get rid of my nest though and I'm left with faith in our Q.
Don't be surprised if you start noticing 17's all the time now :D Many Q people experience this.
Yeah. The capitol riot was deep state HOPING to start widespread violence that could be blamed on Trump. Opps though we didn't fall for it and those "frontline" people in the videos will never be welcomed back if they pretend to be us. Q is the military side of the operation and we're the information warfare side.
Flynn could have been hoodwinked by false sources too while trying to do the right thing. Remember that letter Lin Wood posted the other day?
Yeah and Q misspellings are different since we theorize that Q is not a guy but a whole team of military intelligence. The biggest theory is that they launch operations like Pomeo's tweets
Why not March? Or until Trump gets back in office in 2024 god willing? Remember the plan is global, some American suffering would surely be worth it to free our friends in Japan/France/ect.
I've been following Q since 2017. I like to notch a stick whenever something related to Q happens. My latest notches include the Vatican blackout and the prison camp they constructed in DC. Maybe you could do something similar to give you faith that things are happening.