It has been said to me that God will not allow for me to endure any burden I cannot bear; but, that is not written any where in the Bible, I believe it to be a lie from the pit of hell. There is only so much a man can lose before he feels there is nothing left. How much longer frens? How much longer?

There is so much corruption, so much evil against innocents and so much physical pain directed at the little ones and elder alike. So much meanness, callousness and darkness. I have a hard time believing in the goodness of humanity or if anyone cares enough to preserve life. Are there any protectors left in our country? How do any of you hold on when all appears lost?


So it must be 100% true that the elites and politicians from every country and nation have been a part of the theft from the people.

The Global coffers have been emptied and the bankers are trying to hide it.

The Covid Plandemic was just a cover to print money to keep economies running.

To buy them time thur fear and now control is not working and (Their) time is running out, inflation is rampant. People are awake and angry.

(They) will now try and rob the remaining wealth from the middle class; your home, properties, 401K, Retirement, Bank account, Savings, Social Security and all tangible assets, large and small through the making of new "Terrorist Financing Acts", just like Troodoo has done.

Next, America.


IMHO - The globalist are planning to hand us over to the Chinese Communist Party.

We now have a choice to make before it is to late, assuming it is not to late. Why do you think the politicians are so terrified and paranoid of the people? What have the politicians done? What have they done? It must be really bad for them to act the way they are - to speak against thier own people.

I believe they have emptied the coffers of the world and stolen every bit of wealth. (Audit the FED?) (Audit the Banks?)

Whatever their plan is, It must be stopped NOW! If not, you have no idea what awaits you if we are taken over by a ruthless country. Think it can't happen? Look around dear frens, almost every democracy has been taken over by a dictator with the help of corrupt politicians.

Bottom line, If we stick together, we CAN take back our FREEDOMS. WE CAN. Let us be worthy of it. Fill your hearts with LOVE for your brothers. Let us stand up for the REAL HEROES. We MUST be grateful to our Farmers, our Truckers, and our Veterans and we must worship the God who made us. Let us return to that foundation. Let us remove all sin from our lives and pray for forgiveness. Ask God to stir your heart and guide it in His ways. Only His spirit can make things right and God has placed that knowledge in your heart.

Pray for discernment to Stop the madness, many people have died. There may be even more to die soon. Forget about your job, your home, your entertainment, your comfort; you are about to loose your sovereignty. DON'T. LOOSE. YOUR. SOUL. OPEN. YOUR. EYES. Find someone to support on the front lines. Pray.


SOS FROM CANADA (patriots.win)
posted ago by Turbo331 ago by Turbo331

Trudeau’s administration demanded that the bank account of an opposition group (Freedom Convoy 2022) be seized. That’s what they do in Venezuela and Cuba. They expropriate their opponents property, seize their assets — and then prosecute them on false trumped-up charges.


I have a friend who just returned from a 10 day trip to Montreal. He said, in speaking with the locals, that there has been a suffocating prolonged lockdown and a vax-pass for all residents and businesses along with mandatory jabs. No fuel, no food, no entertainment, no work unless jabbed. The last straw was when Canada wanted to implement a hefty fine (tax) on the unvaxed. "They" just don't know when to stop. Canadians realized that it is not about safety after all. The Canadians are a soft spoken, tolerant people, but once pushed far enough, they say NO MORE!

Has anyone else heard about the VAX TAX?


When the America people get Angry enough to get off their asses, research the truth and stop the THUGS who are destroying a free society, NOTHING will change.

The truth is all around us within the paper trails, the internet, the documents and the testimonies. The front corporations taking heat for the real conglomerates who steal our money and wheel the power are getting away with murder, they are murdering the population. Dammit, stand up and say NO MORE!

There are many many brave men and women fighting this fight with little support from the masses. The longer you remain uninvolved and silent and ignorant the faster you hasten your OWN demise. IT IS COMING! IT IS YOUR CHOICE! IT IS GOING TO GET MUCH WORSE IF YOU DON’T WAKE UP AND USE YOUR GOD GIVEN POWER!

Listen to One America News, they are the ONLY media sounding the alarm and are under great pressure to shut down.

Our government is now a WAR MACHINE against the people. Don’t believe me? What if you were in a relationship that was abusive? Really abusive? How long would you stay if they wanted to isolate you from others? Would you continue to listen to the lies day after day, month after month?
What about the blame game? The excuses? It’s the blacks, the jews, the whites, the conservatives, the Dems, the Christians, capitalism, socialism, Russia, China.

How long would you tolerate this same behavior once it began toward your children? People, what is the point where you say NO, NO, NO? How long can you tolerate this constant emotional abuse? The HATE, The Mandates, the Division, minimizing who you are AND WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE?

What about the physical abuse? You must get the jab to work, to eat, to shop, to drive, to go the school, to buy food? Cover your nose and mouth, it has been proven time and time again, it DOES NOT WORK! How many in our government are using intimidation / force? Parents are domestic terrorists, FBI raids, Lawlessness, crime gone wild, vaccine injuries, explosion of cancers, INFLATION. THIS IS A RED LIGHT MOMENT FOR ALL WHO ARE LISTENING.

You are in the middle of a wide spread ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT who wants you sick, obedient and weak. What are you going to do?


Listened to the discussion in DC today about the Vaccine. Senator Ron Johnson had all the expert doctors, who have been censored, there today to testify and tell their stories. What they told was disturbing to say the least. Looks as if the Psychos who want to rule over us are buying up the hospitals, changing the rules to remove the rights of the doctors to treat us. Instead, our care (deaths) will be dictated by metrics of a system being put in place. WTF? The vax appears to be just part of the first step in thinning the herd by stealth.

I didn't get to hear all of it and really want to hear what in the hell I missed. I mean it is alot worse than we could have ever imagined. Does anyone know how to find the conference? I hear it was 3 to 4 hours long and they didn't even scratch the surface.

Thanks. (Medical experts discuss pandemic response, Washington, DC with Ron Johnson)

Power corrupts. We, in part, have given them that control. Things need to change, we need to be left alone from government overreach and tyranny.

We need to change; Re-evaluate what is important. It is about being smarter than them! I believe in humanity. Awaken and fight.