What kind of political players does TN have? Staunch conservatives or paid for squishy rinos? Compromised judges?
I speculate TN is the target bc the DS may think they have the pieces in play to push gun control. If a red state is seen as caving on this issue they may think blue states and some purple states will follow suit. Not gonna happen just speculating
Wouldn’t it be something xiden kicks the bucket soon and this fake jab was blamed. POTATUS gone and kill shot exposed all at the same time for millions to see.
Looks like it’s the Rambo Trump flag
Also converts to 17 eagles per football field
Their exposè 2 weeks ago got that antifag teacher removed
So much faggotry in one picture.
Still a better love story than Twilight.
Apologies for the leftist link. We signed a bill to fund building a border wall ourselves, a FU to xiden.
I agree we should be turning them all away right now. Should be sending in NG to support border patrol until construction is complete.
Objected to the idea in its entirety. Godspeed!
Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses
Like the same kind caused by wearing a mask?
Ah, stretchin Gretchen aka lord farquad
Thank you for posting this. I just emailed my state rep and sen.
Great news! And there are tons of resources here from other patriots to navigate this tyranny.
Also don’t worry about that moron. Someone like that is simply frustrated they don’t have enough between their legs to tuck and dance in front of a mirror. Think Ken doll meets Buffalo bob.
That deputy was bad ass too. That’s how you handle it.
OPNAV 3100.6J oprep 3 pinnacle event messages sent, repel borders activated, kinetic assets online and active, regional command recall, mobile radar assets up, stratcomm and northcom open mic skybridge actual protocol with Denver active... this was no drill.
CONCOG 1? Interesting timing given that we’re coming up on the expiration of EO13848
You’re right I forgot about that!
It was Melissa Harris-Perry
I can do my best! But I don’t have much experience with DC generation and transmission, it’s just not something I’ve had a chance to come across yet. Just a brief rundown of what I know: High voltage DC transmission requires some really cool specialized equipment, some of which is still new technology, and this can offset some of the more advantageous aspects compared to AC. I can’t remember if it’s Siemens or ABB that came out with a 1,000,000VDC transformer but the thing is an engineering feat, just an absolute unit.
How it Works: Electricity comes from a generator run by fossil fuels, natural gas, steam, water, or nuclear at 13-25kV. It’s then stepped up to transmission voltages. Distribution voltages are typically under 40kV. Transmission is considered above 40kV and can go up to >1MV (1,000,000 volts). Then it comes into a substation and is stepped back down to distribution voltage, <40kV. From there it goes onto the poles and to a pole mounted or pad mounted transformer, where it’s yet again stepped down, this time to usable residential and commercial voltages usually between 240-480V.
How it’s applied: 120/240V will be in most homes. 120V are most of your wall plugs. Larger appliances like HVAC and dryer will run off 240V.
Commercially you’ll see anything from 120V-480V - that’s for large industrial equipment (pumps, motors, etc.) There’s some specialized oddball voltages out there but this is a general guide of what you’ll see
I haven’t seen it done like that but it’s an interesting idea for sure. Wiring and most electronics would still be exposed so I’m not sure how effective it would be. There’s the shielded cable route but that gets very expensive doing a whole business or home.
As to your question about Trump, not sure if it was his EO but grid infrastructure spending increased 2x-3x over what it was with Barry 0. Could be the EO or just the economy being better overall.
Both are great questions
Depends on how big of an event it is. Let’s say if it’s something massive towards the east coast then it can potentially be isolated so the other 2/3s of the country remains up and running.
You’re exactly right - The transmission lines don’t have the capacity yet. We’re playing catch-up right now spending billions every year just in my area to relieve the prior year’s congestion. Pretty much been chasing our tail for the last 10 years.
Wind farms aren’t reliable nor is solar for the amount of money that goes into building one. Nuclear is feasible in terms of capacity but the regulations, money, and sheer man-power it takes to bring one online is monumental.
They can mandate all they want but I don’t think we’re physically capable of handling it. Just speculation but I’d say we’re 15 years minimum if it’s a gradual cutover and if grid infrastructure spending is maxed. Which means higher power bills. Hopefully there won’t be mandates though
Lmao! Haven’t had the heart to share this handle with my better half yet. Wasn’t sure if I’d stick around here 2 years ago when first testing the Q waters, then I went down a rabbit hole u/Norman_F_Dixon sent me and I was hooked!
Thanks! I’ve been wanting to contribute something to this site somewhat Q related…it takes a talented group of autists to do what they do. I really do believe white hats are in control, and the collateral damage will be minimized. Just wouldn’t be surprised at all to see an attempt on our grid and infrastructure before this is all over. We’re as prepared as we can be for it.
Idr where that name came from. Not ideal, just don’t wanna be a handshake again. I was around here in 2019 and forgot my login, then the uncontrollable one was born 🙃
We monitor solar activity around the clock and have remedial plans in place to prevent widespread permanent damage.
But something like that event I’d still expect fairly substantial outages. I always recommend at least 6 week plan in the event of a blackout but have 60days+ myself on-hand
Gridfag here, can confirm not related. Although, one could argue the energy policies of the obummer admin have the same intention.