Bless you. I’m sorry for your loss but am certain he will always be with you.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. Then I’d worry again :)
Exactly. Like my job and my worry is done and that I just need not worry anymore and see how things out of my control go.
I hope so. Like I said, I’m not really religious, so it’s a strange feeling for me, but I can only attribute it to a religious satisfaction type of feeling, like some power has reached in and said, “it’s ok. You’re good”.
It’s crazy. I don’t even feel excited, just content. Like all is right with the world right now. It’s strange.
Oh yeah. And the more I think about it, the more unlikely it is that inauguration is happening.
The storm is upon us.
You’re not alone. I’ve had a gut feeling China will go hot sooner rather than later, especially if Q holds up and Trump remains in office. (No doom)
One of the planefag threads showed AF1 landing at Colorado Springs (Castle Rock)...FWIW
Have been all week. Something is either going down or they’re really getting last minute prep in while they can!
Not of they were trying to be stealthy. They can call it anything for security purposes
Trainers (or at least fighters showing as trainers) have been all over this week. Huge groups training or fighting across the south.
There's this one patrolling off the Delmarva too:
I checked the history... this is the one what was in the UAE a few days ago then came back, so they're heading home after something.
I'm keeping an eye on this one from the UAE too:
About the 486th Flight Test Squadron.
If you read under "equipment" the serial numbers match. Could just be moving it somewhere, returning to Eglin AFB, just burning fuel or....?
Yup.. that's why whenever I see those, I follow them
I watched... and it had me interested since they were both in tandem and on the same exact flightpath.
I was watching all that this morning too, struck me as very strange... though when I was looking, AF2 wasn't showing as AF2, it was SAM535 SAM514 was also trailed on the same route the whole way from DC by another 737 -- VENUS35 (it was right up its butt)
EDIT -- zoomed in and saw two paths there for AF2 and the SAM -- maybe 535 was running cover on the first part of the route?
Wasn't there a Q post about him being on AF1 while it all goes down?
Traditionally, the outgoing POTUS gets a ride home on AF1 as a courtesy (and I know, it's not AF1at that point, but listen...)
If he does this and departs DC on the MORNING of 1/20, it IS still AF1 as the swearing in isn't until noon on that day. He can be wheels up the heads rolling on the ground right before any ceremonies while he's still POTUS
Two SAM flights in the air... the one (535) seemed to change his mind on the way and pulled a U-Turn back to DC
Yes, as part of the new Congress.
Those are visuals I did NOT need this morning!
And more rational, educated, open to discussion....should I go on?
Same here. It’s a strange feeling, but not a bad one.