UnsorryApologetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

This seems to be a rather malicious assertion, given that you think the parish Priests control the readings it shows me you aren't quite informed on what you are speaking about. Readings are on a 3-year cycle, which means if you were to attend Daily Mass every day for 3 years, you would have heard the entire Bible read aloud. I've never heard a Priest downplay the act of reading Scripture; there is even a partial indulgence for reading Scripture for 30 minutes daily. Cultural Catholics not being deeply devoted to their faith does not imply that the Church is stifling the reading of Scripture.

UnsorryApologetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

Please read the whole context of that verse; Christ is speaking of the arrogance and hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees. It is not the use of the terms rabbi/teacher, master, or father which are the problem; it is those priests that should be most humble lording themselves as better than everyone else. Still, though, in the preceding text Christ tells the audience to obey the scribes and Pharisees teachings, but not to emulate their actions.

UnsorryApologetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why does the Catechism omit the second commandment? That's the one against idolatry.

Because Protestants use the 10 Commandments found in Exodus. Catholics use the formulation found in Deuteronomy, which combines the first two Exodus commandments and distinguishes thy neighbor's wife from his property.

UnsorryApologetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

gates of hell shall not prevail

True, but yet:

That faggot is not our pope, he is a communist of his own fake church...Being an APOSTATE makes not a pope.

This is an extreme sedevacantism form of Donatism. Either the Holy Spirit still guides the Church leadership, especially the validly-ordained heir to St. Peter, or the Church isn't indefectible after all.

Francis may not be a good Pope, but the Church is no stranger to bad Popes. They come and go, and better Popes eventually take their place.

Pray that the Pope repents, I cannot remember the names involved but there is a story of a Saint, writing a letter to the Pope of the day, begging him to convert to Catholicism. Respect the position, if not the man.