Why is this tripless 'Q' posting so much? Delta is worthless with this many posts. If I posted as Q once a minute every minute after Trump starts truthing I'll bet one of them will 0 delta with one of trumps truths.

1). Wait for Trump to start truthing on an election night.

2.). Start spamming Qish sounding posts under the name Q with a TOR.

3.) Eventually one of your spam posts is a close delta to a Trump post.

Its a shill. Don't trust it. Need multiple 0 deltas. Ones where 'Q' isn't spamming like a retard.

EDIT: Adding my comment to OP.

Okay. So here is the series of events (based on the ‘q drop’ megathread)

Trump truthed at 23:30:44. He has been truthing up a storm all night.

Fishing expedition begins.

This ‘Q’ began posting at 23:34:44, 4 minutes AFTER trump’s truth.

“Q” posted again at 23:38:21

“Q” posted again at 23:39:45

“Q” posted again at 23:42:43

“Q” posted again at 23:46:40

“Q” posted again at 23:47:25

“Q” posted again at 23:51:10

“Q” posted again at 23:54:32

Trump finally truths again at 23:54:46 We got a live one!

Hook line and sinker. Don’t bite. This is not how delta identity confirms are done.


This post is a response to the post made about the Pope's crosses by u/QanonIsaHero, found here.

I believe that the rainbow cross they are wearing is purposefully made to resemble the letter 'X'. The silver cross also has a figure standing in the foreground of the image whos arms are making an X shape. Here is an article decoding Illuminati symbolism of the letter 'X'.

From the article:

In Freemasonry one must go through various initiation rituals before attaining the next rank in their journey of enlightenment. The 17th degree is conferred upon the initiate and is considered the transformation, or change of the initiate. They cite the crossing of cordons as part of the ritual as a reference of the point in the heavens where the celestial equator crosses the plane of the ecliptic, basically referring to changes made over time. This 17th degree marks the transformation of spiritual power into the Law of Love (which reminds me of occultist Aleister Crowley’s “Love is the law, love under will” saying, and it should also be noted that Crowley’s Star of Babalon serves as the logo for his Thelema system which has the X and O at the top center)

The cordons used in this ‘X’ transformation ceremony are depicted with black and white- the classic symbol of duality these various groups are always referencing. They are pushing the idea of joining opposites and finding a new equilibrium. This is conveyed in various manners in conspiracy theories like the Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out of Chaos), the Hegelian Dialectic (creating the New World Order through new, cultural “norms”), the Baphomet with its aspects of dual sexuality (it’s both female and male), and the Boaz & Jachin pillars which show us the entrance to a new, mystical place of transformation.

To add a bit more on the idea of Baphomet and transformations; you’ll read further on that ancient Egypt was unified when the North and South regions were merged together. They also combined the deities of Horus and Set together and said it symbolized synthesis and integration by showing the red and white headpieces together

This is just an idea, but what if the ancient mystery schools of Egypt influenced these occult ideas of the Baphomet and its androgynous characteristics? We see some of the more extreme occult practitioners like Genesis P. Orridge (he had links to Crowley’s OTO and the Satanic Process Church) taking on these sex change transformations and it seems that they aren’t doing it for the sake of an internal gender identity disorder; but rather to convey an occult message of transformation into a superior being. This is a concept referred to as pandrogyny where they embrace both sexual roles

The figure depicted in the silver cross, is crossing its arms to form an 'X', which is a symbol of death. The article also discusses X as a symbol of death:

Another theory is that the ‘X’ signifies death; the journey into the ultimate unknown. Texe Marrs says it is used a symbol for the Egyptian deity Osiris because you see it in Egyptian pyramids and temples, while we find pharaohs buried with their arms and legs crossed in devotion to this sun god.

No doubt this idea has permeated pop culture with its use in sayings like “cross my heart and hope to die”, and in cartoons where we see ‘X’s placed over the eyes of dead characters.

Like many other traditions, we see that we’ve heavily borrowed Egyptian themes because you sometimes see people placed in caskets with their arms crossed. We talked about how the Freemasons use the ‘X’ to symbolize transformation, but it should also be noted that the Freemasons (aka “The Illuminati”) use this for other imagery as well. For example, the Royal Arch’s Super-Excellent Master’s Degree has the first sign being that of crossing the hands over the chest, which says that the initiate will be penalized with death if they ever reveal the secrets

Anyway, I'll leave it there. I'm interested to know what you guys think.


Here's a clip of Bob Saget doing a skit about being a pedo (www.worldtruth.online) 🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️‍⚧️
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