Precedent Trump. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Vapourface ago by Vapourface

"Israel" (rather the zionist entity) is going down, it will be defeated. Just like NATO and Ukraine will (are already) be defeated. And it would never have happened under Trump because it would be politically impossible. That is why we have Bidan taking the fall. All part of the plan.

Trump comes out unscathed, but oh what a pity, the zionist regime will be totally destroyed in reputation and unable to continue it's reign of terror across the west. The old guard is being systematically destroyed. Trump will come back when everything the world hated about the west is destroyed.

Israel (the real thing) will survive. It is us, not them. Long-term the truth will out on this little detail.


I heard this recently and didn't make a note of it. There is a modern thing, could be an element of diet, or medical thing (like vaxes), or was it fluoride in water? I cant remember but there was research that doing this thing was found to make animals in tests become GAY, but not until TWO generations had passed. (and we started doing it two generations ago).

If anyone knows this please let me know, I wanted to follow up and try to find the sauce and research from scratch... thanks.

EDIT: Yes I think it was "The Pill". You see - I have a theory, unlikely to ever be tested, that these individuals, the men anyway certainly, have also a physical marker that this has happened to them. I call it "Gay mouth". It's a strange kind of underbitey kind of thing, subtle, but it uncannily predictive when you begin to be able to spot it. Brian Stelter has it (the fat CNN host) for example. I've seen many many examples.

You might even wonder whether "gay lauding" (privileges) of the modern type is an effort to reduce the damages the pharmas would be liable for if this ever goes mainstream.


No doubt we've all hit on this angle from time to time, it just gets forgotten. The clown world is a necessary context for the absorption and "positive processing" of the revelations we are all familiar with. For many of us there was a great shock upon learning "those you trust the most" do things, over long periods, of a terrible nature.

This cannot be dumped in full HD on Friday night news. A campaign of failure from the criminal elements, of new crimes, must play out first. Context for the punishments that come for far worse historical crimes.

The choice to know, will be yours, believe people are getting punished for the recent clown world antics, or know the history, and cope that way. This brings everyone along to understanding the thing that is coming that cannot be stopped. Where we go one we go all - but perhaps with different levels of understanding. So for us the clown world is a show, but for the normies it is reality. Either way when the change comes both will welcome it as a natural end to a bizarre episode. Over time a reconciliation will take place at a pace that is tolerable until history is true and life is very much more how it should be, and was. Avoiding a totalitarian nightmare or a fallen anarchy.


Once elections are fixed (made fair) term limits could be bad - it's possible that good people will need longer than a fixed term to raise the next generation, or finish projects of importance, and with free elections why force them out? any corruption could be voted out in secure elections so that is less of a worry. The problem has not been term limits but fraudulent voting keeping people in even when they are terrible.


My position is I don't support the creators of murderous golems, nor do I stupidly support the murderous golems. This is a playbook, and the playbook is known. See post 2349

It should ALL be rejected completely.


Future has proven past.


In a sense deals have been made. Time has been granted to the guilty while the entire picture gets painted, over these years. There has been Epstein and Ghislaine arrested (confirm future direction) but little else. I see this as a type of deal for the larger cohort of DS, but eventually time runs out and there is a reckoning, they must know this. The deal is freedom live a while longer, to carry on with their plans openly and faster than intended. To show people.

The military is the only way is used only once Trump is re-elected and the DS is fully rejected, and military is used to take over all the roles of government while it is rehired from new stock, rebuilt. The people with deals self-suicide (now their reprieve period deal has run it's course) or face the arrests (for those few who dare to face the ignominy). Military only after defacto victory has already happened.

That would be the lowest casualty plan too.

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