The plan is playing out in real time before our very eyes. The pace of new deltas is picking up by the day. I have a suspicion that Q is going to post again very soon.

Who knows what the new posts will be about, but one thing, I believe, is certain.

We will be surpised when we learn who we've been talking to all along.


I got a lot of response on my last post about DWAC technicals, so I'm going to try and add more as time goes on.

This post is regarding what has caused the recent price drop.

I think it is a combination of FUD and short sellers as usual, but due to the timing, we need to also consider one other factor.

In this case less committed parties may be trying to take their profits before the results of the proxy vote. The reason i think this is the case is because a lot of experienced investors will make sure to pull their positions before any known impending major news comes out.

In other words, it is a simple safety measure that non HODLer traders use.

What does this mean?

These traders arent necessarily out, they're just taking cover because they hear the cannon fire overhead.

Once the deadline has passed, and if the vote passes, then we may be able to expect them to jump right back on the train and cause the price to rip nicely. If the vote doesn't pass (unlikely) then they're irrelevant anyway.

If the vote passes and they don't jump right back in, then expect the price to slowly recover as HODLers continue to lock up more of the float.

Don't Panic People. Use your discretion and make whatever decision you feel is best for your finances.


1st attempt at a quality post. I cant post this on Reddit because I personally don't like any form of it. Hopefully others who are following the stock see this.

I follow the r/DWAC_stock and r/DWAC_research subreddits. They're a good group but from what I gather they tend to let happenings and DS data driven companies guide their thoughts. I want to break down what I have found. If you think its accurate then do what you will with this information.

Here we go, point by point:

  1. I personally disagree with the whole dark pool price suppression theory. To be honest, this stock is behaving like most the stocks I study. (That is unless ALL of them are manipulated)

  2. I am a technical trader, but i don't draw shapes on my charts nor use a lot of fancy algo's. I find them to be sub accurate at best.

  3. DWAC is in fact undervalued from its CURRENT worth. (It is also obviously undervalued from its POTENTIAL worth).

  4. DWAC's current worth is around $60 based on my Study.

  5. My Study is a simple Anchored VWAP that i tie back to the stocks start point.

  6. I also use a daily VWAP on stocks that are highly active (Currently not DWAC)

  7. Currently DWAC is following the 3 month/1 day Anchored VWAP chart. The Price for us to break through as of today is $31.16 (this will get lower day by day as we trade below that price)

  8. If DWAC breaks out above that price (probably due to any number of the upcoming catalysts) it will most likely rise to the 90 day/2 hour VWAP price of $38 before the next selloff or resistance zone.

  9. It is unlikely for the price to collapse down because the HODLers are too stubborn to sell. (I'm one of them.) Amd there arent many VWAP prices below our current position.

I hope this helps bring things into a sharper view for those who are willing to out some skin in the game.

P.S. 10. "IF" DWAC crosses above $75, Moon is imminent.


If this whole moon watching/timing is actually a thing, could it also have some kind of tie-in to "watching the water"?

After all, the tides are affected by the procession of the moon.


I'm a simple lurker who pokes his head out every now and again. Been on the Trump Train ever since he rode down the escalator. In those early days, the only place we had to gather and spread the words of truth was the Trump subreddit.

We have come such a long way, and the Battlefields have only multiplied.

Patriots.win for the newly initiated. They fight the Shills, the Trolls, and the Doomers.

Greatawakening.win for those who've answered the call of Q. Those who know cannot sleep at night.

Memers and Shitposters firing the meme cannons on the front lines of social media.

The maskless who will never let medical tyranny have it's day. Their vaccine is Truth

Our brand new flagship Truth Social ready to set sail into this war.

The Diamond Handed Stonk Hodlers, who are rallying to squeeze the big tech shorts and break their fiscal grip. Long live r/DWAC_Stock!

And never forget the everyday Patriots who fight to spread truth in their own unique way.

This is a different kind of war, so it calls for a different kind of warrior. I salute all of you who have answered the call of Freedom.

For those who are still quietly lurking, I ask one question. How Do You Fight? What battlefield have you chosen to plant your flag? There is no better time than the present.


I'm personally glad its small. I'm glad no one is noticing it. I'm glad it appears weak. I'm glad it looks like Durham's hand seemed to be forced because of the impending statute of limitations.

You know why?

Because the most devastating floods begin with the first raindrop. The worst earthquakes begin with the smallest shift in the earth. The most dangerous avalanches begin with a snowflake.


Is anyone else having problems viewing camera 1 of the audit?

Any questions you might have, let 'er rip. I'll do my best to answer, and I invite any pedes with a better explanation to jump in.

I think this thread will be useful for anyone who needs to be brought up to speed on current audit events.

As for questions, I can start.

  1. I'm trying to figure out what the different housing pens for the ballots are for.

Camera 2: The ballots on the ground I think are the ones that have finished the auditing process.

Camera 3: I know they're working through the two pens on the left, but are the ballots in the long line on the right different?

Camera 9: What the those lonesome ballots for? Are those fraudulent? Maybe that's the timeout ballot pen.

  1. Since they doubled the amount of audit stations, do they expect an influx in volunteers? Will this affect the date of completion? Are they trying to get it done ahead of schedule? Maybe to avoid certain mishaps? (Think Carnival)

So we all know this carnival is suspicious to no ends. Are there any coordinated efforts going on right now to keep a vigilant watch over it?

I'm on the East coast, so I've been using the audit live feeds as my evening television entertainment.

Any AZ pedes mobilizing? If so, maybe create a post or group for others to join in?

Any other ideas or thoughts welcome.


We are all waiting for it. The moment the storm crests. We're waiting for the wicked to be swept away in righteous fury.

We know that God wins in the end.

I've had a realization that has been in the works for eight years. It began in 2013 when I was stationed in Hawaii.

I had a terrible nightmare. From that Nightmare, I was able to come up with some ideas that took years to mature into a full blown story. I've written two unpublished novels from it. (More are coming)

In those novels, I detail a period of time that I've named The Eschaton. I arrived at that name sometime in 2014-2015 I don't remember. There are many other parallels from the stories that relate to this time, and I think I wrote them without realizing it. I'm beginning to suspect that there was more to this inspiration than some nightmare I had on a distant shore.

A rough definition of Eschaton: The final step in the divine plan.

Now, I have no idea what the final step is, but it dawned on me tonight that we are all waiting for the final step in the plan to unfold. Yes, Q, and our beloved GEOTUS are key players, but in the end, this is God's plan.

Call it hopium, call it divine providence, whatever makes sense in your mind. I just felt the need to share this sudden thought with all of you.



We are playing a movie, but I would suspect that many a criminal in the capital are unaware. When the "DC Prison" was set up, we assumed it would be THE trap for the DS and criminals at the capital, and yet. Nothing happened on the inauguration day. (Enter doomers and shills)

But we forget one vital detail about traps that are set to capture dangerous animals...

Those animals need to be acclimated to the trap's presence before it is sprung.

What if the Trap is still there, but in order for it to achieve maximum effect the quarry needs to be lulled into a false sense of security?

I believe that to be the case. After all, NCSWIC