... is that I keep checking to see when the picture changes from placid, though cloudy, skies....

To storm clouds.

MAKE IT RAIN!!!! Do it, Q!!!


The more that is uncovered in this swamp, the more evident it becomes that so much of the Deep State's success has hinged on corrupt judges.

Election fraud (state and federal levels)

Britney Spears

Critical Race Theory / HR persecution

Going forward, can we write laws that have an independent body audit the finances of ANYONE in the position of power? Seems like that would slow a lot of those bribes....


Firstly, this show is SOLID meat and potatoes, and it should be part of EVERY anon’s diet:



Links to research studies for COVID and vaccines:


Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_3f7ef9c25c7d4ec0939598b32c15c5f7.pdf

The Genetic Structure of SARS-CoV-2 does NOT rule out a laboratory origin: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_fb3c98da13a74a879deb4ddd41560bc1.pdf

An open debate on SARS-CoV-2's proximal origin is long overdue: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_c9bedba61a034d05bc402a6e0997ca73.pdf

Dual-Use Gain-of-Function by Viral Serial Passage Mimics Zoonotic Jump: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_b83e8a8f2350483b934432c7ca144fee.pdf

Evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein can Integrate into human DNA: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_9233b6ae12a749e1b26a9924ceb33e62.pdf

Prion-like domains are critical to SARS-CoV-2 virulence. Prions are associated with "Mad Cow Disease" and neuromuscular movement disorders seen in Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer’s: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_96d5109a6f344f97bd4097a1731de594.pdf

Somatic APP gene recombination and mutations occur mosaically in normal and Alzheimer's disease neurons: https://21a86421-c3e0-461b-83c2-cfe4628dfadc.filesusr.com/ugd/659775_212db11f20ef4701bb5d851bd773495b.pdf

Magnetic Hydrogel: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27178944/


Hydrogel Interface: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acssensors.9b01727


Self-Disseminating Vaccines: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4732410/

CDC is limiting reviews of reported breakthrough COVID infections to severe cases: https://fortune.com/2021/05/10/can-you-get-covid-after-vaccine-cdc-breakthrough-cases-tracing/

Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-VP and Chief Scientist for Pfizer, regarding vaccine: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qs9X8Blr4Ucv/

Go! Study up! Spread far and wide. The educated elite need red pill medicine, too (because they lack basic horse-sense to counter their arrogance).


Just curious. Are we supposed to interpret Lin Wood’s MANY typos and misspellings thusly, too? Seems that, for as successful and educated an attorney as he is... he sure makes a lot of them.

Are they intentional?

I mean... smartphone typos are definitely a thing for all of us (regardless of education ), so I’m not judging...

But if I had as much scrutiny and as great a following as Lin, I’d triple-check my posts... ?


Q posts mentioning Armenia (April 24th is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day)...


Biden/ White House finally recognized the genocide. LONG time coming.


And my country.

That is all.


Ok... I swear I’m not trying be lazy...

But on the heals of Telegram/ GEORGE (and opposing opinions about Juan O’Savin, X22, MelQ, GhostEzra, Jordan Sather)....

Can you guys teach us newbies where to pull credible information about CURRENT EVENTS?

I am NOT an autist, nor do I have special search tools/engines OR really know how to do deep searches (would love to learn), nor do I have a ton of time (since we, as responsible Patriots, also have jobs to do and families to care for)....

Not trying to phone it in, but I get whip-lash from trying to figure out what to believe about what’s going on.

I guess my question is: how do I get CREDIBLE breaking news?

Basically anyone who doesn’t charge for the efforts? Just wait for autists to spoon-feed us here on GAW?

Please tell me AmazingPolly is still legit. I love her. ?


I need to have others who are informed to help a plebeian newbie comprehend the arguments for and against Bitcoin.

Specifically, I hear Dave @ X22 advocate for it (and make seemingly-excellent arguments in favor), and GhostEzra strongly insinuate against...

(And yes, I’m doing more research, of course. And yes, it’s my job to come to my own conclusions...)

Just thought I’d throw that out there, so I can accelerate the learning curve?



I’ve been watching this movement for a long, long time (only discovered Q in the last year, and was converted after Nov. 3rd)... and I’m still puzzled about many players.

I was also converted from a Trump hater (2015) to ABSOLUTELY LOVING this president— BASED ON HIS ACTIONS.

I am still struggling to reconcile words & actions about these (and more) of the following characters (and their “back and forth” over the past few years):

  • Mitch McConnell (even as recently as Saturday... why argue to acquit, then vote to acquit, and then promptly lambaste and threaten??)
  • Ted Cruz, to some extent...
  • Dan Crenshaw
  • Mike Pence (if that WAS Mike Pence)
  • Jared Kushner
  • Kelly Loeffler
  • Marsha Blackburn

Are they playing a part? Controlled opposition? I’m especially curious about Drudge Report and Anne Coulter.


Ok. Apologize in advance that:

1.) This video has been posted before;

2.) That my “newbie-ness” might make this a technically-imperfect post;

3.) And that I might be off in my perspective here...

But the “watch the water” Q post caught my attention when I watched this video.

14:00 mark: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FUsBzCjVIksG/

Is this a thing? Thought I’d throw it out there to see?



Thank you to the veterans showing Grace and teaching us etiquette/ the ins-and-outs of what to look for and bring to the table.

AND... A modicum of humility (and perhaps some kindness and manners) might serve SOME of you well.

You’re TEACHING us, as you were taught.

Many of us are catching up. That’s the whole point of GA.win. Stop hissing and scratching at your allies.

I understand that you’re worried that you might lose the opportunity to red-pill someone on the fence if we post junk. But it takes a bit for initiates to figure out what to look for, and identify as junk.

Some of us are coming across material that seems new, and if we’re new to this site, we don’t AT FIRST know how to search for whether or not something has already been posted.

Treat the newbies as you would have wished to be treated at the beginning of your journey.

Also... THANK YOU, VETERANS, FOR ALL YOU ARE SHOWING US! We’re grateful for your genius.

Thank you for teaching us.

The End