He’s signing executive orders... how long is he going to be “prez” until something happens.
Why let Biden even get inaugurated?? Idk hope your right really do.
Did you not watch the inauguration? That military wasn’t put there by trump. It was a show of power from the Biden administration.
Whoever Q is he’s a genius that’s for sure.
Can you please enlighten me on castle rock. I’d love to get back on the train if I’d care to share your theories.
Yes Q does speek a lot of truth. Leaves things vague to let you come up with the answer that best suits YOUR beliefs. But it’s sedating us. Keep trusting the plan keep trusting the plan. But at what point do WE the people take action. It feels like Q wants us to sit by and trust some Superman is going to save us. But how ling are we going to think this before it’s too late to make a change. Before you know it we are living in communist China. Because we all sat around thinking Batman is gonna come save the day. Only WE the people can stop this. The research is great y’all do a hell of a job. But is this all just a wild goose chase? I hope I’m wrong but idk how many more times I can move the goal posts
I hopped off because I was so let down by these things that were supposed to happen and didn’t. Trust me I want to believe but. It feels more and more like a way to distract us warriors from fighting. It’s giving us this false sense that some Superman is going to save us. Idk man I’m trying to keep the faith
It’s sad seeing well educated great researchers getting caught up in a wild goose chase. Q is a distraction a way to keep you busy wile the elites fuck you in the ass.
If you watch it and don’t agree then I will leave. I just think this is extremely important.
True, your right. I’m just scared for the future.
Well I think this is important. We are literally repeating history. It’s straight from the communist playbook. We all need to watch this. Am I wrong?? Watch the video
What are your guys thoughts on this video from 1964? This is scary actuate to what is happening today. We cannot let history repeat itself. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
How is this getting down votes?!?
If they taught this in school then they wouldn’t be able to go forth with their plan.
This is exactly what is happening in America. We need to wake up! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
I just wanted to post this video! It’s scary accurate to what is happening in America right now. Please spread it around! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
This might be the most important video you’ll watch! Please spread it around!! We need to wake up! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
Guys please watch this is! Tell me what you think https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
Why does it say “rate limited” when I want to make a post???
Guys please watch and spread we need to wake up or America is finished... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
What’s your deal dude?
Please watch this is important for America to know!!! Please!!!!!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWlfcpIwtE&feature=youtu.be
Watch this shit before you talk....
But why?? Why is he not in jail??