Yeah but then I think about all the other countries that have been slain to communism. What about Germany all those Jews? God let that happen it can happen to us too right?
That’s all we can do really. Trust God
Question everything. Has Q taught you nothing?
No not trump spewing hate the media the Democrats it’s become two extremes either you hate trump or you love trump. There is no middle ground. But I like your points Ives me a new look at things thank you.
No I know ppl love trump but ppl also hate trump. That’s why it’s so divided. No middle ground. Two extremes makes the population divided and easily conquerable. It’s the first step in a communist take over.
My only theory is they underestimate him maybe? They thought they didn’t even need to rig it? Idk but sometimes I wonder. Check out this clip from 1964. This is thier plan and I seems to be going along smoothly.
No no no the media spew hate. The Democrats look how divided we are. Are country is no past the first phase of communist take over. Watch this from 1964 it’s exactly as they want it. The plan is simple and has worked in Russia, Venezia, Germany, China check it out
They could have easily rigged it that time. They been riggin elections for years
No the first time in 2016
Well yeah I agree. But they have seemed to “predict” future events. Basically putting their plan right in front of us and disgusting it as a comedy. These ppl are sick. Toying with us for decades.
Are you a little snowflake that need a safe space and can’t tolerate opinions that that go against yours? You sound like a liberal the more you talk bud. Maybe you should just live in a Bubble... expression of ideas and free speech is what makes this country great. Don’t be like the Democrats
Yes very true. But remember WE the ppl out number them. WE have more power than we think. Tho we are too distracted with fighting eachother. We all need to rise up
This video scared me. Check it out it’s from 1964 but it’s so relevant to today I’m afraid the globalists should plan is in full effect. Let me know what you think.
Your literally banning people who question Q. THAT is literally what the dems are doing now.
Lol yeah how is that?
I’m just playing devils advocate I was all pumped for something to happen on the 19th then nothing then the 20th nothing. EBS nothing. They said stock up on food and supplies for at least 7days, Nothing. I just want to make sure we arnt being dooped. I want to make sure Q isn’t preventing the ppl from revolting by giving us a false sense of hope. Sitting back waiting for the plan that never comes. If we learned anything from Q it’s question everything. In my mind that means Q too. We’d be foolish not to at least question it.
Kind of sound like the Democrats right now. Don’t be a hypocrite. Say what we want or we ban you. Be better
Can you link these videos I guess I must have missed that
Well I’m in no means trying to be a troll. I’m just nervous that Q is being used to keep us from rising up. Everything Q says could be true except for the fact that nobody is going to save us. I’m afraid Q is making us warriors silent by chasing this never ending riddle. I think it’s important to have these discussions and play devils advocate. If Q has taught us anything it’s question everything. I think a big reason why no riots (besides the capital, which was a set up) have happened was because we all believed in the plan. But what if that’s exactly what they want. Just sitting staying action less waiting for the Q plan. The plan that never comes. If I was the left this would be a great way to suppress the ppl from rising up. Give them false hope so they do nothing. I hope that’s not the case I genuinely do.
Well you’ll never win a fight with a “shill” by insulting them. Instead show them truth. Reason with them. Help them find the right way. Fighting never results in peace or understanding. You want to change minds then have a civil conversation with facts. The minute you insult you’ve already lost your audience and lost your ability to effectively sway ones opinions.
What is the theory behind March 5?
A wise man doesn’t insult but instead enlightens. I’m not a country I’m a person and I’m not sure why you would feel the need to “defeat” me unless you felt genuinely threaten. Biden supporters argue with insults. Be better. Spread truth and love that is how you wake ppl up. You my friend turn ppl away with your attitude it’s not a good look. Not for you and not for your “truth”
I’m sorry but if you need insults to get your point across then you are clearly not on the side of truth.
My fear is that Q is being used to sedate us. Keep us warriors from fighting back. Filling us with this false hope that something/someone will save us. Keep us chasing this never ending riddle and before we know it it’s too late and American falls to communism. You don’t ever wonder these things? I can only move the goal posts so much. There has to be a point where we say enoughs enough.
But they always had the gold. Look when bush and Obama where prez. All the flags have the gold fringe.