Local MSM in Switzerland are now reporting too that Kamala has agreed to a second debate on CNN end of octobre. And that President Trump is to cowardly to accept it…
Anybody else got the feeling that this is a trap for Kamala?
My gut feeling tells me that the MSM will portray Trump as too cowardly to participate in that second debate, and team Kamala will pile up on that, cementing that Kamala will debate President Trump again.
And in the end, President Trump will agree.
And completely obliterate her, no holding back, even on CNN.
And here‘s a second thing I‘m wondering about. Might CNN be controlled by the white hats? The first debate against Biden comes to mind, where Biden was exposes for all to see.
And IIRC, CNN has called out Kamala a few times, for example for the last debate agains President Trump, that that debate was skewed or something like that.
What are your thoughts about this?
Timing would be very well, too - that late before the election, the democrats would be in deep trouble if Kamala would be exposed and destroyed in a debate…
Right now, @realdonaldtrump is still banned.
But if unbanned, President Trump doesn‘t need to use it.
Unbanning it would be VERY interesting, because it would allow the people to see his banned Tweets from January 6… because Twitter made sure on jan6 that his message of going home PEACEFULLY was immediately banned… which would disprove the official j6 narrative, massively.
And many other things he tweeted, like he just wants to stop the world from killing itself.
Unbanning his account would be devastating for the DS - I hope Elon sees to it!
I'm struggling.
And to cope, I (ab)use substances, like alcohol, weed and other stuff.
I want to get out, but I'm not ready to accept Jesus as my saviour, because I... well... It's complicated.
I DO accept Jesus as what he is, and that he saves People, a lot.
For the moment, I won't be able to respond to comments in this post, because I'm heading to bed, pretty wasted.
I don't know where this thread will take me, but here we go.
Please, I'd rather not be encouraged to put all my faith in Jesus etc.
I do believe in the Creator, though...
Btw, GAW community...
Thank you for being here the last couple of years.
Edit: Wow, thank you for all your support! I‘ll read all of it and will certainly get back to you all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
For the rabid leftist, the leaked image of the „secret documents“ is „proof“ of President Trumps mishandling/stealing/whatever of the documents. Insinuating or even accusing him of having left these documents in a mess on the floor.
What if the videos show the FBI stooges arranging these documents on the floor for this photo op? Wouldn‘t that be popcorn-worthy? 😁
Frens, my wife got double-jabbed a while ago because of the tremendous pressure all around. (Don‘t judge her. I don‘t. We had long talks before and after the jab, and she does know that it wasn‘t a good decision.)
Now she has menstrual irregularities and arthritis-like symptom in her hand and feet.
A friend of mine, who is a pharmacist, has Ivermectin (tablets for humans, not animal medication) available.
What would be a good after-jab treatment? What therapeutics, what complements, what dosages in what timeframe?
As mentioned by Rudy Giullianis son, Hunters Laptop was intentionally left behind during the raid.
But... what if he copied the contents of said laptop to his electronic devices that were confiscated?
Yeah, he surely would be charged with the possession of child pornography... but with all the incriminating stuff having Hunter in it doing the despicable deeds.
Wouldn‘t that introduce evidence officially into an investigation? What would happen then? How to cover that up? Drop the charges? Hide the facts?
Surely there would be at least one or two reputable news outlets covering this story, and there‘s also Gab, Frank Speech and other ways of disseminating such a story...
Ah, let‘s see what will come out of this.
Swiss Anon here.
What I came to understand the last couple of days: Q is real.
There is a plan.
The plan is to destroy the whole worldwide global cabal, not only draining the swamp in the US.
We don‘t know the plan. And the real plan won‘t be made public, for obvious reasons.
Our awakening as a people, our personal awakening and learning to see what really is going on in the world is part of the plan.
Q, for me, kind of, is a counter to the decades long „demoralisation efforts“ led by evil communist powers. The crumbs, all that is telegraphed and made known publicly, is to give people not hope, but Faith.
Faith. The most powerful ressource we as humans can have.
Because it connects us to the Divine.
Hmm... Qs phrase „when does a bird sing“ keeps echoing in my mind.
And isn‘t a Robin a bird?
And Bidens middle name is „Robinette“.
And according to a quick internet search, there is a bird sculptor called „Kurt Robinette“.
Could that be some kind of a hint?
I don‘t know, maybe Biden could be playing a role in uncovering the Cabal? Maybe there is something to President Trumps letter to Biden, striking a deal to spare his life, so Biden starts singing?
Or am I trying to hard on the Hopium?
A theory I posted as a comment on another thread:
What if the Deep State plans to assassinate Biden on inauguration day?
What if Q can avert this, by declassifying Kennedys Assassination, proving that the CIA was behind that? And then proving that the DS planned to assassinate Biden and trying to put the blame on Trump?
Would that be possible for the MSM to hide? Would that be enough for the great awakening of the people?