WeTheBrave 3 points ago +3 / -0

And what happens when gofundme cancels AZ Rangers for some bullshit reason? I'm sending a check to the PO Box

WeTheBrave 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm happy for you that you reached out for help. God bless you my friend!

WeTheBrave 3 points ago +3 / -0

If porn doesn't cause you problems, maybe this isn't the discussion for you. You are spending a lot of time defending porn for someone who doesn't have a problem with it

WeTheBrave 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw the post yesterday, and I've been thinking about telling my story ever since.

My name is WeTheBrave and I am a porn addict. I started using masturbation and porn to deal with loneliness and neglect when I was a kid. I was looking at porn before puberty. I started using more and more to get through the day and deal with life. I can remember one of the high points (so I thought) when I was a kid was finding a huge stash of porn magazines my Dad had hidden. This was before the internet and it's endless supply of porn.

Soon I was at college and had an internet connection. I thought I had it made. I felt safer by myself using porn than I did in the real world. It was my way to hide. Along the way I would have time where I was busier and had more structured time. During these times I would be happier and look at porn less, but I always fell back to isolation and increasing amounts of porn.

Somehow I managed to get a girl and got married. I tried to stop, but I couldn't. It was my safety blanket and seemingly hard wired into my brain. If I got upset, I wanted to use porn. If I was happy, I wanted to use porn. If I got mad, more porn. At this point it wasn't too unusual for me to spend 5-10 hours in a day consuming porn and masturbating until my dick was sore. I couldn't perform with my wife. She felt terrible. I felt terrible. I finally realized how much this was fucking up my life and knew that I needed to stop. Before I had never really tried to stop. It took me years to get clean and I have failed a lot along the way, but every bit of sobriety helped me and let God in a little bit more. He is my answer and salvation.

I haven't masturbated or looked at porn for over four months now. God bless everyone fighting this battle. You are fighting the good fight. God loves you and is calling you to Him. He is patient, kind and merciful. He has given me far more chances than I deserve.

WeTheBrave 21 points ago +22 / -1

Jury duty is one way to take our country back, one court case at a time.

WeTheBrave 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes it's good to be wrong!

"I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened" -Mark Twain