WhatWouldMountainDew 3 points ago +3 / -0

With the GOP on "our side" who needs democrats?

by BQnita
WhatWouldMountainDew 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact they have a committee to investigate Jan 6 is intolerable.

Anything short of that is just grandstanding meant to placate people.

WhatWouldMountainDew 9 points ago +9 / -0

This guy is full of crap.

All he's doing is mowing a few square feet of crop for social media hits. It would take him days to mow down that whole field of soybeans using that mower.

If he really wanted to kill those soybeans he'd be out there with a disc or a spray the beans with 2,4-D.