WhoreableDeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm new to this place, so forgive me if I'm stating what has already been said. But if 2 is true, then great. I'll be happy, and not all that shocked. But if it just a psy op, why does nothing matter? I get it, this is the Q forum, this is the forum for the hardcore believers, and I'm just a TDW lurker trying to look at all the possibilities and keep my spirits up. If Trump has lost the battle, we have to press on, or we're a disgrace to the Founding Fathers, frankly.

Y'all got anymore of that hopium? Rebellions are built on hopium.

WhoreableDeplorable 17 points ago +17 / -0

Gonna be real honest, I'd have a hard time accepting Biden won just because of the so. Very. OBVIOUS turn to communism that he and Harris made during their campaigns, and I know I speak for millions of Trump supporters in saying that. But, yes, there'd be something a bit different about losing purely to organic retardation.

Lose purely to that, though, we did not.

WhoreableDeplorable 12 points ago +12 / -0

T_D lurker who came here for the first time today. I'll be upfront: I've noticed a few coincidences that make me think Q is possible, but I'm not a full believer. I'm upset, I feel like garbage, but hope is necessary at all times. Wallowing in doom and gloom is not okay. If Q weren't to come to fruition, my next dose of hopium will be from the fact that a million pedes gathered in DC yesterday. Things will get harder before they get better, but America will not fall. I believe the fight for freedom goes beyond Trump, and it will go on with or without him. The Founding Fathers taught us that.