Trudeau is more of a tool than O"Toole for sure ...but they are both controlled DS! The conservatives will just give lockdowns and oppression a better spin. At this point I'm going to go against anyone that tell's me to give up my freedom and pushes the death jab. So PPC and Maxime Bernier is looking like my only option.
"Now the man Moses was very meek above all men. Numbers 12:3"
Also badass... he killed a couple of Egyptian slave drivers, and carried a rod that turned into a snake. Did all kinds of miracles by G_D in the wilderness to lead the multitude in the wilderness, some led to death the people who cucked themsevles to Molek and doing child sacrifice ect.
Yeah, we do need some of that these days! Sign up for some meekness.
My father in-law just took the jab last far no reaction. My friends father in-law took one a few weeks ago...lasted about one hour before going into cardiac arrest and died!
I don't know anyone of dying from wuflue even though they had symptoms. My wife had it for 2 days and her immune system did it's thing. No big deal!
Thats so great! What happens when the evil deeds are exposed by Gods truth and light...people wake up to the power of God and begin to see in a new dimension. It's His Holy Spirit that will guide you to all truth if you ask in Jesus name! Keep reading ... it will transform your life forever.
Could this mean... that 46 - Biden took office of "AMERICA Corp." after 45 - Trump left and 45 is or is to be the President of "America the true Republic" re 1776 holding the 19th position? Now currently in "For a time, there will be two Presidents" Now in a state of 2 ?
Hmmm... who gets the AF1 and MILL? And who gets the debt of the Corp. as in corpse? Transition phase now in motion and it winds down the Corp.
Yeah...move on off the Biden fraud corpse and back to the faith line.
Some folk say Trump's secrete service detail are going to keep Biden from DS offing him tomorrow...sounds about right to me.
Sometimes the good guys have to keep the bad guys from killing themselves. Epstein comes to mind...didn't kill himself??
Long time watcher - moved off reddit to Voat when Q first went public, now here after Voat shut down. I know there are many low informed new folks just trying to find out the big picture for the first time and they are welcomed by the seasoned digital vets with patient informative replies for the most part. It's a good vibe but advise to the new folks to the movement of finding truth: This isn't fb and please do your research before posting ... you will find the discussion on topics already posted in most cases.
a foundational internet technology that is not controlled or influenced by any single individual or entity. >
This is the part that I have always had the most trouble with. Understanding that as long as there is any powerful technology in finance or military or "free internet" or any field that will give the evil bloodline families control... will only be allowed temporarily as a feeder gateway toward their end game of total control of the people. Only God will beat that until then I'll be praying.
This is so TRUE! We all want to believe in pure and good motives in people just as we may have. But the real truth is these evil demons are not like us in any way ... and they are in the positions of power in much of our society to do as much harm as possible.
Are you a child of God or one of them? As far as I know, you may still have a choice.