Avoid the rush, stock up now! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Zadok ago by Zadok

Even Darth Vader learned if you strike down your enemy, they only become more powerful.


Somewhat self doxing post. I was born in Washington DC some 75 years ago. My father was a high level bureaucrat when he retired in 1955 after 33+ years working for the Federal Government. Ike Eisenhower had been recently elected and conservatives were finally hopeful that the long liberal years of Roosevelt and Truman had come to an end.

I remember asking my Father if we were Republicans or Democrats and he said something that I didn't really understand until now. "Son, he said, our government is so large it doesn't really matter who gets elected." So who did you vote for? I asked. "I would not have been able to keep my job if I had a voting record" he replied.

Dad died in 1970, and Mom told me he was a life long conservative, but that all the years he worked in government he never voted because he feared retaliation by the party in power at the time.

I went along and lived my life until Donald Trump stepped onto the national political stage. Finally, an outsider, wealthy enough to not be bribed, with no political favors to repay. Donald Trump is probably our one and only chance to save our country. I am dying, (well I guess we all are, but my end will come sooner than yours), I beg you to not let this opportunity slip through your fingers.


I read and participate in "TheDonald.win" and here at "GreatAwakening.win". I have been told that "The Donald" is the more main-stream conservative forum and that "Great Awakening" is the lunatic "Q" supporting fringe of the republican party.

But my problem is that this group, "Great Awakening", seems to be more grounded in reality and "The Donald" seems to have more crazies who have lost their grip on reality. Am I reading this wrong, am I becoming too conservative?


With all the Twitter action, does anyone know when the Android App for Truth Social is projected to be available?


Those of us who have survived the cold covid winter need to now get ready for spring.

One, or more, states needs to declare independence from the government in Washington. (Texas, Florida)

This makes our rejection of the government official and behind that comes the civilian army of the new republic. Military in the state comes under the control of the new republic and secession begins.

As the movement grows additional states join the republic until communism is defeated, the swamp is drained, and the scum are driven from the land.


We have wondered who made the call on November 4th to stop counting in key states so that fraudulent ballots could be created to defeat President Trump's reelection.

Someone knows! Remember the patriot act gives the NSA the ability to monitor every cell phone, every land line, every email in the country. One of the repositories for this information is the huge federal data center located in Draper, Utah. Someone in the Federal Government knows who made the call and who is responsible for masterminding the election fraud. This information is being hidden from the public. Why? Who do you think knows the truth, and who made the call?


Are there any agencies, or departments, or branches of the military who have had enough? When it is time to clean up the mess in Washington, will we be on our own? Will we get any support from inside?


Do not ask me how I knew, ask yourself why you didn't know.




UNLESS, he gets the next three years free to fix the damage caused by the buffoon in the White House now, AND is allowed to be re-elected for a full second term in 2024.


Can the military act on their own when it becomes obvious by overwhelming evidence that our country is being invaded by foreign nationals? Or does it require someone to tell them when to uphold their oath?

We cannot just return President Trump to the White House for 4 more years of ridicule and abuse. We are going to need some major house cleaning.

FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ and all other so-called intelligence agencies need a thorough cleaning. Wholesale replacement for all who allowed themselves to be politically motivated. New leadership several layers deep. New mission statements and clear directives on scope of operations.

Congress needs to have traitors who supported this coup removed and barred from future service. Corruption needs strict and severe consequences. Term limits must be enacted. Balanced budgets required to remain in office.

Pentagon will have to be overhauled. Forced retirement for those who have lost their vision. The people must not have questions, EVER, about their loyalty to the country and constitution.

Judiciary must return to the rule of law. Equal rights, justice, and punishment must be not be determined by money, status or power. Judges who are compromised by blackmail and extortion must be excused, and those extorting must be punished.

Media must be required to report the news honestly and fairly. News must be clearly separated from opinion and commentary. The limits on station ownership and network reach should be reinstated.

Tall order, more than we can expect one man to accomplish. But if far reaching and fundamental changes are not made, we will be right back here in a few years. And where we are now is unacceptable.


I do not believe that when the Military takes control they will be able to just install Trump as the President. Rather, I believe the military will call for and oversee a new election. Ballots will be printed, each party will nominate a candidate and the election will proceed. Trump will defeat the Democrats a 3rd time.

However we will also be dependent on the military to charge and remove those who participated in the coup from office and the bench.


It appears that Joe is declining mentally even faster than thought. It is likely that the communists will step up invoking the 25 ammendment to install the Whore as president. (Remember Kamala was eliminated early in the primaries, meaning that nobody really wants her in power).

Wouldn't this be the perfect time for the rightful winner of the election to be returned to office as President? How can we make sure that happens?

Next step...? ?️ DISCUSSION ?
posted ago by Zadok ago by Zadok

If this sounds doomerish that is not my intention. I am trying to get a feel for what our collected thoughts are about what comes next.

I truly hope that Americans generally, and Trump supporters specifically, are not going to roll over and just whimper as the left ass-fucks us without lube.

Do we think that the military is going to step in and declair the election a fraud and order a "do-over" under military supervision? Or, in the alternative remove the imposter from power and install the rightful winner of the election?

Another option is for one or more states to declare themselves independent of the former US, and seize military and equipment in preparation for potential conflict.

A third option is to move as quickly as possible to a convention of the states modifying the constitution and declare Biden as a fraud.

Sell me some hopeium, I can't take believing that we are all going to accept this theft for 4 years.