ZerroDefex 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen such people take my seeds and come to absurdly incorrect conclusions as they force everything to fit their existing leftard assumptions. I quickly got tired of "Trump and Elon are fascists" while denying all the fascism that Biden and Obama engaged in.

ZerroDefex 2 points ago +2 / -0

I doubt Prickster did after how much he's getting roasted for calling Trump and all of MAGA Nazis earlier this week.

ZerroDefex 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was Air Force One. That marine deserves a medal for keeping such a strong poker face until he returned her sword.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Individual countries are still smaller than most US states and much more densely populated. When you have more cities closer together it's easier to justify criss-crossing the country with train tracks when in the USA if you don't live right next to a major train hub then the train is a waste of time.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ketones never once made me euphoric at all, I felt exactly the same mentally by week 8 as I did on week 1. Didn't feel any decline when I carbed back up afterwards to get back the strength that I lost during keto. No mental effects from exogenous ketones or MCT either.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he lives in the USA it's pretty easy to find labs that you can get direct testing done at without a doctor's order or insurance, I pay out of pocket for DEXA scans and bloodwork once or twice a year and track the changes inside of my body. A full panel can be had for less than $300 where I live and covers way more than just the basic testing that a doctor may order. They draw the blood and a week or so later I get sent the results.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

People can placebo themselves into all sorts of things. I heard so many claims about how awesome people felt on keto. Well I only noticed my stubborn visceral fat finally falling off and that was more because when you keep insulin low your body prioritizes burning that fat over skin fat. I had more stable energy but none of those "endless energy" or "amazing mental clarity" that I kept hearing claims of. Now maybe those people were in such bad shape before that they had just forgotten what normal felt like and I was already back to normal so I didn't sense any real changes. Maybe those "endless energy" people were not really exerting themselves in the gym like I did and exceeding their recovery capacity, I've read that ketones are only "better" for steady state like distance running but not for big bursts of power like in a heavy squat or bench press. I did two parasite cleanses and a zeolite cleanse as well and felt zero improvements from them, maybe I was just already pretty clean to begin with.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still have been waking up to pee 2-3 times a night so this is still a problem. It's not a lot of quantity each time and it happens mostly before 2am, then once around 4-5am, might have to do with the amount of water I drink before bed (I get thirsty) and during the times when I'm up to pee (I'm quite the mouthbreather... let's see if some weight loss from fasting will help)

As carbs burn from keto or fasting your body will dump water weight (for each gram of carbs it binds to 2.5 grams of water when forming glycogen to be stored in the body.) Also electrolyte imbalances will result in excess urination, usually it's from having too little potassium to balance your sodium and the body is trying to dump the sodium. Increase your potassium and your body can hold onto sodium better. As for difficulty peeing, that's usually the prostate and it can be reversed with pumpkin seed oil (500mg/day) and saw palmetto (500mg/day) to suppress the body changing testosterone into DHT which then swells the prostate. Also stop drinking an hour before bed.

After at least 2 years of this, the tiredness and lethargy in the afternoon is completely gone

That could be the ketones (fasting puts you into ketosis once you burn through the glucose stored in your blood and liver. Muscles can only burn glucose locally and don't count towards this.) You can use ketone urine strips to see for yourself if you're generating enough excess ketones to be peeing them out.

Regular low level body pain (mostly back, butt... probably from sitting at the PC too long) is now lower and less frequently felt (every 1-2 days vs every day previously) despite retaining the same lifestyle of sitting way too often as before.

That's from more frequent exercise, especially strength training. Deadlifts, squats, back hyperextensions, and neck curls drove away those pains. I'd have to sit for nearly 10 hours straight to start feeling them again and they go away fast once I'm moving again. You should always get up at least once and hour even if just to get a drink, it all ads up.

ZerroDefex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah a bunch stopped talking to me by the end of 2020 because of disagreements on the Coof, refusing to go along with Bullshit Lies Matter, or election fraud. I think many people's relatives used the events of that year as a reason to stop pretending to like each other. For those who did still get invites to the reception it was a test and I was surprised how many did actually come and they behaved themselves that night, even a few who declined still sent gifts to my surprise. I did however make sure that when my wife made the seating chart that anyone with TDS was segregated to a specific table in the far back of the room surrounded with a buffer of tables filled with people who I considered to be moderates.

ZerroDefex 3 points ago +3 / -0

People will just say that it's AI. Why do you think they suddenly released the AI software to the public a few years back and have been trying to normalize that you can no longer trust video evidence?

ZerroDefex 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah we're nearing the summit of Mount Doom and some people are still telling us to wait for hobbits who have yet to leave the Shire. Fuck 'em.

ZerroDefex 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think largely because they actually are smart enough talk to the people without a script and the risk of devolving into word salad.

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