ZerroDefex 3 points ago +3 / -0

My wife works as a pharmacy tech and told me about how the HCQ had to be locked in the safe as they were concerned it'd get stolen. Also she occasionally had to take a bag of meds to a different pharmacy, during the "horse paste" thing one day she came home with a bag she had to drop off the next morning and showed me that it was filled with boxes of ivermectin.

ZerroDefex 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or at least their pull has faded, they've done with with Katy Perry, Madonna, and so many others before.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same goes for polls that we can influence, lots of excuses from people to not participate so they continue to be flooded by leftards. We're way past the time of Mao, they don't need polls to round people up if they were to try they already know through other means.

ZerroDefex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Push for carnivore diet? That diet is being ridiculed by the medical establishment and meanwhile they're burning down food plants and pushing us to eat zee bugz and paying influencers too tell us that we're conspiracy theorists for questioning seed oils.

ZerroDefex 4 points ago +4 / -0

This news has spread so much that even my mostly-normie wife mentioned it today and I had never brought it up to her before. We were driving and saw some black dude walking barefoot down the sidewalk and she asked me if maybe he was looking for someone's cat to have for dinner.

ZerroDefex 2 points ago +2 / -0

After they managed to get Jim Carey to Epstein Island he was never the same.

ZerroDefex 9 points ago +9 / -0

No it's that the whites don't want to work for the low wages that Walmart wants to pay and they know they can import and abuse H1-Bs instead of paying for local talent. This has been going on for twenty years now and is a big reason why I abandoned that industry 15 years ago.

ZerroDefex 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah some of those I follow are honest about how running the channel is a lot more work than their 9-5 job ever was. Also the smart ones have side businesses as they know they could get deplatformed or just lose popularity so the YouTube money went to get the other business off the ground.

ZerroDefex 8 points ago +9 / -1

Sounds like they're also clueless as to how much work goes into being an online "influencer". Even for those who "just stream videogames", it nets very little money if you're not sponsored so most are just doing it as a hobby after getting home for their day job and those who managed to go full time are working 100+ hours a week as it's essentially running a business. Also your entire enterprise can just go poof if YouTube/Twitch/etc decide to deplatform you.

ZerroDefex 25 points ago +25 / -0

You don't just carry an animal carcass in your bare hands and walk down the street with it while giving people the "what the fuck are you looking at" glare. I've had to deal with dead animals before, gloves and a trash bag are bare minimum. Anyhow how is that goose even still intact after being hit by a car? Usually they get crushed under the wheels or bashed up bouncing between the road and the underbody. That looks like a chicken does after being slaughtered.

ZerroDefex 3 points ago +3 / -0

I also believe that most of the initial shots may have been placebo, makes sense as they wouldn't want the early adopters dying suddenly before they can pressure their friends and family to take it. We also saw reports of people who saw the workers grabbing different batches for different people in line instead of just going through each batch in order, that indicates that an experiment was being done.

ZerroDefex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone I know who only took the first two or just the first one haven't been having any issues it's those who took the boosters who are sick all the damn time. It might be that if you didn't take the booster the body will have already healed from the originals that have worn off. I also believe that most of the initial shots may have been placebo, makes sense as they wouldn't want the early adopters dying suddenly before they can pressure their friends and family to take it.

ZerroDefex 5 points ago +5 / -0

The lefties sure love the word "takeover"!

Except when it comes to illegal invaders taking over your country.

ZerroDefex 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm reminded of the maskaren who was screaming at an anti-lockdown protest while sitting in traffic and then rear-ended the person in front of her and was filmed while the police wrote her up. Happened like a couple towns over from me and her face was all over the local news and social media.

ZerroDefex 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah I remember when "anti-vaxx" was a left winger thing. Seeing them all hop onto the jab push bandwagon was a massive redpill for me. Another redpill was finding out that people just 5 years younger than me where getting subjected to 10x as many as I've ever had.

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