Actually my friend is a honest guy, it's just that he believes that the system is locked down for good and no one or no group can beat the cabal. I tried to explain Q to him, but it didn't work. He is not red-pilled, he's black-pilled. If I listen to him we are all doomed.
For the France, I know some creators I trust, but unfortunately, everything is in french. When it comes to the english world, I trust X22 report, Mr Truth Bomb, Salty Cracker, SGT Report, Jordan Sather, Steve Bannon, Tru Reporting, and On the fringe. It doesn't mean I agree with everything they say, it means I think that they are mostly honest, whether they are right or wrong. If you understand french, Radio Quebec on Rumble is excellent. I know he speaks english and I am frustrated that he doesn't do any show in english, because this guy (Alexis Cosssette) is brillant and I cannot share his message with all of you.
Actually, I know everyone on this forum is redpilled about the MSM, but since most of the people here are americans, when they talk about other countries (like France, my country) they don't know the independant sources from theses countries, so they get the informations from the MSM. And I can assure you that the MSM in France are as dishonest as the ones in the USA. That's it. But I get your point. I'm working on normies, but on a personal level. Just sharing links is not enough.
I understand but your federal government isn't going to take all your guns someday. But with legislations like Patriot Act, he can remove your freedom very slowly, step by step. For instance, with the vaccine, he can make it mandatory and get you fired if you don't comply. And your guns will be useless in this case. Don't get me wrong, I'm very pro 2A, I'm just saying there many ways to control you, without using guns. Hence the false sense of security I was talking about.
I agree with you. I remember the footage where I could not see the end of the crowd. 1 million people would not surprise me.
I think you Americans have a false sense of security because you still have guns, and because the policies between blue and red states are very different, so you can always move to a red state. In France, everything is centralized in Paris, and we have a psychopath as the head of the country. So for us, this is do or die. And no, french people did not vote for him, but most of the french are not aware of that, because the fraud was not made during the vote, but during the counting, so it was not as obvious as it was in your country. This was a blessing to your country that the fraud was so massive and so obvious.
The police is actually quite good at estimating this kind of numbers, but if you want them, you have to befriend a cop.
I could not find it right now, but Trump did a rally a few days ago, and the capacity was 50 000 people. Just in Nantes, we could have filled at least half of that. I went to a soccer stadium with a capacity of 20 000 people and I know for sure we could have filled it. So this is a visual estimate. I'm gonna search for a video of the entire protest crowd but I cannot make any promise. The point is the number given by the MSM is not even one tenth of the real number, AT LEAST. And I am conservative. What is mind blowing is not that they lie, we expect that, it is by how much. It's like saying that Biden is the most popular president ever. This is like saying I've got the biggest dick ever given to a man. Who believes that ?
I agree, like most americans present on the Capitole should have done, before the FBI took their phones away.
Unless the secret NATO army is already ready to take over Europe. I would not be surprised by this level of treachery.
Don't begin to think, you are just right. He did not get 24 % on the first round, he got around 7 %.
David Pakman is the perfect incarnation of the normies on the left. That's why I follow him religiously. And I'm looking forward to see his reaction when the fraud will be proven without any doubt. The salt mine will overflow.
I love his girlfriend even more.
Since most of the vaccinated women will become sterile, the unvaccinated ones will become queens among the bees. My bet is that in a few months, we will ask people to prove they are NOT vaccinated.
I am french and I confirm.
Even without Christ, there is something called courage which might help.
If you can, download it and reupload it. Let's spread the words.
Amen to that. We should invest in any company producing ropes. I foresee a huge growth of the shares of these companies in 2022.
I used to think that way as well, then I saw that
I never wrote they did, I wrote that those who are fake anons or infiltrated agents will push us to be violent. And my list is not about creators who push violence but untrustworthy ones, which is different.
Not everything is related to Hitler. You know that stuffs happened before nazi Germany ? We have to spot the frauds and denounce them as frauds to help our fellow anons, that's it. I am not putting them in a train to a concentration camp. Try to make a not-goodwin-point comparison please, just to see if your historical knowledge goes beyond WW2.
This list is to warn our community, especially the newbies (I fell for some of them at the beginning of my journey), to prevent deception or misdirection. That's it.
Radio Quebec is canadian but I have to include him because of his serie Trumpologie where he analyses the Trump strategy, just brillant. I wish there was a way to automatically translate him in english because it would greatly benefits this board.