What a shame?

It was a great place indeed.

Now, like Mos Eisley Space Port, it is a hive of scum and villainy.

Q prediction 6 year delta


The apocalypse refers to the final battle of good vs evil. Frens, we are in that battle now.

A couple days ago I decided to read the news feed from the MS browser.

The browser hosts articles from CNN and other such news outlets of their ilk.

I clicked on one headline that claimed the Georgia supreme court had ruled in favor of Fanni. This was hours after the 2nd day of the hearing had ended.

I checked here first then scrubbed the search engines and found no report anywhere of a ruling by the courts suggesting Fanni won a verdict.

It is obvious they made up the story to pass along fake news. Not that long ago I would have been screaming, "Those democrat libtards lied through their teeth." but I now realize conservative vs liberal is just a well-orchestrated division of the people who actually care about the future of society.

I'm not saying there aren't green haired libtard facist Eco-nazis who can't be reasoned with.

I am saying the fight between good and evil is real and if you can convince one soul to come back to reason then do it again.

"Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer with a proof."

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle’s Law (gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So, we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added. This gives two possibilities.

  1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

  2. Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So, which is it? If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms. Therese Banyan during my Freshman year that "It will be a cold night in Hell before I sleep with you," and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then (2) cannot be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic.

The student got the only A.



My sister and I argued about this earlier yesterday, she claimed late 19th century was the start, but I argued 1920-30's was the starting point of tangible socialism in America.

The manufactured bank crisis of 1929's great depression ushered in the modern era of slavery and wage theft.

I only mention the historical start of it all so you can recognize the realities of today.

Moguls such as Vanderbilt, Ford, Morgan and their ilk, sat in smoke filled rooms debating with each other over what to do with the migrant influx of workers from Europe.

They decided where these poor immigrants were going to live and work. Entire cities like Chicago and Detroit then became power houses of production and migrant work force.

Cities were segregated by race and ethnicity. West of Chicago north/west on Belmont became the Polish workforce. Cicero was the Italians, for the Irish and every other ethnicity was a section of the city carved out for them. All of these held their place until the 70's and 80's began breaking up the old established neighborhoods.

The democrat party took over all the big cities and began importing southern negros into the northern cities like a planned invasion for an even cheaper workforce. Just as they had done with the Irish 50 years earlier.

While segregation was still strong, even in the north. The democrat socialists spent vast sums in the courts to build a black voting base and segregated housing, with rich entitlements to buy the vote of the northern black folk, who were so recently freed from slavery and given the right to vote.

Now I may be back tracking here, but please try to recall, 1963 America was not a fun place to live for the black man. If a black man were travelling cross country with his family in a car, finding a gas station that would allow him to pump gas or use the rest room was exceedingly hard to find.

Sundown towns existed, which had laws stating that any Negros caught in town after sun down would face severe consequences.

1860's-1880's had similar provisions for Irish immigrants. Let's face it, the human race is racist.

What the US of A did over the last 60 years, using media and government bribes to give democrat strongholds to all major US cities created a socialist structure that they then used to fuck those cities into the ground. The result was making entire cities and states no longer financially viable. Not to mention completely corrupt voting systems.

Since the 80's this has repeated itself on a level that has truly suppressed American wages, destroyed real-estate development in select areas and has diminished the voting power of actual Americans.

Socialist control of planned development and workforce has been around sense before my birth.

Just because you may only be waking up to it now does not mean communist manifestos in the 1950's did not outline, in great detail, the steps necessary to bring this great nation under communist rule.

Socialism is the soft stair leading to the rigid staircase of communism.


What is your best guess from best hopes to best guess from logic and fact?


Biden's Birthday would not be complete without another round of pin the tale on the Pedo.



This is actually a repost of acQuired intel's first post on Gaw 24 days ago. The AI flagged it and removed it from public sight due to my new status at that time.

Though dated, the only reason I repost it now is the whole future proves past type of analysis. And there are a few key points I think point to hopium in white hat control and I offer a challenge to the investigative autists out there.

**"So, within an hour of McCarthy losing his position as speaker of The House of Representatives, the Interim speaker boots Nancy 'the witch' Pelosi from her office and Rep. Troy Nehls nominates Trump as Speaker of the House.

Thanks to Biden selling the US Strategic Oil Reserves to China at under market value and using the rest of it domestically to artificially keep Gas prices low for US users, we now have 17 days left before US Oil Reserves are depleted.

If offshore oil suppliers turn off the pump and deny the US oil for any reason including the US Dollar being worth less than Quilted Northern toilet paper, in less than 3 weeks, not only would the US Military not be able to fuel their Navy, Air and ground operations, but the instantaneous 12 dollar per gallon gas prices would cripple the US economy.

If the white hats in the military were ever in control and had an executable plan, now seems like the correct timing for an October surprise, with Trump as speaker and Biden along with Cameltoe Harris quickly exited so the real Commander in Chief can resume operations in saving this Nation from utter destruction until the 2024 election.

Or did I smoke too much hopium again?"**

Ok, the doubter can focus on me saying Trump should be speaker, but 3 weeks in, we got who Trump wanted as speaker. Trump does not have time in his day with all that is going on to play that crucial role. He needed a trusted America first partner in there to do it.

But the largest point to be considered is why I reposted this.

The US was headed for an energy emergency with strategic oil reserves depleted. I said, a good time for the white hats to execute a plan would be 3 weeks ago at the writing of this.

Since that time the impossible seems to happen and gas prices in the US dropped below $3 in many places, explain to me how this happened without white hat involvement.

Not only did the white hats get their man into the speakership role but they somehow stopped the complete collapse of the US economy and its defensive capability.

A challenge to the autists, how did we get cheap oil if the Ghosts in the Machine were not working their voodoo in the background?


So, evidently Justice Clarence Thomas has agreed to hear a case filled in the 11th district that covers Geogia and northern Florida. An emergency writ of mandamus on fraudulent elections in Florida in both 2020 and 2022 was accepted to be heard by the supreme court.


Could you imagine this hopium filled scenario? DJT gets speakership and the supreme declares 2020 and 2022 elections invalid.

Maybe Justice Thomas is just sick of seeing good lawyers taking plea deals in Fulton County Georgia's corrupt democrat machine and has said, enough!

DJT is already commander in Chief of certain parts of the US military. What we need is him in control as President of the Corporation.

I find that the House of Representatives not having a speaker of the house, tying their hands to pass any legislature or issue anymore fiat currency spending is perfectly timed with the Israel crisis.

In former days, how quickly would congress pass the spending making the US the taxpayers and our children indentured servants to the debt that would come from the rescue of Israel's green flag event?

Congress can do nothing in new appropriations at present. The louder the MSM screams the better I feal, pay attention to the Republicans who we now see as enemies of the people. They are exposing themselves daily.

Trump is the only choice for speaker.

You all know the rest.

Just saying!

You do not want the fucked-up US war machine to get involved with this situation. Keep us out of it or both sides could get spanked.

My personal perspective from an America first view, these Arabs and phony Jews are out of control, and we should just spank them harshly and take their oil, just for awakening us out of our peaceful slumber. But we have the wrong President for that kind of strength.

So, within an hour of McCarthy losing his position as speaker of The House of Representatives, the Interim speaker boots Nancy 'the witch' Pelosi from her office and Rep. Troy Nehls nominates Trump as Speaker of the House.

Thanks to Biden selling the US Strategic Oil Reserves to China at under market value and using the rest of it domestically to artificially keep Gas prices low for US users, we now have 17 days left before US Oil Reserves are depleted.

If offshore oil suppliers turn off the pump and deny the US oil for any reason including the US Dollar being worth less than Quilted Northern toilet paper, in less than 3 weeks, not only would the US Military not be able to fuel their Navy, Air and ground operations, but the instantaneous 12 dollar per gallon gas prices would cripple the US economy.

If the white hats in the military were ever in control and had an executable plan, now seems like the correct timing for an October surprise, with Trump as speaker and Biden along with Cameltoe Harris quickly exited so the real Commander in Chief can resume operations in saving this Nation from utter destruction until the 2024 election.

Or did I smoke too much hopium again?