anon1011 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm in the Seattle region and while everyone screamed about the $15 minimum wage killing restaurants, they said it was a conspiracy theory and not how economics works.

Fast forward two years pre-pandemic and the same people were posting articles about wondering why so many restaurants are closing their doors... smh.

anon1011 5 points ago +5 / -0

We used to hire free software interns. Instead of paying for an education, they would get a free education. It allowed us to build the people we needed exactly to spec. It also gave them a fast-track path to a paying job, often starting at double minimum wage several months into their internship if it was going to work out.

Now? Not allowed to. It's against the law to benefit from their "free" labor, so if we didn't pay them, they wouldn't be allowed to contribute. We simply choose not to do this anymore. They now need 5 years of experience to get their first job to start gaining experience. It's bananas.

anon1011 5 points ago +5 / -0

The way minimum wage works is not that everyone makes that now, it just means that a job that provided less than $15 per hour of economic utility is no longer legal. It's not that they get paid more and now you need to get paid more, it's that the job no longer exists.

anon1011 0 points ago +1 / -1

You: what? TheDonald is patriots.win, it was never on reddit!

Welcome to the movement, kid.

anon1011 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tried out Gab back in the r/The_Donald days and it was everything everyone lied about T_D being. Actual nazi, white supremacist, fascists haha.

Now, Gab looks just like my Facebook feed which is great. It was a smooth transition this time around.

anon1011 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you for seeing that.

And for the record, I believe he is the savior of western civilization.

anon1011 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still have faith in our commander and chief! I think he will come through. Staying hopeful.

anon1011 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've been bitten multiple times by false race allegations from lefty people of color at work since 2016. I used to think I was becoming racist, until I realized I do that with short neon color haired women, men that wear tight jeans, anyone who says like constantly, prius drivers, neck beards and more. Then I realized I am completely skeptical of everyone until I see proof they are right/libertarian leaning. Otherwise, I know identity politics and emotionally driven accusations from incompetence are soon to follow.

anon1011 19 points ago +29 / -10

Trump was in power when the most corrupt election in history took place. It went down on his watch.

Either he caught it all, Q is real, and ship's getting fixed, or he fucked us.

If he fucked us, there is zero reason to rally behind a new Twitter-like platform when Gab is up and running.

anon1011 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only "alternative media" people I have liked are Dave Rubin and Milo.

Crowder, Shapiro, Pool, Candace Owens, Lauren Southern (disappeared) were and are all proponents of outrage culture. They scream with outrage over their outrage of outrage. Southern went way too far when she found herself on a ship in Italy screaming at illegal immigrants... as an anti-activism America-first minded libertarian, wtf are you doing being an activist in a foreign country?

I think that's why I really appreciate Rubin's level headed, logical turnaround. Yes, he still throws those lefty vibes which will be hard for him to ever shake, but the content of his discussions is solid.

Then Milo is just because he's hilarious and a provocateur.

There is an immense amount of irony being called a homophobe when you only choose to listen to homos haha.

anon1011 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, the left would start a mob on Twitter to get him deplatformed. I don't want him deplatformed at all. I'm simply going to agree with his statement that it's not a show for me.

God's not real. I look forward to you practicing what you preach and not having a... foolish response to that statement.

anon1011 2 points ago +3 / -1

You apparently don't understand what cancel culture is about.

If I wanted him cancelled, I would tell you guys we should all report his YouTube and get him deplatformed.

I didn't say that and we shouldn't do that.

What he did was say this isn't a show for me inviting me not to watch, so as a capitalist, I am happy to oblige. There are plenty of other streams that welcome me.

Do you watch CNN? Why not? Should I call you a snowflake and tell you to grow up for not watching them over your silly opinions? Smh.

anon1011 -1 points ago +1 / -2

He often yells and gets worked up.

Also as an atheist engineer, I find it really hard to take religious people seriously when they use logic. Sure, it's logic, but never the straight forward non-emotional cold hearted logic I am used to.

anon1011 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah for a while I wouldn't listen to him or Candace Owens... because they were outraged about other's outrage. I always thought the left must look at them and feel the same way we do about outrage culture.

anon1011 4 points ago +4 / -0

No. Unlike someone demanding being baked a cake, I'll gladly go to another bakery.

anon1011 14 points ago +16 / -2

And he knows that it isn't the show for you. If I'm shown the door, I'm not staying.

anon1011 3 points ago +3 / -0

I went looking to see if I could timestamp it and found that by accident too.

anon1011 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. Can't timestamp it as it is -x from live.

anon1011 23 points ago +23 / -0

I don't talk politics with anyone who I know isn't right leaning in person...

I don't share my opinions in social media....

The only thing I do is have a lot of American flag stuff. Flag in front of the house, canvas behind my work desk, coffee mugs, shirts, flags on my boat tower, love patriotic country music.

This past election season, I have had multiple people come at me for being a Trump supporter. New neighbors behind me said they can't believe they moved next to a white supremacist after over hearing a conversation I had with a neighbor about voting for Trump. Our best couple friend had a meltdown on New Years and came out that they find us despicable for voting for Trump and that they hope we end up in camps. My wife's mom and dad "interviened" at Thanksgiving and yelled at me inches from my face that I am delusional and that there is no evidence of voter fraud...


The level of absurdity is sky high right now. I'm feeling introverted for the first time in my life and it's actually been great. Working on a new software startup after hours, drinking fake beer (hop water) and getting in the best shape of my life.

What I'm realizing is that cutting a lot of those toxic people out of my life is one of the best things I could have ever done. Nothing but good things happening now!

anon1011 1 point ago +2 / -1

See you're so dumb you can't even spot a sarcastic example with three grammatical errors, not just one.

Not a good look for us

anon1011 12 points ago +13 / -1

I've had multiple friends close to getting red pilled come here and see that 9/10 times people spell your wrong, and that was their blue bill.

Their now making jokes about the site your on and loosing the election. See? It looks really bad.

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