The problem is, they'll hide behind their sheep. The sheep would have to be moved out of the way. Hopefully that could be done without violence, but given how the sheep have behaved the last year, I can't say I'm hopeful for that.
Well, let's think about that. If the unthinkable happens and we end up in a civil war, all these people that have walked away from police and military still have their training, and they know exactly where to go to get the good equipment. I think among the first targets would be National Guard stockpiles and police armories. Sheer weight of numbers would be enough to overwhelm the security at those locations. That equipment would make it into the hands of the "rebels" pretty quickly. Then it's just a matter of training up the civilians to use it right. Add in the guerilla warfare, which by now these former military guys understand intimately, and you have a real fight.
Beyond that, Team Red controls all the food, energy, fuel, and transportation infrastructure. They could literally starve out Team Blue.
It would be a catastrophe for our civilization, but Team Red would win, pyrrhic victory though it may be.
Note that, at least in the U.S., life insurance won't cover adverse reactions to experimental pharmaceuticals. It may be different in CA, but here the fact that the jab is still EUA by the FDA is used as an excuse to not pay out. Something to look into.
LOL You insult my intelligence, I tell you what it is, then you twist that into "Smugness, vanity and pride." You are a piece of work. You use your holier-than-thou religiosity like a dagger. I never put you down, until now, but you projected your sins onto me. You have a dark heart shrouded in the name of Jesus and are an example of why regular people don't generally like Christians.
Pay attention next time you read the Bible. Repent, sinner. Your pride is destroying you.
Pinging you to GreatFunana's response to your assertion:
I've already explained why your understanding is not correct. There is no scriptural backing for the idea that God distinguishes between homosexual immorality and heterosexual immorality. You are superimposing your own belief system on God's word. That is inappropriate. My testimony is that God has forgiven my sins just as He would a penitent heterosexual person. He expected the same humility and repentance of me.
Now here's where my response gets risky, because I don't know you or your history. It's not my intention to falsely accuse you, but to share an observation. The vast majority of heterosexual people have committed fornication - surveys have indicated as many as 95%. My observation is that those who apply special and distinct severity to the sin of homosexual fornication usually do so because they themselves are guilty of fornication and seek to rationalize by saying to themselves "Well, at least I'm not as bad as all those homos." Only you know if this observation applies to you, but it definitely applies to most of the people who agree with you.
"I believe..." Stop interpolating your opinions into scripture. That's how the faithful are led astray. Truth seekers have no need for such an approach.
As one who has firsthand experience with this topic, I can confirm that your understanding is not the correct one. Your reasoning imposes double standards on God.
I'm struggling to identify where any of those passages define homosexuality as being distinctly more sinful than heterosexual fornication. In fact, fornication is expressly listed alongside in or near each of those passages.
God does not have double standards.
This. This is why the people around here who screech "No! It's Fuck Joe Biden" are wrong. No dentist is about the write FJB on his board. "Let's Go Brandon" gives permission to express the same sentiment to a whole swath of people in a wider range of situations.