Yesterday I watched, and it became obvious. We are acting like our hands are tied. We don't protest, because of Antifa. We feel the process is slow, which it is. But the fear and lies just keep coming with more tyrannical mandates. These things are not legal. We know this, but that doesn't stop it. We are slowly getting backed into a corner in a classic pincher move. They'll take us out one by one, if we don't take a stand.
This shot/jab has now been heard around the world, and the resident has fired directly at us who have been holding the line. The response to the DS(deep state) is the DS (digital soldier). We need to respond. Many state governors are making their stand, but that's not going to stop these parasites. They see themselves as above the law.
Now with the anniversary of 9/11 coming upon us, they are replaying the stories of that day, as a way to remind us that an act of terrorism was allowed in our nation. They are most likely laughing at us for the past two decades on this. They lie, and then don't receive retribution in any form.
No more! Apparently the message isn't getting out. We aren't buying into the lies, the coercion, or the tyranny. So, here's what we need to do.
We need to say "NO". Just two letters. Every time these pedos post a video. Every time the media lies. Every time a politician promotes that lie. We need to respond, and not just respond as a couple of people. We ALL need to respond. We all need to say "no" to these people, until our response is heard.
Because where we go as one, we will go as all. Only a unified effort will make this possible. And with something this simple, it will catch on quickly. We do not accept this.
Let us start tomorrow on 9/11, as that is the line in the sand. We are not terrorists, we don't accept terrorist behavior. You want that day to be a day remembering terrorism?
Be the impetus for that change.
We will point at them in public, and chant "NO". We do it until they are stopped. We must not stop! We must never stop, until all of them are behind bars. If we must meme this, then that is what we will do. We will not be swayed from speaking the truth. The truth is we the people do not accept this.
Do we need to explain ourselves? NO! We are past explanations. We did the research. The answer is NO! We tried reasoning, we tried informing and nobody was listening. Let us not give them the choice.
Are you going to follow the illegal mandates? NO
Are you going to allow fraud and corruption? NO
Are you going to let the media use lies and propaganda? NO
We will not take part in any business that follows the mandate. We will point at your business as we pass by. We will point and shout NO!
Our lack of response is only being seen as a tacit approval of the behavior. So you get banned? At least someone notices, but how long before they have to shut down the internet, or shut down a social media website? They are going to have to shut all of us up, and we will not go quietly or easily. We will fill the entire internet with only two letters. Let's put the fear of God into these people with a show of force. Let it be the sign of their shame and guilt.
I am inspired by Q's writings with this, because when you look at NO in the mirror. It's "ON"!
Let that be our message to each other. "It's on!" The silent majority has awakened. The digital soldiers are ready. Unleash hell on these monsters! Where one of us goes, the rest of us will follow. Show us where. Spread the word.
To the deep state and shills out there. You brought this on yourselves and you absolutely deserve what is coming. If you didn't hear us before, maybe you'll listen to us now. We are going to destroy you with only two letters.
It's ON! Hold the line! WWG1WGA!
A couple of questions for you law fags.
Isn't the requirement of masks (tests/jabs) a medical one?
Can people file cease and desist orders to school boards/businesses/governments from making medical decisions especially when they aren't medically trained ?
They are not listening to us!
I just think these "leaders" will finally listen, if we sue them for illegal behavior. If it looks illegal, and they don't listen to us calling them out on it. What can we do from a legal standpoint? Hit them in the pocketbook.
I want them to prove to us that covid exists and it isn't the flu. Otherwise, they are CLEARLY LYING or falsely informed and neither should be reason for these decisions.
Also is it a money thing or a courts thing that keeps this thing from happening now?
Finally, what will it take? I mean, you got a lot of people unfocused as to what to do, and just the right piece of information will unleash the silent majority. What numbers need to be called? Where do you want the money? Where do you want us to make a stand?
The police seem disinterested in doing anything about it. The DoJ is clearly tied up or corrupt. That means, unless we want to have antifa infiltrate a peaceful/non-violent march, the final result is civil courts. Right?
Just one well placed word will unleash their literal hell.
It's a bit weird, right?
"Barbara keeps an eye on the rain gauge when I’m voting in Washington. I keep track of the rain at the farm & keep it in my pocket. 2.5 inches this wk which was really needed for the crops after a very dry July #cornwatch #soybeanwatch"