awakened_socialist -6 points ago +1 / -7

When was I not being civil? Ive been insulted and called names multiple times. I havent called anyone a name or insulted anyones intelligence once. You just dont like the fact that other people have differing opinions than your own GreatFunana.

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awakened_socialist -32 points ago +1 / -33

Yes leftists are hivemind - we all agree with the same principles. I disagree with whats happening to 45 by big tech. Something we can agree upon. Dont make assumptions and then throw insults cause I upset your feelings snowflake.

awakened_socialist -1 points ago +1 / -2

I love how you linked the THE VIEW and McCain's daughter as the epitome of leftist views. The left does not evangelize talk show host's like Qanon's do. And from her perspective/belief the rioters at DC are terrorists and should be treated as such. Would you disagree about islamic terrorists being sent to GITMO? I doubt it. Its not that unbelievable that someone who boot licks traditional US government traditions would be down to send terrorists to a concentration camp.

awakened_socialist -12 points ago +1 / -13

Gun Control != Gun Ban

The biggest point that gun loving patriots can be upset about is the AR-15 style AR bans. But thats only on imports not ones created within the US. And heck fine ill give you the benefit of the doubt and say they'll be banned outright then just make sure you get em before the 20th so you'll be grandfathered in. Its honestly not a huge deal. (unless you plan on further instructions, but good luck with your AR's against the Abrams.)

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