They already impeached him when he was in office. It's up to the Senate to convict him or not. The first time the house impeached him the senate did not convict him, but could still convict him this time. The Senate convicted Nixon after he left office (but was quickly pardoned by Ford.) Seriously guys, this is civics 101.
The only thing that would happen by the Senate convicting Trump now is that he would never be able to run again for office. Having said that, I highly doubt it will happen, even McConnel is shying away from the idea now.
Haha, I love how every person that has never lived in Texas always thinks it will be the saving grace of our country. Go to Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, etc... They aren't the saving grace of our country, and honestly with all the liberals moving in from the Western and Northern states, and all the immigrants coming in from Mexico, Texas will probably go blue within 10 years. If you need a conservative utopia, PLEASE stop pushing this nonsensical Texas idea...or go there yourself and see it is FAR from it.
Well everything was supposed to unravel the 6th, and nothing happened. Then the 19th, and nothing happened. So logically, if anything WAS going to happen, it would have to be before Biden was sworn in, which was 12:00pm today...and nothing happened. It wasn't written anywhere, it just seemed like that was pretty much the last time for anything big to actually happen.
Although I agree with most of what you are saying...why didn't the Military just detain Biden as soon as he was sworn in? What exactly are they waiting for? It's not like any of them could have run off anywhere, there were troops EVERYWHERE.
Supposedly McConnel blackmailed Trump and said he would push for the Senate to convict him of the impeachment if he pardoned either of them. If McConnel actually did convict him, he would not be able to run again, so I think Trump decided it was best for him to back down and live to fight another day.
Trump's did, nobody else in his family saw a decrease in wealth though. Trump is a billionaire, so he could afford to lose money and not care. His family couldn't so they made sure to make as much money as they could while in office and now they're out and I bet we barely ever hear from them again.
Trump will keep moving forward, but I can see the kids just taking their money and running.
Well, Jesus hasn't returned in over 2,000 years to make good on his promise...yet Ra still brings the sun up everyday just like he said he would. Over 2,000 years to wait on someone to stay true to their word is quite a while...I like the God that does it everyday without hesitation.
...They already a week ago lol. Impeach does not equal removal from office.