1. JUDGE ANDREW MENARY: Sentenced William Nelson Morgan, 69, to 32 months in prison for refusing to move out of the way of police officers. Menary previously let a pedophile who collected baby rape videos walk with no jail time because his lawyer said he had "good character."

  2. JUDGE JOHN TEMPERLEY: Sentenced Billy Thompson, 31, to 12 weeks in prison for emojis which incited racial violence. Temperley previously let a pedophile who had been stashing child abuse images walk free because he had "displayed remorse."

  3. JUDGE FRANCIS LAIRD: Sentenced Charlie Bullock, 21, to 18 months in prison for throwing rocks at a line of police. Last week, Laird let a pervert who had a collection of over 700 toddler and animal rape videos walk with no jail time because he "showed remorse."

  4. JUDGE PAUL SLOAN: Sentenced Leanne Hodgson, 43, to 2.5 years for “shouting racist abuse” at a police officer. Sloan had previously let a pedophile caught with 10,000 images of schoolgirls walk free because he hadn’t looked at the images frequently enough.

  5. JUDGE NEIL RAFFERTY: Has denied bail to even those arrested with viewing the riots remotely. Rafferty previously let a man convicted of raping his “vulnerable” niece walk free because he was “remorseful.” (Keep hearing that word).

  6. JUDGE MARK BURY: Sentenced Brandon Kirkwood, 20, to 2.5 years in prison for pushing a “large wheel bin” at police. Bury recently let a pedophile walk free with a recommendation to “go get some fresh air” instead of collecting child abuse images.

  7. JUDGE JEREMY RICHARDSON: Sentenced Kenzie Roughley, 18, to 2 years in jail for kicking a CCTV van and goading police. Richardson previously let a pedophile go after he targeted a vulnerable 13 year old girl for sexual abuse because he would “suffer comprehensibly in prison.”

Source thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1822257006608011373.html

They are boarding the Trump Train in droves. (media.greatawakening.win) - N C S W I C -
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
The plan to kill Trump explained. (media.greatawakening.win) - N C S W I C -
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
The power of the Holy Cross. (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
This is what a Great Awakening looks like. (media.greatawakening.win) 🫡 THE GREAT AWAKENING 🔆
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
The top 5 worst US Presidents (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
Pizzagate is real. (media.greatawakening.win) 💊 RED PILL 💊
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
We won't be fooled again. (media.greatawakening.win) 🏳️ FALSE FLAG 👮
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny

The US Foreign Affairs Committee confirms that Egyptian intelligence warned Israel about the Hamas attacks three days prior, and in doing so, proves that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly lied about the Israeli government not being warned by Egypt.

Israel was warned by Egypt of potential violence three days before Hamas’ deadly cross-border raid, a US congressional panel chairman has said. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee head Michael McCaul told reporters of the alleged warning.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu described the reports as “absolutely false”.

“We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” Mr McCaul told reporters following a closed-door intelligence briefing on Wednesday for lawmakers about the Middle East crisis, according to AFP news agency. “I don’t want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given,” the Texas Republican added. “I think the question was at what level.”

Translation: the US intelligence services knew about it too.

Green Flag confirmed. At least some of the attacks were real, and were committed by Hamas, and were allowed to take place as planned by the IDF. But there’s still some question about how some of those attacks appear to have been either a) a false flag or b) crisis theater, especially given the way some of the “murdered victims” have been found to be alive.

Not only is the Israeli government lying about having been caught totally unaware by the attack, but it’s now come out that the venue for the targeted rave was moved just days before it was scheduled to begin, much to the surprise of the organizers. An honest investigation would be focused on discovering who moved the rave and how Hamas got word of where it was. And a failure to investigate those things would serve as a practical confession that there were some false flag elements to the attacks.

To be fair to the Israelis, they practically admitted to the green flag when they said the attacks were a “Pearl Harbor” and a “9/11”.

Imported from https://voxday.net/2023/10/11/israel-caught-lying/

  1. Israel chose to ignore intelligence from Egyptian officials about a major attack coming from Hamas.

  2. Multiple former IDF soldiers & Israeli intelligence personnel have come forward online and said there’s a zero percent chance Israel was unaware of this attack beforehand or couldn’t have prevented it.

  3. We just watched unsophisticated terrorists on hang gliders soar into one of the most heavily-defended & surveilled countries on the planet.

  4. Within 48 hours of the attack, we’re now suddenly seeing enormous support for an American war with Iran and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

I’m witnessing American pastors and formerly level-headed influencers in our world completely lose their minds and call for genocide. It’s unsurprising, but insane to watch.

If the events of the past three years have taught me anything, it’s that when people get whipped into an emotional frenzy, critical thinking completely goes out the window.

People become highly suggestible and will rush to extremely dangerous conclusions without thinking about the consequences. I think this is what we’re all witnessing with this situation in Israel.

I’m reminded of Pearl Harbor and 9/11. In both scenarios, the American government received intelligence in advance of the attacks, but chose not to prevent the attacks. Why?

The American government was willing to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to advance its geopolitical goals.

Pearl Harbor gave the justification to enter WWII.

9/11 gave justification to invade the Middle East & drastically expand the American military industrial complex & our surveillance apparatus.

They were brutal & extremely traumatic events for the American public to witness. The emotional trauma caused people to get whipped into an emotional frenzy.

America wanted ONE THING in response to these attacks: The blood of our enemies. I see the same psyop playing out now. People are whipped into a frenzied bloodlust.

In their frenzied bloodlust, people are overlooking some SERIOUSLY important facts here, notably:

  1. The fact that none of this adds up,

  2. Innocent civilians are being threatened with genocide, and

  3. Escalated violence in the Middle East and a war with Iran both risk the rest of the planet getting dragged into WWIII.

What happened in Israel this weekend was obviously gut-wrenching and awful to witness, but I do not trust Israel’s so-called “intelligence failure”, nor do I trust the snakes in Washington calling for war with Iran, & I sure as hell no longer trust any of the emotionally-frenzied influencers calling for explicit genocide of innocent civilians.

This was a defining moment in history, similar to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, COVID, the beginning of the Ukraine war, etc, and a lot of people just got played. Hard.

People responded by going full mask-off, exposing themselves as reckless & incapable of exercising sound judgment in moments of chaos and heightened emotion.

And we’re now at the brink of WWIII because of it. This is all worth noting.

There’s a high likelihood there will be more chaos throughout the rest of this decade. There will be more psychological operations.

There will be more moments in time in which cooler heads ought to prevail, but people will get whipped into an emotional frenzy instead.

Keep your wits about you, & be cautious in whom you allow yourself to be influenced by.

Recognize that governments & intelligence agencies spend enormous resources waging psychological operations on social media nonstop when stuff like this goes down.

Remember that when chaos is at its peak, history shows there is ALMOST ALWAYS a hidden agenda being played out, & that hidden agenda is ALWAYS designed to prey on our base emotions to facilitate a desired end-result.

Pray for world peace tonight.

Thanks. 🤙

Imported from: https://twitter.com/sovereignbrah/status/1711578357253456181

Must be nice! (media.greatawakening.win) Embarrassing!
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
There is a war on your DNA. Protect your DNA. (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 SUDDENLY 🕳️
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
Break the System (media.greatawakening.win) 👮🏻RIGGERS!👮🏻
posted ago by bgny ago by bgny
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