Yeah, 2021 is pushing some boundaries.



The past few weeks, I've been thinking alot about the blackmail stuff related to Isaac Kappy's vids that dropped on CultState. One of the claims is that blackmail is currency among the elite (Weiner's "insurance" file was his offline savings account). One can trade evidence, somehow, and it's pretty much slave trading' trading "enforced loyalty".

Comey's book title was a reminder to The Swamp that everyone has blackmail on them, so toe the fucking line. The rest of the book probably has a bunch of hidden instructions and codes, but the big idea that needed to be communicated for all to see was reminding The Swamp they're all blackmailed.

These satanists/Sabbateans pervert everything. In this case, the idea of "loyalty". "Loyalty" is all about free will and sticking something out because you believe in it.

The satanists' version of "loyalty" is chains. For the satanists, one is "loyal" because they have to be, not because they want to be. Comey's book was reminding The Swamp of their chains, annnnd, doing it publicly in a way that mocks us normies for our ignorance.


Apparently, the Xiden admin called RobinHood to get them to stop allowing GME purchases. That in and of itself, encouraging RH to act illegally is an impeachable offense. But maybe that's all the Xiden admin CAN do. If Xiden isn't really POTUS...

It totally makes sense that the feds, the Xiden admin, and the financial industry want to avoid another bailout and all the bad optics. It's definitely cheaper to pay the legal bills for RH and other companies that stopped allowing GME purchases than for the financial industry to risk any of their own going bankrupt.

But what if that's ALL the Xiden "admin" can do? What if the Xiden "admin" simply has no legal authority to use the office of POTUS to enact or suggest or drive legislation? If we're really under military rule, there's probably limits on what Congress can do to pass legislation that sucks off the financial industry.

We might start thinking of ways to force the issue. Figure out ways to bail out the bankers only a real POTUS could do and ask why those things aren't getting done.

I'm sure DJT and the military have everything all under control, but it couldn't hurt to lob some grenades at the enemy from the sidelines. The whole financial system is shaky. Sooner it falls, the sooner the fed reserve gets replaced and the sooner NESARA/GESARA gets implemented.



The MSM is deliberately making people more afraid of everything to increase the tension level. When the lights go out ot the internet gets shut off, the MSM kool-aid drinkers will be that much more likely to lash out.

The MSM is directing some of that energy at Q, but the main priority is to make American Citizens more afraid, more likely to react, and sowing chaos and even rioting.

The MSM is also setting it up to give an excuse to libs or Dems that don't want to see what's in front of their faces.

I'm seeing more and more normies going WTF?


There's no small irony in the passion with which we're defending DJT's right to speak freely while Julian Assange remains behind bars in large part because of DJT's inaction on the case.


If we really get to where there's military tribunals, then the MSM will be effectively muted, taken over, restricted, or maybe the military will just level the playing field for smaller voices. Regardless, the DS/MSM ability to bullshit everyone will be restricted.

The WeinerHunter laptop material can be made public without an immediate, overwhelming MSM assault or spin.

If the military releases the WeinerHunter material, then it can't be so easily spun as political.