An article & 12 minute video describing possible behavioral impact to humans, see timestamp 4:08.

Toxoplasma gondii is spread through cat feces and targets rodents, making them sexually attracted to the scent of cat urine. The video and article discuss specific, potential human psychological impacts from infection including," mental illness [...] people with schizophrenia are 2-3 times more likely to have antigens to the cat parasite. It's also been linked to manic depression and to suicide."

Time index 4:08 in the video is where the discussion begins.

I find this interesting because I have been wondering why it seems many people on the left seem psychologically disturbed, particularly women. Is there a correlation between leftism and cat ownership?

I admit this is stretching a lot but, given the feral hatred of Ivermectin, a potent anti parasitic, can there be something to this line of questioning?