Alright, I've been lurking for years, resisted making an account here dozens of times. Had a VOAT back in the day, been following this movement since the first week of the posts, used to lurk the boards all the time. Made an account because I'm seeing things on here nobody is commenting on and its interesting.
First of all, a search of the the address Ingersoll Lockwood has at the bottom of their page will direct you to this page which also specifies the 10th floor. Appears to be meeting rooms for rent.:
Beneath the Space Force Delta graphic and the info at the bottom of the page is a little ditty with links sprinkled throughout. There are 5 miscolored letters/characters as another anon noted, all are links and as follows: F - C - Google Earth link to a large vertical looking cave in Antarctica,-0.4685,0a,22251752.77375655d,35y,0h,0t,0r The hyphen located between CRIMINAL and HACKING ACTIVITIES - A youtube video I have not watched yet from 7 months ago about the great reset s - A -
Interesting stuff. Also of note, it specifies the year as 2023/5784 which is the year in the Hebrew calender.
There are also invisible hyperlinks on the page, and are as follows: To the left of the statement "All Products..." are three invisible hyperlinks. If you right click them to open in new window they will be visible. The one farthest to the left is a date, 11/22/1963. Date of JFK assassination. It links here, I have not watched it yet:
The other two invisble links in that location are elipses and lead to the following, an FBI document and a googledoc with the sealed indictment count.
Invisible links going to the right of that same line of text: The last one also comes up as a date if you right click it, it can be seen as 9/15/2020 which is the date on the Abraham Accords declaration.
I'm sure there is more, I'm about to go to work and would appreciate extra anon eyes on this. This was exciting enough to make an account here over and I didn't see anyone talking about these things.
My conclusion, website is ABSOLUTELY knowledgable of this stuff, are they a troll or connected is the true question. Godspeed anons.
What was this picture from?