bugoutbeans 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was respectful. Sometimes people need to be told what's up. And if you don't say it directly they will NEVER get it and will be worse off in life for it. I will not condemn a man to retardedness by staying silent at an opportunity to wake someone the fuck up from their dumb behavior.

🤷‍♂️ Sorry not sorry.

bugoutbeans 2 points ago +5 / -3

I'm not being a smartass. I just remember a time when people on this website were KNOWLEDGEABLE AF

And now you can't even ID a Twitter account that's easily verifiable on your own without needing to ask someone to do it for you.

We're in the middle of an information war and you're going to trust MY answer??? Or anyone's answer????

If this was super f****** complicated I would understand you not wanting to verify it yourself.

But this is a Twitter account. It isn't some super clandestine hard to decerne information... And with the amount of misinfo out there... Including clickbait heads lines that are posted on this website that turn out to be wrong... verify it yourself!!!!

I know whether it's Watnik or not. But you should know FOR SURE. Not just because I the handshake told you so.

I COULD be a smart-ass to teach you anon'ing 101 I'll do it... but that's just embarrassing from a handshake account so just man up and look it up instead of trusting internet randos 🤷‍♂️

**edit -- The amount of time it would take you to verify this personally, is shorter than asking me again for an answer. Consider that before you ask people to verify things for you in the future.

Sometimes, it's complicated enough you'll need help. Or out of your wheelhouse. But if you can verify personally in the time it takes you to make a comment asking somebody.... you're already dead on the battlefield.

bugoutbeans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironically Naomi Klein who is a raging retard wrote a pretty great book on the subject called The Shock Doctrine that was one of the first books to red pill me ... despite the author being totally insane it was a good book for waking people up when it came out.

Unfortunately I know a lot of people who read the book, were red pilled, and then coughed that shit up like a hairball as soon as Obama got in office 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

People have short memories annoyingly.

bugoutbeans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kamala is a xany bar girl. I would not be surprised if she uses coke, but it's too wake her up from her xany slumber, not because she's a coke girl.

Unfortunately I know the type VERY well.

bugoutbeans 1 point ago +5 / -4

Guess you just made that comment without bothering to check, do you even Q???