It was a huge reach, I’m not too knowledgeable with everything Q so I had to post in case it helped
I just remember always hearing about Durham in Q posts so I thought this was odd
I don’t want anything but the truth
I get mocked daily, I live on the west coast of Canada. I get called crazy every single f****** day and they find it funny , my own family.. I worry for my 5 year old and my son coming in February. My country is already done.. I’m hoping yours comes back to life so I can move there one day
If Biden gets sworn in, I will feel like I got played. I walk away at that point. I am trying
Was that the time of the watch ?
But the time on the watch was like 4 something ?
I understand there’s “ supposed “ to be disinformation but it seems mostly everything is disinformation
How in any way was this a big day?
He said of not to
Why? They keep delaying any hope. I’m trying to keep believing but fuck sakes...
After the 20th I’m officially out. My wife doesn’t deserve me freaking out anymore
What about today did q post about ? Inform me!! I need hopium
Let’s get through the next couple days first
Do you think we are all on some sort of list now for being on here ? ??
Thanks man!
Thanks man!
Canada is so much worse than America but the problem is no one cares or they maybe are just so oblivious ?♂️
Some provinces that are doing a little worse with Covid numbers have curfew. I have been calling out everyone here for the unlogical reasons for lockdowns and the new rules but almost no one is on my side here. Everyone is liberal, I have only met two other trump supporters in my life, my family and wife think I’m crazy. I feel like I’m starting to sound crazy! Q would do us all a huge service if he said anything right now, literally anything ..
100% everyone I know thinks I’m the worst person they know ! Awesome !!!