carcass 4 points ago +4 / -0

a classic Manchurian candidate,

caught hot dog red handed with pizzagate,

ran a gov’t hiding in the shadows,

but we all know that God knows,

renegades gonna run to Kenya,

he’s fucked more than senior dubya,

gets humped by a man, gave our cash to Iran, but he forgot all about THE PLAN.

carcass 2 points ago +2 / -0

yeah was that the one? I couldn’t remember if it was the main thedonald.win being weird but remember people talking here about one being fishy.

carcass 2 points ago +2 / -0

hey guys! advice on the best pro-trump/conspiracy win communities?

longtime lurker and read most of my news here but remember talk of a .win infested with doomers and shills

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