Who are the Aswan brothers? 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953

Was reading an article earlier this morning, about Seth Rich, and they mentioned something about a pair of people called the Aswan Brothers who apparently were/are associated with him and his death?

Tried looking them up and turned up zilch, so figured I'd ask here since I can just about guarantee someone knows who they are if they had something to do with Seth Rich



Now with the disclaimer out of the way, so that hopefully this post doesn't get deleted, let's start the discussion.

Probably stepping on some toes here, but I feel it needs to be discussed at least. I recently FINALLY got around to watching Europa, the last battle. The big 12+ Hour Documentary that EVERYONE in the alt media sphere of influence says you should watch. Took me a while, but I finally got through it all. And I decided that it was finally time to bring this topic up.

Were the actual German Nazi Party, "the bad guys" or were they simply "the losers with good intentions" that were forced to be scape goats.

I'm not talking about the "accepted narrative" about how all nazi's were evil racist genocidal bastards. I'm putting out the question, what is the generally accepted "truth", among those in our sphere of influence when it comes to the German Nazi's?

The reason I'm putting this question out there, is because Q suggests that NWO, doesn't stand for "New World Order", but rather "Nazi World Order".


So obviously there are at least SOME bad "nazis". But at the same time, there is SO MUCH evidence, that suggests that the Nazis weren't actually the bad guys, and that Germany as a whole was used as a scapegoat for both World Wars. In WW II in particular because they did what Gaddafi tried to do and failed. Create a debt free, interest free currency based economy without a central bank.

There's a reason we're saving Israel for last.


I've watched plenty of these documentaries before. And I've always just assumed that there was both good and bad in the Nazi party, and hitler may or may not have been a puppet meant to "lift germany up before letting them fall back down". But watching Europa has me feeling a bit different.

I've never seen a documentary THIS detailed before, especially when it comes to Weimar and Nazi Germany. I know I'm risking getting crapped on and this post deleted in saying this, but honestly, the Weimar-Nazi Germany transformation is almost identical to what we in the United States, and most other western nations are going through.

Pre Weimar, Germany was a devout Christian nation with strong moral fiber, a vibrant economy, and prosperous people with wealth spread, not exactly evenly (they did have rich people), but it wasn't like it is today where .01% control 99% of the wealth.

Weimar Germany was economically depressed to the point of mass starvation, sexual deviancy was not only accepted, it was encouraged. People really don't understand how bad the deviancy was in Weimar Germany. One of the "most popular" sex tourism activities in Berlin was to have sex with an underaged animal, usually a sheep, before having it's throat slit before the climax so as to experience all three of the great taboos at once (Pedophilia, Necrophilia, and Bestiality). Transgenderism and homosexuality were also wide spread, as was basically every other form of degeneracy. Yes, including pedophilia.

Weimar Germany, is what they want for all of us, and we're only a few steps away from it.

Nazi Germany (before WW II), was easily the most vibrant economy on the planet (second only to the US at the time). Unemployment was under 2%, people had government required vacations multiple times a year. Home ownership was over 80% (an incredible feat if you know anything about housing statistics), and those who were still renting had their rent capped at 1/8 of their income. Hundreds of thousands of homes were built and for all intents and purposes given away to young families (young families had unreal mortgage treatments where they got a home from the government for pennies on the dollar).

Likewise, every single family was entitled to several thousand in no interest loans from the government to help buy anything related to child rearing, and there was even a method to void the loan so you didn't owe anything or have to pay it back. On top of this, taxation was based on the size of the family, as well as the income. The more Children you had, the less taxes you had to pay. And at 4+ Children, you were exempt from all taxes except sales taxes. Meaning no property taxes, income taxes, etc. for the rest of your life.

Churches were built and religion saw a revival like nothing else seen anywhere other than the United States. Christianity went from being a minority, to 90% of the population being Christian again after decades of religious and moral decay.

Contrary to modern belief, hitler and the nazis also didn't ban guns. The weimar government did. Hitler reversed that and created "gun clubs" for Germans to both own and practice with firearms.

The only "book burning" that ever took place, was when all of the sexual and pornographic "literature and research" from the degenerate universities was burned by the students.

And they did all of this, through the issuance of currency that was debt free, interest free, and with ZERO gold.

Not trying to offend or sound like a MSM talking head, but honestly. This type of stuff sounds like Gadaffi, or Orben....Dare I say, Trump? The goals, methodology, and promises are nearly the same, if not identical.

And this is just what I can remember off the top of my head.

Now for the flip side.

First and foremost, Ukraine. I don't think I need to say much else, but the Ukrainian Nazi remanent, are obviously not "good people". In fact, I'd say they're some of the most evil on the planet. They're essentially what we think of when we think of the typical nazi, as presented by most historical references.

Then there's the problem of the Holocaust. I'm not going to say it was fake or not. There's evidence both ways, but the fact remains, that it's one of those discrepancies that makes this a complicated and charged subject matter to discuss.

Finally, there's the fact that most of us believe that most of our own evil "American" bastards are of Nazi origin. HW Bush being the prime example, most go for when talking about the subject.

So what's the general consensus? For me personally, I think that the Nazi's WERE good people for the most part, and after watching Euorpa, I FIRMLY believe that most of the west, but especially the United States, will follow the Weimar-Nazi Germany transition model in the post cabal world.

Can you imagine a world (or at least a USA) in 5-ish years, where most people are devout Christians, sexual and moral deviancy is eliminated, traditional morals and values are the new norm, our currency is not just worth "something" but goes so far that we can afford to live a lifestyle like our forefathers did in the 20s and 30s? Where taxes are all but gone because most people are having large families again, thus avoiding the population collapse and eliminating any argument for immigration?

Honestly, it's almost unreal to think about, but that's basically what we've been promised by Q, Trump, etc. Maybe not verbatim, but that's what most of us have taken their various promises to mean.

But despite my belief that all of that is true and/or will happen, I will concede. That I don't think ALL nazis were good. Obviously there were some bad apples, that mostly ended up over here in the USA. So just like everything else, I believe they had good and bad, but were mostly good. And that they were used as a scape goat for WW II to further the cabals goals, and establish the creation of Israel.

TLDR: There were good AND bad nazi's but they were mostly good, and gave the world a blueprint for the recovery of a western nation from the moral, social, and economic degradation the cabal forced onto them. Something I believe most western nations will soon copy

Feel free to discuss below.


This is a question I like to ask from time to time to gauge, peoples thoughts on things that are relevant to most of us. Last time I asked this specific question was about a year ago. Most of the responses I got said something along these lines:

Silver: $2,200 to $5,500 an ounce post cabal (Or the equivalent of if we actually see mass deflation due to going back to the USD instead of federal reserve note and going back to the gold standard)

Gold: $20K to $50K an ounce Post cabal (Or the equivalent of)

I'm curious if anyone's predictions/thoughts have changed on the matter. I've seen a few people throw out numbers like $10K to $20K for Silver per ounce and $100K to $500K per ounce of gold.

I'd freaking love that, but I'm not sure if it'll work out like that. I think the previously agreed upon estimates are probably still the most accurate, though I can see silver reaching $10K when it stabilizes and Gold Reaching $100K. My reasoning is that, while the previous estimates will probably be the initial "new value", there will be a massive demand for precious metals and severely limited supply post cabal.

It'll be just like what happened with bitcoin. Everyone and their brother will want to get in on the "next big thing" and start trying to buy up as much as they can. Thus severely limiting supply, while demand is at all time highs. Which will probably lead to those absurd numbers of $20K+ per silver and $500K+ for gold for a short period of time.

Then, once the market has settled out, the "new average" for both metals will even out around $10K and $100K respectively, or thereabouts anyway.

Of course this is just my prediction/thoughts on the matter using both common sentiment and similar previous scenarios in the various commodities markets as a base for my prediction.

Honestly, I'm calling it now. We'll start seeing "Bullion bros" that are gonna replace the current wave of crypto bros and try to sell you a crappy course on gold/silver day trading. I can almost guarantee we'll see a Tai Lopez like "guru" emerge that will inundate every platform with crappy commercials on day trading precious metals or something stupid like that.

Anyway, thoughts? This is basically just a discussion thread.


Something I've been postulating on in the usual autistic manner. How will bonds and treasuries be handled during the collapse. My understanding, which admittedly isn't the greatest when it comes to ultra-scale finance, is that the majority of Billion Dollar+ Companies will keep most of their "cash" in the form of T-Bills and Federal/Municipal bonds.

For all intents and purposes, Government issued bonds are equivalent to cash once you reach macro-scale finance for giant corporations. They're easily convertible into actual cash on demand, and even give a small amount of interest that's 100% tax free in the interim. So it all makes sense, given it would be next to impossible to safely store billions of dollars in cash, even using a cash management service like Intrafi, the maximum you could store using FDIC coverage would be $750 Million.

So here's my question for those autists and anons more knowledgeable in this realm. What's going to happen to the bond market during and after the financial collapse? I mean, we can't just let trillions of dollars in capital evaporate. That's the money that's used to pay people's wages for the majority of large and medium sized businesses.

I know I know. "I don't care what happens to (Insert large corporation)". And I get that sentiment. BUT, I do care about the people who work for said large corporations, and all the smaller businesses that rely on them. How will the farmers who provide the produce for say, walmart, get paid if all of walmart's liquid capital is poofed out of existence overnight. How will all the blue collar CNC Machine shop workers that make precision parts for GM, Ford, and Chrysler get paid if the big three don't have the capital to pay for their machining contracts? Etc. etc.

And that's not even touching the fact that the majority of banks in the USA actually take your money and invest them into US bonds and Treasuries. That's where the majority of you money you put into a bank goes, not to loans, or a vault. The overwhelming majority is invested in US treasuries and bonds as a "safe" investment. So this would also mean literally everyone in the country would essentially lose their money and have no means of recovering it.

My limited understanding from my business classes back in college, is that in the "unlikely scenario" of a default, the US Government may default on all FOREIGN debt, but may never default on debt owed to US Citizens. Meaning if push come to shove, we could dump all of our foreign debt, but any bonds or Treasuries owned by a US citizen or company will still have to be honored.

But when I tried confirming this, I found nothing to confirm that, which has me thinking my Finance and Business professors lied to us (shocker). And when I try to ask this question on any other forum I get the typical normie response of "It's impossible, the US can't default since its' the safest investment in the world". Even when I try to put forth a hypothetical question on the topic, it's apparently just so unfathomable to these people that it would happen.

Which led to me asking my fellow financial nerd anons and autists. What's your theory on this? Not something I've ever seen brought up before, and figured it was worth discussing.

EDIT: Since people keep mentioning silver and gold, let me point this out. Gold and Silver will be USELESS in this scenario. No one can buy your gold or silver if no one has money for it, and you can't trade it for non existent groceries and supplies because the producers aren't being paid. In this scenario all forms of "traditional currency" are essentially worthless, because we've devolved into a "Mad Max" type scenario since no one has any money and are desperate to meet their basic needs. The only things of value would be food, medical supplies, water, ammo, and weapons. Your gold and silver won't do you much good when no one cares about it because they're desperate for food and have more guns and ammo than you.

Hence why I believe there HAS to be a solution to this scenario, and why I'm asking for theories on what that solution may be.



So far it's Brandon Herrera (who's now running for congress in Texas) and Colin Noir. I know it's not a lot, but I just find it odd that the "right wing obama" as many are calling him, is being interviewed by gun youtubers.

I know most of their audience are normie idiots who keep ranting about "hur dur, Trump took ma bump stock" and about how we're gonna have to shoot our way out. Well either that or they're moronic doomers.

But I just find this a bit odd. Don't ge me wrong, they're big as far a youtubers go, but it's a pretty niche audience and associating yourself with someone like Brandon, who frequently makes semi racist/raunchy jokes, and has literally larped as both an east german USSR executioner and a literal nazi on different occasions (both were for a bit on a gun he was explaining). Well, doesn't exactly look good for the wannabe obama.

So I'm rather confused what the angle is here.


It's a bit of a rant about a pet peeve of mine, but given the amount of wins we've had in the past several months, I felt I might as well point it out. I'm sure a lot of this is just moronic trolls actively trying to screw with people on our side, but I know some people like this IRL as well, which is why I can't say it's 100% trolls.

There's a weird subset of our side that actively does NOT want to win, in literally anything. I see it most often in the 2A community. I have never seen a bigger group of whiney, pardon my french, bitches, in my entire life.

Every time there's a win, or some random forgettable event that has no bearing on literally anything, there's always a decent number of people whining and bitching abiout every little thing.

Here's a few examples. A gun news youtuber I watch semi-frequently to keep up with the ATF's bullcrap posted a video about how newsome is apparently going to Nashville for a democrat party dinner to "outline gun control" for their platform because the cucked governor of TN has been trying to convince the legislature to pass a red flag law after the Christian school shooting.

Good Lord you should have seen the comments. People just outright lying, saying that TN has turned bluer and bluer every election. The exact opposite is true, in fact TN has been turning redder and redder every year, and in 2020, even with obvious cheating in Nashville and Memphis, as exposed in the info from 2,000 mules and all the data from Seth Keshel, TN gave Trump his largest win margin in terms of raw numbers of any state in the union. This is the first time that Texas hasn't had that distinction in like 30 years, and instead that distinction went to Tennessee.

Other morons were ranting about how we need to just go ahead and start a civil war (obvious feds). Others still were blaming californians moving to Memphis and Nashville (It's been proven over and over again that people moving from blue states to red states vote conservative by a 85-90% margin. In fact, I remember finding an article a while back about how California liberals are mainly moving to Portland and Seattle because they "enjoy the lifestyle" but can't stand the taxes. And despite also being liberal hellholes, Oregon and Washington do technically have vastly lower taxes than California.)

But besides the obvious feds and the morons who can't be bothered to do a quick google search that proves them wrong, the most irksome thing was the random people blaming, of all things, "gentrification" for gun control. Apparently, in their minds, taking a crappy ghetto full of trap houses and converting it into livable housing is somehow a bad thing. And I need to clarify here, they specified that it was the "house flippers gentrifying the ghettos". Not people buying a fixer upper and selling it for three times it's realy value, but people buying up and fixing literal crack houses.

Here's another real life example, and this one pisses me off even more. I have an Aunt who, and this happens every time something good happens, refuses to accept a win. She literally complained about the Sound of Freedom and said "if they wanted to do something good, they should have just donated the money to make the movie to fight child trafficking". When shown Rich Men North of Richmond, she condemned the song and said it should be taken down "because he curses too much."

Keep in mind this woman is a staunch conservative, but she just refuses to accept a single win.

I realize this is a bit of a rant, but it's something I've noticed, even on here. I can't say they're all trolls, since I DO know people like this IRL, but I've noticed whenever something good happens on here, there's always a handful of comments on the stickied posts trying to FIND something they can claim fault with or complain about in order to diminish the win.

Again, I realize this is a bit of rant, but I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed this bizarre subset of people on our side that actively do NOT want to win, and try to diminish every single victory we have, or try to make a mountain out of an ant hill when it comes to random stupid things that obviously aren't going anywhere.


Honestly, I don't trust anything anymore involving ANYTHING medical, including vets. But, I recently saw someone being harassed for having a young pup out in public (8 weeks old), and everyone was talking about how it'll die of parvo or something else since it hasn't had it's puppy shots yet.

Kind of curious what the general consensus is on this topic now that we live in the "post jab" era. Growing up, all our dogs ever got was their first set of puppy shots, and then a rabies shot when it ran out. Never had a dog be unhealthy, and every single one of them lived a few years past their breed's average lifespan.

So I'm curious what other's think on this topic. Seen some people on Truth Social say it's also a scam, and it's healthier to keep your dogs, cats, etc. unjabbed if you can. Considering most of us love our pets more than most people. I figured I'd make a post on here for everyone to discuss and share what they know/have experienced, and see if we can come to a general consensus like we did with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. etc.


So every single "survey and poll" with the sole exception of a rather confusing voluntary poll in the 50s, has been done by NGO. Yup, you heard that right. Every single bit of "evidence" that the American religious population is decreasing is being put forward by the obviously biased pollsters and "researchers" that claim that Trump is unpopular, clinton was gonna win, biden won, etc. etc.

So obviously they're full of crap.

Furthermore, in my research I found out what the "magic number" was in all of these polls and surveys since 1930.


Yup, most of these "experts" deem 35,000 to be a suitable "magic" number that allows them to decide what the truth is about American religious demographics.

For context, in 1930 the US population was roughly 123 Million, which means they deemed 0.0285% of the population was a large enough sample size. Less than .03% of the population. Granted back then it said the US was roughly 91% Christian, so I'm willing to believe it back then, but the methodology was still wrong.

The fact that the exact same methodology and sample sizes are used today is where the bigger problem comes in. The USA now has roughly 340 Million people. So 35,000 is roughly 0.0103% of the total population. Literally a hair above a thousandth of a percent of the population.

Such low sample sizes might work in extremely homogenous nations like Japan, South Korea, etc. But in the literally most diverse nation on the planet? Yeah, that doesn't cut it.

And I'm not even getting into the fact that this ALSO still doesn't account for the fact that illegals, non citizens, temporary student/work VISA holders, etc. are often included in these surveys and polls. NOR does it account for the shady methodologies that these polling companies use to manipulate the results to get their desired results. Such as:

Independent polling results on religion are generally questionable due to numerous factors:[57]

polls consistently fail to predict political election outcomes, signifying consistent failure to capture the actual views of the population very low response rates for all polls since the 1990s biases in wording or topic affect how people respond to polls polls categorize people based on limited choices polls often generalize broadly polls have shallow or superficial choices, which complicate capturing complexity of religious beliefs and practices poll interviewer and respondent fatigue is very common

Credit where credit's due, that last bit came straight from the wikipedia article on religion in the USA under the section where they talk about inaccuracies of independent polling.

And it ALSO doesn't account for the fact that the "fastest growing demographic" the "nones", is mostly just Christians who no longer attend a physical Church or adhere to a specific denomination. Ergo, the majority of that group should be included in Christian statistics.

Long story short, if you account for all of these factors, the USA should roughly be 88%-ish Christian once you get rid of the illegals, etc., get rid of their manipulative methodologies, and redo the math given the public census numbers.

So given a standard margin of error of 4% in either direction, you come to the conclusion that without all the deep state cuckery, the USA is roughly 84-92% Christian of some sort.

Now I know what some are gonna say. "There's no way that's true, the number is too high.". That includes EVERYONE. Not everyone who's a Christian is a devout Christian, not everyone is practicing, not everyone attends Church, not everyone is a strict adherent, etc. etc. Some Christians curse, drink, etc. etc. even though they know it's a sin, because of their geographic culture.

Think about how it's pretty common to curse in friendly conversation in the heavily religious south for example. That 84-92% figure is more accurately used to point out the percentage of people in the USA who have Christian beliefs, believe in God, accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, etc. etc. even if they're imperfect in their actions.

And I'm not making excuses for anyone, everyone sins in some way, but I'm just pointing out that having such a high number doesn't mean that 92% of the population is supposedly living the Andy Griffith Church on sunday, never utter a "bad word" lifestyle.

Anyway, bit of a rant, but just something I stumbled on. If I'm right, which I'm fairly certain in this case I am given how much the cabal attack and demonize Christians and Christianity, then the religious demographics of the USA as a whole have remained roughly the same since 1930. Sure some areas cough Michigan and Minnesota cough, have seen a surge in muslims because of illegal immigration and "refugees". But other areas, like the south, have seen an infinitely larger increase in general population, the overwhelming majority of which are Christian in basic nature.

Like I said, bit of a rant, but just something I stumbled upon and figured I'd share after my little autistic rabbit hole adventure.


There's the article that started it all for me if you wanna do your own research on the topic. Feel free to discuss below.


So this is little more than a random epiphany I had while watching Parks and Rec, but it actually got me pondering and I realized there was a "slight" problem with the future economic system we all assume is going to happen. Here's the background, on the show Parks and Rec there's a character who's basically a parody archetype of a libertarian, Ron Swanson. Buff, slightly overweight, hates the government and will do anything to even slightly inconvenience the bureaucracy, etc. etc. And of course, he has a literal dragon's horde of hidden gold and silver that's he's acquired over 50-ish years of being in the work force and spending most of his income on gold and silver bullion/coins.

I was watching an episode where he was being coerced into writing his will and while they never outright said it, it was heavily implied he had at least a few thousand pounds, not ounces, POUNDS, of gold and silver hidden away. That got me thinking, as much as his character is meant to parody libertarians, there actually ARE people like that IRL that have spent 50+ years hording as much gold and silver as they can get their hands on and probably legitimately have a horde in the 2,000+ pound range to their name. Especially silver, since it's only $20-ish an ounce depending on the day.

So what happens when we go back to the gold standard, and all of the artificial suppression methods used to keep gold and silver "cheap" are done away with? For those that don't know, silver is THE single most heavily shorted asset on the planet. I remember reading a report once (about a year ago I believe) that said it's estimated that there's roughly 15 Quadrillion or Quintillion (Can't remember which) dollars worth of silver being naked shorted at any given moment if you account for every single metals market on the planet.

For those that don't know, Quadrillion is the number after the trillions, and quintillion comes after the quadrillions. So yeah, we're talking about absurd numbers that only the cabal are capable of orchestrating considering that's several thousand times more silver than is currently in existence.

Now I, like most on here, firmly believe that we'll be heading back to a Gold Standard USD post-cabal, which will result in mass hyper deflation. In other words, our dollars will be worth more, and go further, but there will be a lower supply of dollars, thus resulting in lower wages, net worths, etc.

Basically, it'll be like going back to somewhere between 1900-1930 in terms of buying power and economic circumstances.

I still believe this, but as previously mentioned, I had an epiphany while watching Parks and Rec. What happens with all the horders?

Gold and Silver, Silver especially, have been artificially suppressed since the 70s. People will talk about how "an ounce of gold is still worth roughly the same as in 1900". And that's true to an extent. Gold has lost quite a bit of buying power because of the artificial suppression, but it's still holding up pretty well. It won't quite buy you "a nice suit" as I've heard many people say, but it will still buy you a "pretty decent suit".

Silver on the other hand, is horrendously underpriced. Not only is there now a smaller supply of silver than gold, meaning it should have more value than it does if for no other reason than the laws of supply and demand, but it also has more intrinsic value than gold since silver has far more industrial usage since the advent of modern technology (most modern tech uses at least a little bit of silver in the circuitry and other bits that make your tech work).

Combine that with the naked shorting, and Silver is horrendously underpriced. I remember asking on here a while back about what people thought the real price of Gold and Silver (about a year ago), and if I remember correctly, the general consensus was that Gold will be in the $20-50K range and silver will be in the $2,500-5K range per ounce.

Now that didn't account for what I've mentioned in this post about how silver should, by all measures, be more valuable than gold at this point, but let's just assume those numbers are accurate.

Someone like what I described earlier in the post, with say 2K pounds of silver accrued throughout 50 years or so, is currently sitting on a pile currently worth around $40K-ish. Assuming the $5K true value is accurate, that turns into $10 Million overnight.

Assuming silver equals the hypothetical value of gold most seem to agree on, $50K, that's $100 Million.

So yeah, this is where the possible problem comes in. Assuming any of this is remotely accurate, there's at least a few thousand people who will basically win the mega millions or powerball overnight.

I suppose that wouldn't be all bad, after all, it's not like everyone with a handful of silver half dollars or bars becomes Daddy Warbucks overnight and essentially has an infinite money cheat on, thus allowing them to wreak havoc on the newly established economy.

But at the same time, that kind of just boggled my mind. There are probably some people out there that are going to go from middle class, to 1%ers overnight because of the suppressed value of silver and gold.

The only problem I see with this, is that it's possible some kind of adjustment will have to be made due to the hyper deflation. For example that massive $100 Million example I gave assuming silver hits $50K an ounce after all the cabal shenanigans are ended? Well accounting for hyper deflation to the same level of the 1930 USD, you would only end up with $3.3 Million dollars.

I suppose that's not really a problem when the average middle class family in 1930 made a little under $5K a year, so that's basically still the same buying power.

This is probably more of a rant than I intended for it to be, but it's just something that came to me that I figured I might as well share and let people discuss since it appears we're finally nearing the endgame with all the talk of gold and silver backed currencies and all the "actors" getting more and more blunt on the stage they're being forced to play on.

Feel free to discuss below.


Maybe it's just me and my immediate circle, but we're all noticing that youtube is now letting all kinds of redpill videos slip through their recommendations. Used to be that they would make you actively search for "conspiracy stuff". But now, all of our front pages are inundated by it. And I don't just mean actual "conspiracy" stuff.

Epstein, CIA drug/child trafficking, hunter biden, biden's corruption, obama, ray epps, the election fraud, clinton corruption, Israel, China, etc. etc.

It's like just all at once in the last few days, they opened up the floodgates in the background. I figured maybe it was a new algorithm or something, but when we log out of our youtube accounts to get a generic front page in an incognito tab, they're still doing it. To a lesser extent sure, but a few years ago it was unthinkable that youtube would let ANY of this stuff through to the general public.

Just curious if this is a bit of a microcosm or if this is this is perhaps a subtle start to the declass. Getting people used to the idea of all of this by using youtube (one of the most visited sites in the world) to expose them to the general idea beforehand.


This just occurred to me while watching that documentary on epstein's ranch that u/penisse posted earlier.


For reference.

But in the video, they had Robert David Steel talk about how they were literally breeding children for sex slavery. And that these kids have never "officially" existed. They also talked about how 800K kids go missing in the US every year.

I don't know why, but that just made me have an epiphany. We know they use these kids for evil acts, but what if they're using their "existence" in other ways that benefit them.

For example, signing up the 800K kids who go missing every year to vote, probably in multiple states. Which they can then use to artificially inflate the democratic vote in urban areas, since there's basically no way to prove that they did or didn't vote given they do "technically" exist, and no one will look into it. Likewise, they could use their brainwashed "birth slaves" as boots on the ground people to actually vote in person by giving them completely false identities (Like say, a dog, a fictional character, etc.)

The birth slaves are probably brainwashed since they've literally never known anything other than following their "owner's" orders, and so only do as they're told.

This could go MUCH further than just election and voter fraud though. Think about it. How many of these people are signed up for government benefits? Social Security, SNAP, medicare, housing assistance, etc. etc. All of which could be siphoned off to line the pockets of their "owners".

They're also probably being used as foot soldiers. The literally faceless ANTFIA and BLM foot soldiers that never seem to face any consequences, including arrest? The random domestic terrorists that never get arrested? Etc. etc.

Why does this specific subset of people not only never face consequences, but never even get arrested or have their identity revealed? We've seen ANTIFA arrests before, but they're always loser troons and the like. But they're a large number of them that, the police will literally just walk by and never touch. Why?

I realize I'm going down a bit of a rabbit hole and may be just spit balling here, but it's something that occurred to me. We have literally no idea what happens to these kids beyond the sexual stuff, but logically speaking, why would that be the ONLY thing these perverted freaks use them for? My understanding is that they don't kill ALL of them, so what happens to the ones that survive long enough to reach adult hood?

Well it only makes logical sense to shift their usage from adrenochrome factory, to loyal foot soldier with no sense of identity other than rabid ideological slave doesn't it?

Just food for thought.

So, personally, I don't believe this. Like, if it were actually happening people would be talking out against it WAY more. Just like the troon crap. But, there's like 4 people I've met over the past several months that have "insisted" that it's actually happening.

One of them was a soccer mom who I'm like 99% sure her kids are screwing with her. Another was a buffoon I know who just believes anything and everything he hears.

I asked the only teenager in Highschool that I still know, and he kind of contradicted all this. He said there ARE a handful of known furries between the three-five highschools in our local school system, but that they're not dressing like animals (which is what the claim is) and that there aren't any litter boxes.

In fact, he said that they're basically the "class losers" since they're the weird kids who sit by themselves, get made fun of all the time, etc. etc. Since everyone ridicules them for being open furries.

Anyway, I just refuse to believe this is actually happening. I live in the literal middle of nowhere in one of the reddest counties in the country. I can count on one hand the number of liberal people I know my age group (18-25 and younger).In fact, most are REALLY based. So I refuse to believe this is happening as much as some of these people are trying to insist it is, if it is at all.

The only thing I can find when I look this crap up online to see if it's apparently a thing in other areas is a bunch of articles from 2022 about "debunked litter box and furry hoaxes). And that kind of threw me for a loop since I usually assume the opposite is true when it comes to MSM.

Figured I'd go to the only place I know I'll get an honest answer, you guys, and see if it's really a thing, or if I'm write and it's all a load of bull crap with just of school ground gossip blown out of proportion.


Trump's plan to revoke birthright citizenship is a good start, but how do we fix the problem of the one's already here? Well it's simple really. A combination of mass deportation, and elimination of incentive.

Operation Wetback is a good example of mass deportation. several million illegals deported a year for several years. So that part is absurdly simple since we just have to follow the proven example we already have.

As for the elimination of incentives, well that's also simple. Cut off the government benefits they get and make it impossible for them to actually live here. If all the illegals can no longer receive subsidized housing, get a job (Make it a felony to hire illegals at the federal level and give the former ATF staff something to do), buy property, etc. etc.

This can be done through a variety of methods. Reforming social programs, like requiring them to actually look for a job and cutting them off after a certain point (this applies to more than just illegals), forbid banks from dealing with illegals, create incentives for reporting such illegal activity (report a business dealing with illegals and get a "bounty" if you will. This was actually done during operation wetback). etc. etc.

Do all of this, and combine that with the fact that the CIA won't be actively destroying their home countries, and they'll either be forcibly deported or just deport themselves since there's no longer an incentive.

And this applies to more than just illegals. Really and truly, this can apply to just about any demographic. Reduce the incentive to have a dozen children among the ghettos (regardless of race), and all of a sudden the culture cultivated among the inner city thugs and "undesirables" (SNAP Queens and whatnot) will dry up within a few years since they can no longer milk the system by being an unmarried single mother with a dozen kids.

Now combine ALL of this with the rising birthrates among the religious Christian demographic, as well as the fact that we're currently in the middle of a religious revival (meaning more people are turning to God and becoming very religious Christians that fall into this demographic category), and within a generation or two, we'll have completely reversed all of the attempted forced demographic changes that the cabal has been trying to force down our throats for the last several decades.

Most of this applies to the US, and to a lesser extent Canada, but the general plan could be applied to Europe as well. Though the cultural differences would require they adapt it to their situations.

Anyway, just an epiphany I had after watching Trump's speech about ending Birthright Citizenship. It just all occurred to me how simple of a fix this would be once we get rid of all the corrupt politicians facilitating this crap.


We've thrown around a number of different theories on here on how we're going to overcome the population collapse problem, as well as how we're going to overcome and reverse the great replacement, etc.

While I don't think there's a one size fits all solution, meaning multiple things will happen (revoke birthright citizenship, mass deportation ala operation wetback, religious revival resulting in a second baby boom, etc.). Some of this is already happening actually (religious revival, mass deportation to some extent based on that leaked homeland security memo earlier this month, and the religious revival is ongoing as seen by the Asbury college revival that spread and the rise in US Birthrates, notably among the white population in the last several years, while every other demographic continues to fall).

But I had a thought that I haven't ever seen anyone mention while reading a book the other day. I won't bore everyone with the details of the book, but the general idea I had was this.

What if we don't have to have a massive surge in population growth, because we're all going to be living longer post cabal?

If you think about all the secret cures, medical tech, etc. that's been hidden from us, as well as the fact that post cabal we won't be eating/drinking/breathing poison every moment of existence. Then it's not that farfetched that the average lifespan of a human will greatly expand by a wide margin.

Say, instead of 80 being the average, now the average is 150. That would mean people are living almost twice as long on average. Meaning a lower birth rate wouldn't be a problem anymore, since the replacement factor would be much lower due to the population having greater longevity.

Combine that with all of the above factors I mentioned, and it seems like a good long-term plan to return the west towards their roots, expel invaders (Illegal Hispanics here, Middle Easterners for Europe), and restore demographics back to what they were pre cabal. All while undergoing a religious revival that brings most of the west back to God.

Of course, I have no way of proving this is the plan to deal with the birthrate/population problem. But considering we all have more or less accepted that cabal has multiple methods of extending the life span of their puppets (think Rockefeller and Soros), and even more methods that are kept secret for the non-public figures. It only seems logical to me that this is a distinct possibility.

Figures I'd throw the theory out there for discussion


It's not just the trans stuff. Everyone I've talked to about it IRL, even people who just a few months ago had the "let adults do what they want in private" mentality, have now started turning on not just the troons, but the gays, the lesbians, etc.

I even had an interesting conversation that made me actually think a bit. Why are the queers so supposedly prolific and "supported" in the west but no where else?

Well one of the people I had a conversation with, made a REALLY good point. It's all the corporate funding and backing in western media and corporate world.

The media and western corporate world have literally spent TRILLIONS of dollars cultivating the image that queers are "cool". You get special treatment from everyone, you get preferential treatment in terms of jobs, schools, promotions, etc. Everything you do is wonderful simply because you're a queer and the world has to bow down to you.

Basically, you can do whatever you want and there's never any consequences for your idiotic and destructive, and sometimes plain evil actions.

You don't see this anywhere else in the world. In Asian countries, they typically ridicule and mock queers. That's why in anime, and asian dramas you'll often have the "gay comedic relief character" who's obviously queer, but is only there to be beaten up, mocked, and ridiculed., or to be an obviously over the top comedic parody.

In the middle east and Africa, they literally stone them to death, so that's rather self explanatory.

And then in Eastern Europe, it's not illegal to be gay, but advertising a gay lifestyle is illegal in most places (Poland, Hungary, and Russia come to mind first). And their total populations having some miniscule percentage being queer.

So what happens when all the corporate backing dries up here in the USA and the rest of the West? The queers go away. Whether you believe homosexuality and the troons are a mental illness, parasites, emotional damage (most homos have been raped at some point in their life), or just some other form of brainwashing, the fact is, people really don't support this crap.

People have literally never supported homosexuality, transexual, etc. At most, they were "tolerated". You can point to all the fake polls, studies, etc. you want. But people have never really and truly supported this crap. They just "tolerated it".

And that era of "tolerance" is over it seems. Hence, why I believe within the next 5 years or so, we'll probably see most queers go back into the closet as people become more and more open about their hatred for them.

And I can honestly say, I don't feel sorry for them. I used to be of the opinion that we should pray for them, and we still should. But not infringe on their rights. But as time has gone on and we've gone from "Just let us get married" to "let me rape and groom your children or we'll ruin you life bigot".....

Well, I honestly could care less if these people actually do end up causing a large enough backlash for something serious to happen. They brought it on themselves.

Homosexuality, transsexuality, etc. all need to be done away with to some extent. The most likely version I see for the west (given we're not Autocratic religious Monarchies), is taking the Eastern Europe approach of banning open displays of homosexuality, banning advertising of "alternative lifestyles", etc. etc.

Do that, and combined with the lack of corporate support/funding, and I guarantee that homosexuality, transsexuality, etc. will all essentially disappear within a decade in the west. And with it, all the social and generational destruction and debauchery that such lifestyle and the people who live them bring everywhere they go (Weimar Germany for Example).


Hear me out. I'm not saying to condemn the Paxton as corrupt (assuming any of the accusations are true) or that the Texas house is nothing but RINOs. I don't know.

But what I DO KNOW, is that we can't just go on previous records anymore. Look at Desantis. Man had a Stellar Track Record, and was on track to be the "heir apparent" to Trump's political legacy.

And now he's probably one of the most hated/ridiculed people in the country for MAGA.

Paxton is similar. Has a stellar reputation among MAGA for the most part, seems to be one of the only people fighting against election fraud, etc. etc. But at this point, it's just as likely that he's another Desantis as it is that he's a based AG that angered a handful of RINOs.

Basically, I'm saying that at this point, the only person we can specifically say is 100% on our side without a shadow of a doubt is Trump.

Anyone else, no matter how "good" they appear to be for our side, is suspect until the crap finally hits the fan and the arrests start happening. We need to stop getting emotionally attached to these "MAGA celebrities". The only thing it does is demoralize us when they turn out to be deep cover turncoats.

It's not just the trans stuff. Everyone I've talked to about it IRL, even people who just a few months ago had the "let adults do what they want in private" mentality, have now started turning on not just the troons, but the gays, the lesbians, etc.

I even had an interesting conversation that made me actually think a bit. Why are the queers so supposedly prolific and "supported" in the west but no where else?

Well one of the people I had a conversation with, made a REALLY good point. It's all the corporate funding and backing in western media and corporate world.

The media and western corporate world have literally spent TRILLIONS of dollars cultivating the image that queers are "cool". You get special treatment from everyone, you get preferential treatment in terms of jobs, schools, promotions, etc. Everything you do is wonderful simply because you're a fag and the world has to bow down to you.

Basically, you can do whatever you want and there's never any consequences for your idiotic and destructive, and sometimes plain evil actions.

You don't see this anywhere else in the world. In Asian countries, they typically ridicule and mock fags. That's why in anime, and asian dramas you'll often have the "gay comedic relief character" who's obviously queer, but is only there to be beaten up, mocked, and ridiculed., or to be an obviously over the top comedic parody.

In the middle east and Africa, they literally stone fags to death, so that's rather self explanatory.

And then in Eastern Europe, it's not illegal to be gay, but advertising a gay lifestyle is illegal in most places (Poland, Hungary, and Russia come to mind first). And their total populations have less than 1% being some form of fag.

So what happens when all the corporate backing dries up here in the USA and the rest of the West? The fags go away. Whether you believe homosexuality and the troons are a mental illness, parasites, emotional damage (most homos have been raped at some point in their life), or just some other form of brainwashing, the fact is, people really don't support this crap.

People have literally never supported homosexuality, transexual, etc. At most, they were "tolerated". You can point to all the fake polls, studies, etc. you want. But people have never really and truly supported this crap. They just "tolerated it".

And that era of "tolerance" is over it seems. Hence, why I believe within the next 5 years or so, we'll probably see most fags go back into the closet as people become more and more open about their hatred for them.

And I can honestly say, I don't feel sorry for them. I used to be of the opinion that we should pray for them, and we still should. But not infringe on their rights. But as time has gone on and we've gone from "Just let us get married" to "let me rape and groom your children or we'll ruin you life bigot".....

Well, I honestly could care less if these people actually do end up causing a large enough backlash for something serious to happen. They brought it on themselves.

Homosexuality, transsexuality, etc. all need to be done away with to some extent. The most likely version I see for the west (given we're not Autocratic religious Monarchies), is taking the Eastern Europe approach of banning open displays of homosexuality, banning advertising of "alternative lifestyles", etc. etc.

Do that, and combined with the lack of corporate support/funding, and I guarantee that homosexuality, transsexuality, etc. will all essentially disappear within a decade in the west. And with it, all the social and generational destruction and debauchery that such lifestyle and the people who live them bring everywhere they go (Weimar Germany for Example).


Like many on here, I haven't been as active on here lately. Family, work, real life stuff, etc. has all caught up to me and taken up a lot of my time, so I haven't been able to post as much, or as often as I'd like to on here. But all this time away from being anything more than a lurker on here has helped me notice something.

There's a pattern I've noticed, especially among the more "normie conservative" types, that's been emerging lately. Everyone who does the slightest thing we don't agree with, is instantly a evil RINO or cabal stooge (in the case of us Anons).

The most obvious case is Desantis. But I can understand why some people are turning on him. I'm personally in the camp that he's part of Trump's 5D chess plays. Even if he IS doing some weird crap now, it's not that much different from all the weird crap Trump has done that we don't understand entirely by himself. And I just can't fathom that the cabal would give up THE THIRD LARGEST STATE/ECONOMY IN THE COUNTRY willingly. All the stuff that has been done under Desantis has made Florida into a conservative stronghold, DESPITE the cheating. That would be a huge loss, so it makes more sense to me that this is some elaborate 5D chess play we won't understand for another 6 months or so.

But I digress, he's just the biggest example, there's plenty more, especially among the normie crowd. The three biggest examples I've seen among the more "normie types" are Glen Youngkin, Bill Lee, and strangely enough, the entire Alabama Legislature.

People both in the Normie world, and in the Anon world seem to be crapping on Youngkin for not going full MAGA in Virginia. Suddenly he's a RINO because he didn't go scorched earth.....despite the Virginia state Senate still being controlled by democrats. Yeah, Youngkin can't exactly go full MAGA when the Virginia senate is blocking everything. In fact, when asked about running for president, Youngkin said denied it and said he's focusing on flipping the state senate in 2024 so that he can start implementing the MAGA policies that his constituents elected him to implement. So Youngkin, despite what many may claim, appears to be on our side and has done everything in his power to do what he was elected to do, as permitted without control of the state Senate.

Next, Bill Lee. After the Nashville Christian School Shooting, he's more or less been demonized. And I'm not going to defend his call for a special session for gun control. But the context is being left out of most outlets. Every gun news youtuber is crucifying the man over this, but conveniently leave out the context that he didn't want to initially call for a special session, nor did he want any form of new gun control. He initially wanted to rework the state budget to budget out $140 Million in order to hire and train new on site resource officers throughout the state of Tennessee. The legislature said it was too late in the session to do that, and the session ended.

The reason for the special session, as recently revealed, is that HIS WIFE has been pushing him from behind the scenes to call a special session in order to try and pass a law prohibiting people on certain medications (mostly the crap that the fag tranny shooter was on) from being allowed to purchase firearms. Which I still don't support, but isn't the worst thing I've ever heard. And this is only because one of the adults killed at the school was a personal friend of hers. So the man's wife is overly emotional because she had a friend killed in a clown op to try and push for gun control, and is pushing for her husband to do something about it. I believe he should have still said no, but it's doesn't appear to be some cabal plot from a nearly decade old RINO plant. More just an overly emotional wife, influencing her husband.

All of these other california style gun bans and bills being put forth in the special session are being put forth by liberals. Most of which are put forth every year, in every red state, and never come up for a vote, for obvious reasons. So these gun news youtubers and others freaking out about it are leaving out a lot of context and making it seem like Bill Lee himself is calling for assault weapons bans and the like. Don't get me wrong, he's probably nuked his career, and there IS talk about recalling him over this, but I don't think he's a RINO or a cabal member. More just a normal politician, who made a critical mistake in a time of great personal emotional distress.

And finally, the dumbest one. The Alabama legislature. As I mentioned previously, pretty much every single red state has a dozen or so gun control bills that get written up every year by liberals. None of which every even make it to committee. Alabama is no exception, but for SOME bizarre reason, I've seen pretty much every big gun news youtuber make a video on some of the bills that were written up by the Alabama legislature earlier this year, none of which made it to committee, much less a vote. And INSTANTLY every single member of the Alabama legislature was deemed a RINO in the comments.

Alabama is LITERALLY the third reddest state in the union by percentage. Only Wyoming and West Virginia are more Red if going by percentages.

Bit of a rant I know, but it's just something I've noticed and I felt it needed to be called out. Not everyone who says or does something we disagree with is a RINO or a cabal member. Context is everything, and half the time, the people being labeled as RINOs are either not legally able to do anything, or literally are doing the opposite of what they're being accused of.

Context is everything in this information war. And we need to be more proactive in not falling into information pitfalls.


I'll probably be crapped on by some, but that's fine. This is an emotional thing so I get that some people are having a hard time staying calm when they're worried about themselves and their families.

Thankfully I live in an area that is basically geographically protected from all this, so the only thing I had to worry about was the wind, which is why I've been monitoring cloud and wind patterns obsessively the past few weeks. But that threat has long since passed (I'll get to that later). So since I can provide a moderately objective view on things, I decided to put my autism into overdrive and put in some extra effort. Mainly since I'm annoyed by everyone on here, truth social, twitter, etc. spreading these doomsday prophecies about the event.

Now let me preface with this. THIS WAS NOT ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY AND SOMEONE NEEDS TO SWING FROM A ROPE FOR IT. But it's not as bad as is being made out. It's bad, but not a doomsday scenario.

So let's start with the very first thing no one seems to understand. IT IS THE OHIO RIVER AND THE OHIO RIVER ALONE THAT IS CONTAMINATED.

All these maps you see on social media and on here, are water basin maps. That covered area (except for the Ohio River itself), is almost entirely tributaries. Tributaries are inside of drainage basins. Meaning they FEED INTO the river, and are safe from contamination from the Ohio River because it's impossible for the chemicals to flow back upstream due to gravity.

Case in point, this map:


I drew over the river and tributaries brighter colors so you can more easily see them. But that map puts my first point into perspective. Literally 95% of the area everyone keeps saying holds 10% of the US population, or 74 Million People, or "the most fertile farmland in the country" is part of the tributary system and doesn't get water directly from the Ohio River itself.

So there's one point made. Let's get to point two. The Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.

The Appalachians basically act as a giant barrier for this entire disaster. Case in point, this Map:


As we all know, water flows to lower elevations. Ergo this fear that everything is going to somehow spread beyond the Ohio River are looking at this wrong. It can't spread east very far since the Appalachian Mountains make that impossible. Instead we should worry more about what'll happen when it finally feeds into the Mississippi river. Because that's where this is heading.

Her's a map:


So as you can see, the Ohio River will eventually feed into the Mississippi. Which is where the real worry should be, but literally no one has mentioned this yet. Right now, the catastrophic damage is basically contained to East Palestine, with moderate damage being done to communities right on the the edge of the Ohio River in Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. But once it hits the Mississippi then it starts hitting Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi before finally being dumped into the gulf.

So if we can contain it before it hits the Mississippi then we can minimize the damage, which brings me into my next map and point. Dams:


There are no less than 16 different dams we can use to at least slow down and control the spread of this along the Ohio river, upstream from East Palestine. So all is not lost yet, in that regards, but the fact this hasn't even been entertained yet shows that these evil pieces of crap are trying to make this worse than it has to be.

Finally, the groundwater, farmland, and rain. I know that outside of those immediately in harms way, this is everyone's biggest concern. So I present you with 2 maps, 2 scientific studies, a weather radar, and a distance calculator:







Alright, now with all that available, let's discuss everyone's biggest concerns. The Ohio river runs across the southern border of Ohio, and more or less forms the border with West Virginia and Kentucky. Now at first it may seem like the elevation of ground water reservoirs in Ohio leads credence to the theory that Ohio groundwater is screwed, but that's not the case for multiple reasons.

First of all, notice how there seems to be deeper groundwater table on the southern and eastern part of the state where the Ohio River and more importantly, east palestine are. This is a good thing, as it means that to contaminate the ground water in the rest of the state outside of the immediate disaster area, it'd have to flow upwards, which again, the law of gravity prevents from happening.

And even if the water DOES somehow travel upwards, the scientific studies I provided both point out that it takes, years, sometimes decades or centuries, for groundwater to naturally travel more than a few miles. So the majority of the state is safe in the short-medium term. And hopefully we can clean this mess up completely before it even becomes a factor for most of the state.

Now let's look at the second map. The prime farmland map from Ohio Department of Agriculture. I admit, it's an older map, but I had a hard time finding one up to date, and it still proves my point regardless.

All the prime farmland in Ohio is near the great lakes in the north and northeast portion of the state. There is SOME farmland that will probably be affected by this, but overall, the Cornbelt is safe since it's both geographically separated, and the ground water contamination is far enough away from the disaster area and river that contamination would take literal decades or centuries from the groundwater, if it's even possible, which I don't believe it is.

Finally, the weather radar and distance calculator. The doom cloud is everyone's next biggest concern, and I can safely say, it's already floating over the Atlantic and has probably been dispersed over the ocean. Clouds travel anywhere from 30-100 miles per hour in a straight line depending on the type of cloud, and the furthest land point the doom cloud would have effected based on wind patterns was DC.

DC is roughly 370 Miles from East Palestine, so at the lowest possible travel speed it would have taken 13 days to reach the atlantic. The derailment occured 14 days ago today. And keep in mind, this is at THE LOWEST POSSIBLE SPEED. It's entirely possible that the cloud traveled faster and ended up in the atlantic earlier.

Likewise, I've been monitoring rain patterns over the areas that the doom cloud would have traveled over, and from what I can tell, there was almost no rainfall on land, outside of a few small storms in Pennsylvania. And it's debatable whether they were even doom cloud rain or not, since I have no means of confirming or denying it.

But regardless, the amount of rainfall in the doom cloud path, was negligible, and if it WAS doom cloud rain, the amount that fell was so insignificant that it's debatable if it would have a long term effect on the local land and wildlife. Keep in mind, these same chemicals were spilled in New Jersey in smaller amounts, and the long term effects were basically non-existent.

So in conclusion, yes this is bad. Yes it's horrible people are suffering. It will probably effect a few 100K people. But this is NOT the apocalyptic, end of the world scenario it's being made out to be. Millions of people are not going to die from chemical poisoning. The second largest break basket in the United States is not now barren land. And half the groundwater in the Eastern US is not now unsafe.

Also, as a sidenote, I'm sorry for using Maricopa University and University of Oregon studies as a reference, but I it's all I could find on short notice, and I have other things I have to do IRL. I just didn't want to start making claims without anything to back it up.

EDIT: I found a few NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Maps from February 7th and 8th that show the Doom cloud and it's trajectory, that further support my point on the doom cloud. Though I will admit, it spread further north than what I was expecting when I was tracking it. All the way into Maine and Canada. So there may have been more rain from it than I originally estimated. It's something for fellow pedes to look into. Though I still don't think that it would be enough to hurt anything long term even if it did rain since it would have been heavily diluted at that point.

If anything, this just means we should be more concerned about about the North East than the South East, since it's more likely they will be effected medium to long term than the Ohio and Mississippi river basin.




Here's the links:



So apparently, The US Total Fertility rate (Not the Birth rate, but Total Fertility Rate, which takes into account deaths, women having their second, third, etc. Child and at what age, etc. Don't ask me how this is calculated since I don't understand the convoluted formula used to determine it), has increased by a little over 1% annually since 2019.

I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but it seems to be rather steady, and if it continues holding up like this, then we'll reach replacement value in the United states within the next 24 years. I know that seems like a long time, but when you consider places like Japan have been trying, and failing, to reverse birthrate decline for going on 70 years now, that's actually a reasonable amount of time.

Though, combine this with a future booming economy thanks to Trump coming back, implementation of Hungary style birth and family incentives (which Trump has talked about doing before and even invited the Prime Minister of Hungary to talk at GOP conventions to discuss his success with such policies), as well as the current religious revival going on (which I personally credit this miracle to since I fully believe God is saving our nation from itself), and it's entirely likely that we can cut that 24 year figure in half or thirds.

So with a little bit of controlled LEGAL immigration, which is normal for the US, and we can not only maintain our population, but even continue to grow it without third world importation.

Just something I came across while doing my normal autistic news searching for anything mildly interesting, or comm-ish. Figured I'd share this bit of good news with all my fellow pedes so we can have a bit of legit hopium to look forward too.


Don't get me wrong, ITS VERY BAD and there's no excuse for why this happened, and the response is even more unexcusable. But comparing it to Chernobyl seems a bit overblown to me.

Chernobyl was literally a nuclear meltdown. IT rendered basically a quarter of Ukraine unlivable and unusable for several months, and the effects are still there today since the immediate area is still unlivable.

This isn't that bad in the long term. Yes, the water is bad. Yes, the chemicals seeping into the ground is bad, but if my own personal research on the topic is correct, this won't lead to 60+ years of continuous poisoning for half of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

The chemicals will eventually dillude themselves to a point where they're so miniscule they won't effect anything once they get so far down the Ohio River. And the ground water pollution will more or less be contained to the immediate area of the spill (let's say 350K acres around the immediate area to be overly paranoid. Which is basically the entirety of Columbiana County where East Palestine is located).

As for the doom cloud, well that's the main reason I waited so long to make this post. I wanted to give it quite a few days of monitoring wind and rain patterns after the controlled burning to see if it would actually do what people were saying.

As far as I can tell after more than a week of monitoring this, there might have been a few small clusters of doom rain over Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. I don't think there was enough to do anything, since there wasn't any report of massive downpours and what did fall was further diluted by regular rainwater before if fell.

From what I can tell, the overwhelming majority of the doom cloud turned into rain over the Atlantic Ocean and got swept up towards Canada by the Oceanic winds.

So, while this is still a tragedy and there's no excuse for it, it also seems to me that people are blowing the actual fallout from this WAY OUT OF PROPORTION.

At most a county of roughly 100K people and 350K acres of land are going to effected in the long term (years-decades). Which is still horrible, but not the Chernobyl people are making it out to be.

If you listened to everyone on twitter and truth social, you'd think that half of Ohio and Pennsylvania is now unarable and we've lost the second largest breadbasket in the United States after California.

From my own research and monitoring over the past week, that just doesn't seem to be the case. For reference, there's somewhere between 900 MILLION and 1.2 BILLION acres of farmland in the United States at any given time (it fluctuates annually due to land reclamation, land development, Conversion of forests to farmland and vice versa, etc.).

So 350K acres, not all of which is farmland, isn't going to affect the food supply in any significant way.

Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that while this IS bad and someone needs to pay for it, it doesn't seem to be the nation ending tragedy being portrayed on social media if you actually sit down and go over the details with a fine comb.

Of course, I could be wrong since I'm no expert on any of the topics at hand, so feel free to correct me on any points I may be wrong on. This is just my own research and autisticly obsessive observations after all.


Going through the news I missed on here yesterday (was busy all day), I noticed a post about how 20% of all jobs are supposedly going to be replaced by AI like chatgpt or some other horse crap.

So I'm just going to point out, that can't happen for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost, if we allow literally one fifth or more of jobs to be replaced without replacing them with similar or better paying jobs, then all we'll be doing is pushing people closer to socialist policies like UBI. Which is the exact opposite of what we want, since we're fighting against socialism and communism right now aren't we?

Second of all, as many people have pointed out on this topic, even super advanced AI are incapable of actual human thinking. They more or less copy the "machine thinking" of the left half of the brain, but are always incapable of "out of the box thinking" of the right half of the brain. Ergo, AI are incapable of coming up with non standardized solutions to any given problem.

For example, assume you're using an AI to monitor and run a vehicle assembly line. Well somewhere along the line, a failure happens that results an unexpected problem. The AI can neither account for this or fix it.

Thirdly, it represents a mass security risk in pretty much every industry. Let me paint a picture for you guys. Let's assume this happens like people seem to think it will. Nearly every office/desk job is eliminated and replaced by an AI. Alright, so now your banking is controlled by a computer with minimal human input. Now there just so happens to be a rather intelligent adidas adorned man in Moldova targeting your bank. He uploads a virus through a backdoor (which has happened before in real life) and now suddenly this magical AI is corrupted.

So now every time you or anyone else make a deposit, this adidas clad Moldovan gets to skim 10% of the top of your deposit. And because the bank has laid off all their office workers, there's a grand total of 100 people "monitoring" the accounts of thousands, possibly millions of people. And before anyone mentions this, I'm CERTAIN these hackers will figure out how to bypass any secondary or tertiary AI based security these businesses may have. Nothing is full proof for more than a year when it comes to technology.

Now take my bank example, and apply it to literally anything. Banks, hospitals, government institutions, Gas and oil lines, airlines, etc. etc.

See why AI can't be mass adopted as a replacement for humans? There's too many problems with it, most of which CAN'T be solved no matter how hard we try since some nefarious person fueled by greed will always be there to prevent it from being full proof. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure SOME jobs will be replaced by AI in the name of efficiency. But nowhere near the 20%+ that some seem to be projecting. And it certainly won't replace every desk job in existence. It will also probably create some new jobs to replace the jobs eliminated since all of the problems I've mentioned will create an entirely new industry revolving around AI maintenance and problem shooting.

And beyond all of this, there's one crucial factor EVERYONE seems to overlook. The human factor. Humans, generally speaking, prefer interacting with other humans. It's why people still go to walmart and other physical stores. We CRAVE interaction with other humans. We're a social species at our very base. So using AI to replace humans in a fifth of all human interactions wouldn't go over well in the long term.

Ever play Death Stranding? They touch on this in the game. Won't go into to detail, but basically, when humans don't interact with other humans for extended periods of time, we stop producing certain hormones. This causes us to not only go into bouts of extreme depression, but to also start experiencing suicidal thoughts, and eventually (assuming you don't kill yourself) start experiencing hallucinations and manic episodes of delirium.

Basically, you go crazy. So all of this "advancement" pushing for less human contact, is more cabal crap. And if we let it happen, then the cabal still wins, even if they lose the war against us.

Therefore, it's pretty much impossible for all of these "predictions and projections" about AI usage to come to fruition in the future. Otherwise, there's no point in fighting the war we're fighting right now if we're still just going to end up with a depressed antisocial, and unemployed population whose reliant on daddy government for a UBI check to maintain our meager existence in the socialist dystopia created by our cyber overlords.


Several people on here and in our sphere of influence (including Musk) have brought this up. And I feel like it's an often overlooked, yet glaring problem. Even after we win and defeat the cabal once and for all, it's all for nothing if we just all end up like literally every southeast Asian nation.

Population Crunches and demographic collapses can turn even the most prosperous and flourishing economies into a living hell. Look at Japan and South Korea. Full time work is basically not a thing. Young people are stuck bouncing from part time job to part time job just to scrounge up a meager existence to support themselves, let alone a family. Combine that companies abusing employees (even worse than here in the USA), and you have pretty much everyone experiencing a living hell on the daily.

And I'm not even getting into the strain on the social nets like medicare and social security. When three quarters of your population are retired and not working, while only a quarter are working, that creates a near infinite number of problems.

People talk about populations leveling out at a lower level and then experiencing small-moderate growth, while replacing the cheap labor force with AI and robots, but let's be reasonable. This is basically what the cabal wants. Stuff like that eventually leads to UBI and other socialist programs because not everyone is inclined towards a desk type job. Some people are better at working with their hands.

So what do you all think the solution is? I've seen everything from there's no reason to worry because we're going to experience a second baby boom fueled by the new Christian religious wave (The fifth great awakening) combined with controlled legal immigration, to copying the Hungarian model (which seems to be working since their birth rates are up), to it doesn't matter since the population numbers being reported aren't true in the first place.

Also, please no "the jab is gonna kill everyone" comments. Realistically, if everyone jabbed (60%+ in most countries) dies in the next few years, we'll have this exact same problem, but with a much shorter horizon to act. Meaning it'll be next to impossible to prevent societal collapse in the post cabal world. So if that's true, then there's basically no point in fighting since we'll just end right back where we were pre cabal.

Personally I think the controlled legal immigration and religious fueled baby boom scenario seems the most likely, but I figured we might as well pool our autistic brains together and discuss it.

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