My opinion on things recently is that Trump is making peace with people, focusing on small stuff, making deals, etc. That's all good. I trust him. Although, admittedly, I was hoping for hangings by now, haha.

But then I remembered... he isn't even inaugurated yet. He has no power/authority technically and in the eyes of the system/players/public.

So, all this tough talk about tariffs, and deals with Mexico and Canada, and small wins here and there... it's so as to let the DD/Cabal think it still is in control, such that it does not need to do something drastic that would further elevate Trump.

Art of War... one of Trump's most utilized strategies: appear weak when strong.

The moment he takes office, I anticipate that the real stuff happens. And it won't take years. In fact, I believe only months to dismantle the evil infrastructure. I actually think the rebirth of our Republic (free of the cabal/DS) will be timed with Easter). When we see:hear the talking heads (including Maddow) say things like, "I was wrong about Trump, he was right all along", that's when we'll know it's on like Donkey kong. That's what I'm hoping, anyway.

In the meantime, a lot is occurring behind the scenes,and we are unaware of it.

So, that's my 100K foot hunch-that Trump is doinga balancing act so as to keep his momentum and keep the DS thinking it is safe. Unfortunately, I have been wrong every time I put a theory out there. But THIS time is different. : )


We know that there was election fraud in 2020 and 2024 and the dem vote counts were inflated (just my hunch). Even still, at least 50 million voted democrat for real.

That means that way too many people don't understand the deep state's presence, nor do they understand the cabal.

And THAT means that if Trump actually pursues justice, too many people (including weak repubs) will think he is being tyranical and the country will remain divided (I.e., unawakened).

Additionally, WH's need to expose the MSM once and for all, and rein in the talking heads from continually fueling division. Watching the broken libtards implode is entertaining, but they are not the majority of dems. Too many still hate Trump and simply think they lost the election.

And there are many repubs who don't even understand the deep state and cabal. Way too many Americans think this election was politics as usual. Yay, our guy won, now turn on the Tyson fight.

With the MSM fixed, and without the real storm and declass waking people up, we will be a divided country, and Trump will not be able to aggressively pursue his agenda with the backing of 94 percent of the population.

Basically, we're nowhere close to the awakening I expected.

That's my Sunday rant. I am still expecting the precipice... maybe this missle thing is the beginning.


In other words, what if someone like Pompeo was a bad dude, but saw the light and chose to trade sides and be a double agent, like Snape?

If so, who are some candidates you think could end up being this way?

Note: I am not talking about pedos seeking to escape.


...when will "White Hats are in control" mean that the MSM is finally reined in and turned into real news instead of the tool of the cabal?

Honestly, that has been the only question about the Plan that I cannot answer... why has the MSM been allowed to continue to be the tool of the cabal? I understand that people needed to see the MSM for its treasonous ways, butthereis a point of diminishing awakening (how many STILL voted for KH???) and we need unity.

So... I am curious to know what others think about the future of the MSM, and whether or not it will become a source of credible news? And, at the very least, will it be stopped from constantly undermining Trump?


Well, I sure was wrong. I guess that proves I am not on The Q Team. I thought for sure that the election would be anything other than normal and peaceful. I even thought that KH would fake win with 100 million votes and win every state, thus causing even Dems to scratch their heads and the military to step in, finally, and expose the deep state in a way that would finally awaken almost everyone.


To be honest, I am dismayed that nearly half of voters still voted for KH. And I am troubled by the notion that probably most Americans still don't understand the deep state, let alone the cabal.

In fact, this election seemed to demonstrate to many sheeple that it was election-season-as-usual. The fact that the MSM and cult talk shows are still out of control and rampantly feeding the frenzy of discontent with Trump is also worrisome.

Trump's win needed to happen, but I was hoping that there would be more unity following the election. And, yes, I still want justice regarding 2020--I want to hear apologies from people who treated me so wrongly (I know, petty of me, I hear the violins).

But we still have 2 months to go. Will there still be a Precipice under Biden? Or did it already happen? Is it possible that the DOJ under Biden will suddenly do its job (ie, WH control) and make arrests that have nothing to do with Trump's leadership?

Will real declass happen, and when? I believe it will. But strategically when?

And, it is possible that the told-you-so moment will never arrive--instead, Trump's leadership ushers in a Renaissance which causes more and more people to awaken.

Awaken to what, though? I thought the entire point of the great awakening was to expose the Satanic Cabal? I believe we'll still get there. I am curious to know what others think about how and when we get there.


BRICS is gathering momentum.


The days of the US$ being the reserve currency are numbered (in my opinion), and when it ends, Americans will experience a huge decline in their standard of living -- yes, even worse than now.

Trump's tariff plan is interesting... first, eliminate taxes, but then tax everything that is foreign-made and imported. This will both help alleviate inflationary effects (by not having to pay taxes) while at the same time motivating investment in the US to produce what people need and want (the incentive to make things in America again will be huge). This one-two punch will provide a path to a faster post-reserve-currency country with our own stable currency that will be worth a lot internationally, still, but just not the reserve currency.

Developing our fuel as well as re-establishing a gold standard will also help our country's stability after we lose reserve currency status.

Just my thoughts regarding the financial future as the cabal system is dismantled. Discussion welcome.


I know there is a sentiment here that the FedGov should be dismantled such that only Constitutionally relevant agencies exist. That would be one heck of a shrinkage!

Are there any FedGov services that should be preserved? Has this Board ever had a serious discussion about it?

For example, I value the research produced by the US Forest Service Research Stations. But I bet those would be cut in most people's resizing of the FedGov.

The world is far more complex than when the Constitution was ratified, and so I wonder what roles, if any, the FedGov would still play if/when we return to the Constitutional Republic?

Is it a matter of identifying where there is real value? Or is it simply cutting back to the boundaries of the Constitution?


Probably belongs on the general chat... but the point I am really trying to make is that I really needed this. We all sense the knife's edge that our country is on, and we each need to find that thing that grounds us and nourishes us. Live music, especially blues, does it for me... that and some Whistle Pig 10yr on the rocks.

Enjoy, Frens. Do your thing. Reenergize. Share here what you do. Let's get some positive vibes going (beyond the winning).


Here's the most recent article that does a good job of summarizing the point in my headline:


All along I have had the opinion that something really, really surprising must happen to bring the two sides much closer. That's because even if Trump were to win with 60% of the vote, the level of vitriol and division in this country will remain way too high, and our country will be ripe for ongoing heartache.

We have many things ushering us towards the Precipice. But I think what will really get us there--to the point where all Americans are suddenly looking over the proverbial cliff--includes two things:

  1. KH is declared the winner after everyone believes she has no chance of winning (because MSM tears her down, and other events occur to further make people not like her), and her win is actually so obviously fraudulent (like 315+ electoral votes) that there's a moment where the country is stunned and we are unified in an odd way by what we know is cheating; and

  2. After #1 gets sorted (I think via Military intervention with proof of outside interference, and Martial Law is implemented for 10 days), and while we're all still unified to a certain extent regarding the cheating, that's when the cheating of 2020 gets exposed, AND, that's when the source of the cheating--the Deep State and Cabal--are exposed along with their evil methods of control (crimes against children and humanity), with each new detail of exposure further uniting us.

THAT's what I hope and pray happens, only because I am not creative enough to think of any other way that we all become united. And, if the Plan does not foster unity, then it's not much of a plan (which is my premise for my above hypothesis).

Anyway, I guess the questions I hope to see comments and discussion about are:

  1. What are you opinions about the current unity vs division in this country?
  2. We know that crimes against children would be the great unifying topic according to Q, but I don't see that stuff coming out before the election. So, do you think the election is an inflection point where more unity is achieved, or will the lines be drawn more deeply in the sand?
  3. What else might create the Precipice, and when do we learn about the children?

As always, thanks for your comments and discussion--this Board is the best!!


Edit: I should have said "Revolutionary" type of war, because it would be people against the government agency.

There's a lot of FAFO energy building in the comments and posts across social media regarding the spirit of the survivors on Helene. It makes me proud to be American. We are resilient when push comes to shove.

And... knowing how the Cabal works and masterfully uses various energies to its advanatge, there could quickly evolve a situation akin to some sort of civil war that is much more revolutionary than civil.

For example, what if FEMA (and lackey law enforcement--which, btw, I hope most are good but some are not) happens to poke a bear too much, perhaps on purpose, and shots are fired? What if someone is killed by the government in that manner? Perhaps then the people might decide that it is open season, guerrila style. Next thing you know, you have shootouts, National Guard called in, itchy Patriots driving hundreds of miles to get in on the action, etc. That conflict could mushroom all over the country.

I really hope that does not happen. We need a leader who can create calm--but we are a long way from having him in office and able to play a role in NC. Perhaps there is a way for Trump to play a stronger, save-the-day role? It could be as simple as organizing efforts. I don't know... spit-balling here.

Bottom line is that a conflagration is very possible.


A friend of mine shared that Jeffrey Prather has started an initiative called Team America.


On the surface it seems like an opportunity to network with like-minded Patriots.

But is it too easily infiltrated?

Is it a Paytriot scheme?

Does it get you on an extra special list?

Those are some of the concerns. But are the benefits worth it? Can anyone share some insights?



I did a search, and perhaps incorrectly. I hadn't seen this question posted, yet.

As the news comes out about money going everywhere but to the victims of Helene, it is becoming more and more of a political nail in the coffin.


First, will it happen, and if so, how bad will it be?

I consider myself pretty well prepared for the worst case scenario regarding anything. But I have to admit, this looming strike has me puzzled. If I live in a flyover state, how will this affect me? If I am on the East Coast what then?

What types of products might we see shortages of?

What might the ripple effects be that we should be prepared for?

Is there anything on the boats that won't be offloaded that I make use of and would need?

What's the risk of stocking up on stuff you'll use over time? Expiration dates?

These are just some of the questions we still have time to discuss and answer, and provide guidance for one another to both use and share with others.


At the risk of being banned, I feel a great need to engage the Board about the topic of the Plan, and how we will know when... well, that it's "done".

I don't know how else to explain this fascinating dynamic, so let me first list some things that I commonly hear on this Board and that I am constantly trying to reconcile. I'll post the saying, or belief, and then a short comment in brackets [ ].

  1. God wins. [Yes, of course He does. I believe this. But do we know what this actually translates into in this world, for humans? It is comforting in one way, but it is the Great Ambiguity as well as the Great Euphemism in another.]

  2. Nothing can stop what is coming. [Similar to #1. I believe this. I think we all do. But what is the "What"? Justice and goodness? That's what we believe and we are hoping for.]

  3. Trust the Plan. [Similar to #1 and #2. I do trust the Plan. The reason I am making this post is because I don't KNOW the Plan. That is what "trust" is... similar to faith. I have seen enough evidence that there is a Plan, and I believe it to be real and to be good.]

  4. Eat more popcorn. [This phrase is frustrating because it's basically implying that there's nothing to do but... #'s 1, 2 and 3... just have faith and trust. That's all good, but this cannot go on forever. Some of you/us have been waiting for decades. Some of you found this Board yesterday. Regardless, this state of mind is not sustainable for most people. So, when will we know that we do not need more popcorn? When Trump is the President?]

  5. We're watching a movie. [Yes, I know. It's kind of entertaining, I guess. But if I'm being truthful, it's frustrating and irritating. Like many of you, I'm ready for it to be over. See the next point.]

  6. This is a war. [I understand. And, it will take time... a long time... to unravel and dismantle the global Cabal that has existed for centuries. So, my need for expediency is not important. And people will suffer and people will die, and there will be ugliness. This is a war!! Put my big boy pants on, man up, etc. I get it. No need to keep saying THIS IS A WAR. All I want to know is how will we know when it is over?]

  7. Things are happening. [Yes, they are. A lot of things. We have win after win after win piling up. I KNOW! Again... how will we know when it's done? What signs, what wins, what habbenings will be the signal that it's done? When and why do we get to say "I told you so" to that smug in-law who loves FJB/KH? When and why do we get to come out of the fog of ambiguity and say, "This finally feels like solid ground, and a new life can begin"? Will it even be like that? Or are we going to be in this malaise of winning and changing and winning for the next 30 years? ]

  8. Patriots are in control. [This goes with #7, in particular. None of what we're seeing would happen if Patriots were not in control. But what does that really mean? Because there are a lot of things that seem like they're not in control. Or is that part of the script? Well, when it's a win, Patriots are in control--but something not so good means it's part of the script.]

  9. We must show them. [Yes, we do. The normies need to awaken via a process by which they are showing the evil that exists. And, we need to experience the Precipice as part of this showing. I can tell you right now: the longer things play out, and the longer the dripping continues, the more desensitized and tuned-out people become. So, I have a feeling that something cataclysmic is going to happen very, very soon, otherwise we will have missed the opportunity to truly awaken people].

  10. Take a break. [I understand self-care. I understand checking out and letting go and grounding myself. It is during those times that what I am explaining here comes into focus. Any rational person who without any context reads the above 9 statements would say, "That sounds circular or never-ending. You're being told that there's a plan and that you're winning, and that you should watch and be patient, and that it's a war so stop getting uppity because can't you see all that is happening to show them the evil and awaken them, and take a break if you can't handle it. But you never know when you're done. You're just supposed to keep at it, and endure." ]

There are other phrases and euphemisms, but these are the ones I hear/see the most.

What's my point in all of this? First, I'm not complaining--so don't bother to tell me to stop. I am looking past the war. And I want to know if we know how we will know that it is over.

Will Q post and tell us?

Will Trump tell us?

Will we just have to discern that we've won (continue to point to "wins")?

What are the things that will be proof that the fog of war has cleared and we are the victors? Public executions? Big Pharma ends and is replaced with med beds? Aliens walk among us and show us how to live up to our potential? All human traffickers are rounded up and disposed of? All but 6% of the population walks around with a smile and screaming, "Yes, I get it! I'm awake. We are free of the Cabal!" The Cabal masters are named, rounded up and disposed of? A 48-hour documentary is shared that details everything? There is peace. There are jobs. All of the above? Other things?

The deeper point is this: It is not healthy for the human psyche to sustain the watchfulness, hope, and preparedness for so long, and then not have a catharsis.

We need a cathartic moment. We need to know it's over. We need to know that the storm is over. I sure hope and pray that the Q Team accounted for this basic human condition, as the prolonged state of mind leads to desensitization, doubts and loss of hope, and overall disappointment at the falling short of expectations.

And that's the last point: We have been led to have expectations. And boy do I have them! And I am doing my best to spread them and encourage others to have them. Everything--EVERYTHING--is riding on this Plan. From world freedom from the Cabal to my petty need to say "I told you so", and everything in-between... and most people would say not to place all my eggs in this one basket. Well, Q, you're the basket, and you've got all my eggs. I'm in it to win it, and I want to know when we've won, and I want to know how we will know that we have won.

Edit: Interestingly enough, this post was made not too long after mine. If you have not watched this 6 minute video, please do. It is a great summary of what's going on, big picture and at a detailed level. It is hopeful, and answers my questions as to how we will know: https://greatawakening.win/p/1995CLejoG/the-dam-is-breaking/c/


The question is: As the use of AI continues to mushroom and take the place of human beings, what roles/jobs will be available for humans such that they can earn a living?

Let's forget those people who don't want to work. Let's just focus on people who want to work (regardless of their level of skill and capability).

The more insidious problem is that the pace at which we will be dumbed down has gone parabolic. You thought our kids are getting dumber? Whoa... hold on for the next 10 years and see how many humans can generate original thought. Here's an example of what I'm talking about... I spoke to a consultant today who has a specific expertise and is good at what she does. She explained how she uses Chat GPT to generate reports based on recorded webinars. Then she turns in the reports and gets paid. Some might say that that's smart. Personally, as long as she explains that to the client and the client agrees to pay for it, then that's between them (but I don't think she explained it to them). But the thing is, she is no longer originating her thoughts, and so at best she will plateau. So what, you ask? She falls to the side, you say? What happens when millions and millions and millions of people fall into this pattern?

The sad thing is, they already have.

And boy were we primed for it. The amount of entertainment that has flooded our brains is incomprehensible. Radio. Then TV. Then cable. Then the internet. Combine the access with the amount of programming, and you have the sheep, or rather, very, very passive human beings. This is not a new topic on this board. But we are not talking enough about the next level of human take-down--the impact of AI.

And I am not talking about the minuscule percent of people who use AI to create and problem solve, etc. I'm talking about the masses.

Why am I posting this here? Because our thoughts about the future (which are built upon the Q Plan) must account for this, and although I see the topic here and there, I just haven't seen a lot of deeper discussion about the future and the role of AI. So, yeah, this weighs on my mind when I think about my children, grandchildren, etc.

I don't have any answers. I am not against AI. But right now I don't see how our culture and economy get stronger, but instead only see the creation of wider gaps. It's almost as if AI is part of the global reset because there will only be 500 million people--an AI-based utopia in the minds of the elite.

I appreciate all comments and discussion.


ZeroHedge article: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/biggest-wild-card-presidential-election-just-days-left-until-crippling-port-strike

Basically, products disappear from shelves and Christmas is ruined if this happens. Why would the Cabal allow it, if it could be stopped? Maybe to create chaos?

But if WH's are scripting this, maybe it's to showcase FJB/KH's broken economy.


Anons share a special disadain for the pedos and their sacrificial ways.

But we are a minority.

Is it possible that this country is too forgiving?

What do they deserve, and if it is quick justice and death (as Trump just Truthed) how do we get the population to embrace this?


Inside this Board, it's obvious that Trump is leading something bigger than the election.

Even outside this Board, it is more and more obvious to many people (I estimate 60%) that this election is not politics as usual, and that it is more than just about the USA.

And, of the remaining 40%, I think man of them (let's say 75%) are awake or awakening quickly to the clown show (what we call the movie), or are at the very least questioning things they've never questioned before.

If my math is correct, then about 10% of the total population (100-60 = 40, and 25% of 40 is 10) is still very stuck in their old mindsets. That's 33 million people. And honestly, I think that's conservative.

Which leads me to my point: Something HUGE has to happen that makes a vast majority of the remaining 33 million (btw, no, I'm not a Free Mason... Jesus was 33 when He gave His life for us, too) change their minds and wake up.

4-6% supposedly will never get it--well, we're far from that.

In the best case scenario (which I hope will be delivered by the Plan) is that something so devastating emerges about KH before the election that even the most brainwashed will wake up and realize that all is wrong. Then, Trump is elected and there is tremendous unity and hope across the country.

But I think this movie has a ways to go, and the script has many twists. For example, I personally think that something about KH will come out, or she will be tied to many things that happen over the next several weeks, and her ratings will plummet so far down that everyone--even the most staunch liberals--will know that Trump will win. So, when she "wins", it will be a head-scratcher and everyone will know that there was fraud, and the military will step in due to the suspected coup (they will be able to take action this time because it will be accepted and even expected by the overwhelming majority of Americans, rather than being seen as Trump throwing a tantrum). And all will be resolved.

That's my personal leading theory.

Whatever the future holds, I do expect that the Plan creates unity. I want Trump to be able to get things done and be supported--not battled at every step of the way.

I want the global cabal to be taken down, not just suffer a loss with this year's election. (I believe this has already happened and the cabal is being dismantled, but the Plan is to show the people. Well, the mental barriers to seeing what is being shown are pretty damn thick, and too many people just aren't getting it--they've been too desensitized, perhaps, and are hard to wake up.)

I want the child atrocities to end, and for all human trafficking to end. Q has told us a lot. We have been led to believe that there will be some sort of Renaissance, both in the USA and the world (in my opinion). If that's wrong, let me know. But that's what I believe, and therefore I think there has got to be something HUGE that needs to happen... the scare event, perhaps... something that triggers other things... so that EVERYONE is touched and BLAMES KH and the Left, and the Deep State, and comes to understand what has been going on such that they are thankful that Trump has been in the way.

Well, this was a vent. Do I post it? Delete it? Nah, I typed it... maybe others are feeling the same. We're all ready for something big... the slow drip can be exhausting and torturous. We all want and desire the end of this movie.


I was at a gathering lastnight and I met someone who is also based. We are in a small town in the flyover states.

We all got to talking about covid, and told us a story about how he was in a nearby community one afternoon about the time covid was showing up in NY. He said he heard a hum and looked up and saw a formation of about adozen drones flying inaV formation about 500 feet high, and there was a vapor mist of some sort coming out from behind them. He didn't think much of it, but in the next few weeks covid was quickly spreading across the country, so in hindsight he wondered if the Deep State used drones to spread it.

So, that was his story. There is no evidence ofhis story. This is not an instance of "trust me, bro" . Instead I am wondering if anyone recalls something similar? (Obviously even if several Anons say yes, that is not evidence). So, just an anecdote, and am wondering if anyone has a similar story.


I had been thinking forever that FJB would win fraudulently again, but that was a B-level script.

Kamala winning... THAT's the A-level script.

Chaos for a day, then Martial Law, then Military investigates... find all the fraud... round people up, hang them... even go back and look again at 2020, expose the fraud (because they already have it), and roll back all of the FJB Administration's stuff for the past 4 years.

Most importantly, EVERYONE and THEIR BROTHER will know that the Deep State is real, has been stealing elections for decades, and that we are on the verge of a new beginning in America.


White Hats should have kept FJB in as President and should have made him win with 95 million votes. THAT would have been the red-pill to wake up everyone include the hags on The Voice.

But now we have Americans thinking they can field a candidate to defeat Trump, which is to say, they think this is still politics as usual and are unaware of the Deep State.

Maybe it's possible for people to start wondering about 2020 at this point... and the truth will come out--one can only hope.


How did this happen?

Are WH's in control, or not???

This question, I think, is at the heart of the theory that it was faked.

I do not think it was faked, so I am left with wondering how an inside job could have occurred if WH's are in control?

Yes, God saved Trump. His hand was very providential. But, why was God's hand needed in the first place?

This is where I am really confused. And "moves and counter moves" is not the answer. White Hats almost lost their guy!!!

What say you?


Also, last night in his speech he described how the doctor said the ear bleeds a lot. None on his hand. None on the white cuff of his sleeve. Even as he drops to the ground after covering his ear, his hand is momentarily visible... no blood.

I am not positing a theory. I am asking about what looks like an inconsistency.


Please don't misunderstand me. I am not advocating for any violence towards anyone.

I have been wondering: What will the DS do next?

To answer that, I back up one question and ask: What was the DS's goal had they been successful at taking out Trump?

Well, they had a few goals. Obviously, get rid of Trump. But how? By doing it in grand ol' sniper fashion on live television, you accomplish a greater goal--set fire to the MAGA powder store and watch the fireworks destroy the country and create a reason to usher in Martial Law and a much tighter government system that by its own claim supercedes the Constitution.

Sound too grandiose of an evil plot? Puh-lease. We've been doing it in other countries, why not here? The Cabal wants and needs the US on its knees.

So, back to the first question: What does the DS do next? Trump will be very protected now. Any type of attack would have to be sophisticated to get to him, but that would tip off the local gumshoe that the DS must have been involved. So, different plan.

Next choice: Identify another target to be a victim of a MAGA supporter (textbook style). But this victim needs to be bigger than big. Someone whose brand is so well known and still beloved among so many that his demise at the hand of a MAGA supporter would make George Floyd look like an ant that was stepped on by a toddler on the sidewalk.

I won't name a name, because this is a theory about a next move towards trying to destabilize our country once and for all, not about predicting any one person's demise.

Why am I putting this out there? Because I want to talk about preparedness for such an event. I'll be the first to say that I spent several hours exploring in my mind the "what if" regarding Trump and the attempt. It was an ugly 5 hours in my brain, and it led me to this conclusion: What I envisioned--the chaos, the loss of freedom, and the changed nature of our counrty--is exactly what the DS is attempting to foster in our country. And, I didn't have too many productive thoughts.

So... what say all of you? Is this a big picture scenario worth discussing and prepping for? If so, what does that look like?


God wins. I believe that.

God is protecting President Trump. I believe that.

So what is this post about? Well, for starters, no one knows God's plan. We only have hope, and we pray, and we believe that Trump and the Q Plan are aligned with what is right and therefore aligned with God's plan for America.

That being said, again, no one knows God's plan.

So, given the numerous details about the Attempt that suggest a vastly coordinated effort to take out President Trump, we have to ask: Just how powerful is the Cabal, still? And what does it say about whether or not the WH's are in control?

If it were not for the actual carnage inflicted by the shooter and the tragic death of one of the rally attendees (in addition to the other wounded and President Trump's wound, of course), it would be tempting to say that the whole thing seems way too contrived like a bad movie script.

But here we are with one person dead, three others wounded, and so far a lot of blathering by politicians about investigations. Is the lack of a firm response from the FJB administration helping to red-pill the world? Absolutely. So that's a "silver lining" in the wake of the almost beyond-tragic outcome.

Hell, Australia booting Jack Black and his band members out of the country for quipping about the "miss" is more action than the FJB administration has taken.

When you start adding up all of the pieces that point to a conspiracy, you start to recognize that there was some very in-depth and wide-spread coordination of a lot of players in that Attempt. From the unguarded rooftop, to the first-ever live broadcast, to the shorting of DJT$ media, to the numerous tactical missteps made by everyone involved... it is clear to me that this Attempt was divinely thwarted--but what remains is the fact that THEY can still coordinate such events.

Where do we go from here? If WH's are in control, then they now have an attempted murder as the context for next steps. We say all the time that Trump is still the CiC... so, when is enough enough, and the military of which he is the CiC going to step in and say, "Yeah, we've been holding off on the 2020 election fraud because we half the country would have seen it as a coup and that would have created division, and you needed to see it for yourselves and become awakened. But now, someone(s) attempted to murder the President and CiC. So, we're taking over at this point."

So many Anons believe that the military is not going to be involved. I don't believe that. Why were they so prominent in Trump's inauguration speech? They might look weak, now, but that's on purpose, part of the script.

I guess what I'm saying is that I believe the Cabal via its Deep State still has the means to take out Trump, and so by this recent Attempt I think that they have advanced the narrative very quickly. It's time to round them up--maybe that will happen very soon, and the murder plot will be unveiled. Wishful thinking?

Are we really going to get to an election without any more Attempts? How many more near misses will the White Hats risk?

I'm really interested to hear your thoughts and see some discussion about the current situation and where things go from here. Perhaps this was the scare event? What say you?

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