cinnamonbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure that was an accurate naming of the three in the photo. Merkel maybe, but not May I think.

by BQnita
cinnamonbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

17 told us to let them do the heavy lifting.

cinnamonbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed, the shrug and brief wry smile seemed like an acknowledgment of the true irony of what just slid out of his mouth.

cinnamonbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

Recently heard someone, can't recall who, stating that the majority of increased child/hep cases were in America and UK. UK used the AstraZenenca (Oxford) jab on many people for 1st two doses. For third jab and beyond UK used mainly Pfizer, public narrative was also AZ/rare bloodclots. AZ purportedly used chimpanzee adenovirus not human. One question I have would be: how is hep only happening now in UK when AZ stopped being used in the UK in 2021? Does it take time for hep to develop? https://www.nature.com/articles/srep16756/

cinnamonbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

My theory is that May was leveraged over things that her long-passed father did and was controllable to protect his reputation. May appeared to have become one of [them], although maybe that was just easier for living. She remains publicly committed to the progressive agenda to this day, in spite of conservative/brexit words sometimes used, seems more like a rino. May and husband have mystery about them, they visit the same lil country church every Sunday (or did back then). Whitehats may have 'neutralized' by intervening in the cycle of blackmail, letting her know they knew about that and other things and maybe bringing fresh perspective or pressure to bear. I had a dream about her once, where she was sick and no-one was helping her, they just used her their political ends and didn't care what happened to her, she was more victim than perpetrator.

Remember her cringe dancing (dancing queen), don't they do that to get/keep power (humiliation ritual). 45 does it the most and the best - he wins at the dancing as he wins at everything. Winning is very important. No-one can out dance him.