Ok, I pulled up some better images of that location. It would appear that this is a place where people with money live. All buildings are ... well it does not look like communist China. The closest land based building to the pin seems to be an amusement park/beach area. Odd thing though, in all these images I have of the location considering how dense the population should be based on what appear to be housing units, there are very few vehicles.
I checked this out too, while the image of Biden makes it a tad bit difficult it would seem that the angle or curve of the bezel connecting the case to the wristband pin is slightly off. Biden's looks to be more aggressive where the Q watch seems more curved and blended. The Biden band seems to be more flat versus the alligator one displayed on the right, especially closer to the case. Another note, the first Q watch picture on post 3642 has a different band than the one shown in this picture. The "manufacturers default" band is the one displayed in this picture.. hmmm
Sooooo, if you go through his posts he mentions an @BlueSky. Doing a Q post phrase search we come up with post 4226 that has "QBlueSkyQ" within the URL. Of course the post has been deleted though. Any ideas from this?
In a way I would not doubt it one bit. Considering all these "power outages" or other interruptions to service which are causing those locations to mass distribute before losing their supply.. I hate to break it to the sheep, but locations such as those have redundant power systems.
Likewise, notice that Cuomo clown 100% against a vaccine? Now that it is here though he wants to impose mandatory vaccinations? Mixed with the "if we deem you a medical threat we will imprison you" seems pretty damn suspicious.
Interesting, the "main" company https://www.showcallinc.com/about-us/
and Checkmate https://www.checkmate.global/about-us/
The way Pelosi is walking doesn't seem normal. I mean with her fingers stretched out like that is almost as if she is stressed out/tense.