If this happens I will be 100% certain the plan is real and being carried out. Biden won't have a leg to stand on if new California and NY governors are fighting him along with all the based states.


I think we're going to soon see all gains from since xiden took over wiped out. I can't help but feel there's more going on with this than meets the eye.


The grand solar minimum seems to be bringing in much colder than normal temperatures already in much of the country. I think we are going to see more of this during this winter and spring and then probably even more next fall / winter. I have no idea if "the storm" in any way refers to a real storm but it seems like some kind of unprecedented mega winter storm could happen that would cause immense destruction across the nation and maybe this would cause the military to step in as the Xiden administration would be too inept to do anything.


I'm sure I'll get called a shill for one reason or another but I feel like this is important enough to say so here goes. I've been learning about the grand solar minimum and it's likely effects on the climate which will cause colder weather, more intense storms and probably food shortages. I can't help but think how this lines up with Q's, "nothing can stop what's coming", nothing can stop this certainly. Also the talk of storms as likely storms will be increasing in intensity. Basically a lot of people are speculating that the coming climate change to a colder climate will cause all kinds of societall upheaval. I know it doesn't tie directly to Q but these thoughts keep popping into my head so I wanted to share.


I'm from a blue state originally but once the covid crap started I started traveling and have kept doing so in order to see more red states and get a feel for them and I've moved temporarily to one but the thing I noticed was that many red states were pretty onboard with the mask stuff and everything and I think some still are. The level of disappointment I had when I first realized that the average person in a red state wasn't as awake as I thought they would be was immense. Also I have conservative family who bought into the covid stuff for a while and even kind of still do. I can't help but wonder if people are even more brainwashed than they realized and that's why we are where we are where the plan is still hopefully being carried out but didn't come to it's conclusion when we thought it would.


Rigged markets are going down