I like hannity better but don't like either much. Tucker gives me strong pedo vibes.
I've always been skeptical of Dave
Nice keep up the fight
Interesting maybe that's Trump's long game, to have things get so bad enough states will be forced to do a constitutional convention
Blue states will never succeed, red states need to secede
It's just further proof they are insane, if you're raising an animal to kill it how could a rational person make a case that it matters at what point it's killed. It's purely an emotional ploy by these lunatics
The goal of the left is to completely outlaw beef so I'm not surprised
My belief now is that this statement is referring to Trump doing something in the future, basically it's written as if we are in the future and the former president Trump has done something to save the republic. Maybe I'm insane but that's just what I think of now when I read this
Assachussetes, lol
Well a horrible governor for one
Was just in coastal northern California visiting family and went on a hike, probably 95% of the sheep we passed were wearing masks
You're doing the lord's work, keep it up
San Francisco would like a word with you
Right, they must keep the murder rate intact no matter what. Similar situation in big blue cities here
Well, Oregon is a whole other level of communist
I had a guy in home depot pull his mask down once when he saw my naked face, was a really good feeling
Is he transitioning away from being a RINO?
The only valid explanation is that it was the best possible option. For example if the deep state has nukes hidden in a bunch of cities then it makes sense the military would let us go through a hell of a lot of suffering to avoid having those nukes detonated.
I would say the same thing I said in an email I sent to him before: having traveled around this great country a lot recently I have more faith than ever that even if America is reduced to only a handful of states and the rest subjugated by Communism the American spirit would not die and eventually it would take back this great land. I know this and I'm sure you know it. America is a concept, an idea and a way of life more than it is an physical place and nothing can ever defeat this spirit.
Hiiiii and weeelcome
I always skim the zh articles then spend a bunch of time reading comments ?
I've had a similar thought before, glad you put it into words. At this point I think this is the one possibility left so hopefully you're right
*following Florida
Incredibly based, honestly I hate unions normally but maybe an anti mask union or something makes sense?