Here is where you can provide written commentary regarding the Roles & Responsibilities of the NSHE Chancellor.
During C-19, previous Chancellor Rose put into effect many of the terrible mandates that "forced" students and employees alike to get the clot-shot. Governor Sissy-lack used the Chancellor's authority to keep such mandates going well into Spring of 2022. Although she is no longer Chancellor, this kind of abuse of power needs to GO.
According to NSHE's website, the Chancellor "is the chief executive officer and ex-officio treasurer of the Nevada System of Higher Education and is responsible to the Board of Regents for the administration of the System, implementation of Board policies and directives, and the financial management of the Nevada System of Higher Education."
If you are a Nevadan and want our current Acting Chancellor (Dale Erquiaga) and future Chancellors to BACK OFF jibby-jab requirements (etc), please comment using the link provided.
His full name was Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi (actually it was Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi), and he is considered one of the founding fathers of the European Union.
I had never heard this name until I read Archbishop Vigano’s interview with The War Room on June 30, 2022 (today). I haven't dug too deeply yet, but here's some of what I found from his wiki page (which shouldn't be trusted, but this should get us to a good start).
Richard was the son of an Austro-Hungarian Diplomat, Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi, and Mitsuko Aoyama, the daughter of a Japanese oil merchant. His original name was Aoyama Eijiro and he didn’t become a Czech citizen until 1919. He would later marry the Jewish-Viennese actress Ida Roland nee Klausner.
He’s interesting for several reasons:
He was influenced by Immanuel Kant, Oswald Spengler, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Friedrich Nietzsche – among others. "His original vision was for a world divided into only five states: a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa; a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas; the British Commonwealth circling the globe; the USSR spanning Eurasia; and a Pan-Asian Union whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific. To him, the only hope for a Europe devastated by war was to federate along lines that the Hungarian-born Romanian Aurel Popovici and others had proposed for the dissolved multinational Empire of Austria-Hungary. According to Coudenhove-Kalergi, Pan-Europe would encompass and extend a more flexible and more competitive Austria-Hungary, with English serving as the world language, spoken by everyone in addition to their native tongue. He believed that individualism and socialism would learn to cooperate instead of compete, and urged that capitalism and communism cross-fertilise each other just as the Protestant Reformation had spurred the Catholic Church to regenerate itself." [emphasis added by me]
He was a freemason (joined in 1921)
In 1922, he supposedly co-founded the pan-European Union with Otto von Habsburg.
"According to his autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 his friend Baron Louis de Rothschild introduced him to Max Warburg who offered to finance his movement for the next three years by giving him 60,000 gold marks."
Supposedly, Hitler hated him.
His story is the basis for the character ‘Victor Laszlo’ in the movie Casablanca.
Worked with NYU Professor Ludwig von Mises regarding currency problems for Kalergi’s pan-European movement.
“In his 1925 book Practical Idealism, [he] envisioned an all-encompassing race of the future made up of "Eurasian-Negroid[s]," replacing "the diversity of peoples" and "[t]oday's races and classes" with a "diversity of individuals."
In the War Room interview with Archbishop Vigano, His Excellency says this about Kalergi: “Richard Kalergi, one of the founding fathers of the European Union, wanted to pursue social engineering policies aimed at modifying European national societies through immigration and cross breeding, driving migration waves with the attractiveness of cheaper labor costs. ”
Influenced Japan, particularly the Kajima Corporation, NHK, and Daisaku Ikeda (of Soka Gakkai).
His favorite song was Beethoven's "Ode to Joy".
Tidbit Thursday! Has anyone else heard of this guy?

You don't need to read the article, honestly. You could read the headline, or -- if you're patient enough -- the first and second paragraph. The whole article isn't even bad; it points out liberal hypocrisy at it's finest: Plagiary for me but not for thee.
But it's important to see what the article is exposing: this is what they do. Leftists (marxists, communists, socialists -- but I digress) frequently plagiarize each other's work. It's a very marxists thing to do, and therefore 100% a-OK. It's especially wonderful if the original work was some bourgeois white guy and the plagiarizer is a fringe minority/queer/confused thing. Nothing to see here!
It's not OK if a Trump-er does it, even if it's not really plagiarism but simply bad academic practice. That's very very bad, and the individual should be put through the wringer. To be clear: I don't condone plagiarism and so-called academics have a duty to be careful in this regard. It's a sad reality that this is often not the case.
The article, in conclusion, identifies a problem in the History profession: a lot of plagiarism seems to be going on! But more so, it's overlooked among liberal circles. So, GAW audience, please be aware (as you no doubt already are) -- plagiarism is everywhere. It's not just in History (although it's quickly being rewritten), either, and this is on purpose.
You can find the movie here, although you have to give your name and email address, unfortunately. I'm not sure if it's on Rumble or Bitchute, but I'm sure it will be soon. It's about 30 min long.
Here are the highlights, although the movie is -- in my humble opinion -- bombshell testimony and should be watched first-hand:
-A neonatal tetanus vaccine campaign was led by the WHO and targeted East African women of child-bearing age (14-46) in October 2013.
-19 years earlier, a similar vaccination campaign was stopped due to one doctor (Dr. Stephen Karanja) who advocated for testing the vaccines for the presence of anti-bHCG (an auto-immune response against bHCG which tells a woman's body to produce progesterone; in other words, the tests would show evidence of being an infertility vaccine). WHO backed off on this... until October 2013.
-This time (2013/2014), when the vials were tested by a company called "AgriQ Quest", the vials from the neonatal tetanus vaccines came back positive for anti-bHCG.
-HOWEVER, the government vials of the same lot number came back negative.
-Politicians and doctors spoke out publicly to cover this up, and Dr. Stephen Karanja was given a gag order.
-It was only recently discovered by AgriQ Quest that the vials from the WHO campaign which tested positive (infertility) had a second label underneath the first, showing a completely different manufacturing company.
-The government-labeled vaccines which tested negative were manufactured elsewhere from the vaccines given in the WHO neonatal tetanus vaccine campaign.
-Dr. Stephen Karanja has since died, reported as a Covid-19 death.
Similar events have and are occurring with the C19 jabs! The world depopulation agenda has and continues to proceed as planned by the WHO (and others).
Look at the gaslighting here:
1.There’s no mention of the c19 jabs causing waning immunity, even VAIDS.
2.There’s no mention of the PCR testing, which spewed false positive after false positive, practically eliminating the Flu in 2020 and 2021.
3.“We’re seeing viruses behave in very odd ways that they weren’t before” – this is being blamed on lockdowns and mask mandates. Not that the virus is manmade (Monkeypox & C19) to infect humans, not that folks were jabbed and now have VAIDS, not that testing is telling the test-addicted that they’re now sick with A, B, or C.
4.A recent article stated that most Monkeypox cases in Canada were actually misdiagnosed Shingles cases, but there’s no mention of that in this article. They really don’t want to say it’s spread through (gay) sex, either, but we should all be very afraid because it’s behaving atypically.
5.Children found to have HIV? Must be that they missed their vaxx schedule! Or the lockdowns and masking. Really, we should start “catch-up” vaccination campaigns, just in case. No mention of the c19 jabs.
It’s as though a huge experimental vaccination campaign didn’t just happen. The vaxx injured must be thinking they’re crazy, at this point, and the triple-jabbed must be wondering why they’re sick again, omg.
[EDIT: CNBC -- whoops! It's almost like they're all the same...]

The lead up to this decision has some real magic, and I wanted to share:
I put up a fuss regarding the Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor's decision to implement testing for those with (Religious or Medical) exemptions and those considered "not fully" vaccinated. They began testing end of February, 2022. I never took part.
I won't go into detail about the who or what, but suffice to say I spoke with the appropriate parties and over the course of several weeks spoke to legal representatives about how this was inappropriate and unsustainable (and so many other things, all of which equal illegal!)
Out of the blue, while waiting for a formal opinion from these legal representatives, I get the email: NSHE has dropped the testing mandate effective March 25th!
I have no idea if my actions helped this decision come to pass, but the timing is excellent...
Frens, I've been fighting this since October, 2021. This is such a HUGE WIN and I wanted to share with you -- much of my actions were made after much consideration and advice from you. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.
My place of employment is starting testing for non- or partially-jabbed employees in ten days. As far as I can tell, this isn't a mandate. It's just the Gov saying "Yeah, we're doing this now. No legal basis, just...* spreads out hands * because."
I have a list of questions I want to send them, basically saying, "You need to answer these and sign that you take full liability if anything happens to me due to these tests. You also understand that it's within my right to decline re:EUA laws, etc."
(One of my questions is why these tests are only "required" for non- or partially-jabbed folks, when everyone and their fruit bowl is testing positive.)
To the Lawyer-Pedes: say I send these questions, which I very strongly want to do. I see a few reactions happening from my employer:
- They fire me. No questions, no answers -- just... I'm fired.
- They harass me (which I'll ignore, but probably still leading to firing)
- They do nothing with my questions, and tell me to test anyway. In which case, I won't and then they fire me.
- They answer the questions, perhaps to my satisfaction but perhaps not, and I decline the tests (because NO). Then they fire me.
Do i have a legal leg to stand on? Is it worth my time to consult a lawyer or gamble my career without one?
I have a list of lawyers from a u/20-guage post to whom I'm seriously considering reaching out, but I respect this community quite a bit, and I'd really appreciate your thoughts and feedback.
Thank you, everyone! I know posts such as mine are abundant, but I really appreciate your time and consideration.
(I made new, news-appropriate lyrics to "Proud To Be An American"! This is purely for fun, so I hope this gives you a smile!)
"If tomorrow truckers were up and gone
To fight against their strife
And they had to drive again
To stand up for their rights
I’d send them a donation
To help them through the day
‘Cause the leaf now stands for freedom
And freedom is here to stay!
And I’m proud to HONK, I’m American
Where at last I can now breathe
And I won’t forget the men who lied,
who denied these rights to me.
And now with mask off
Next to you and pureblood to this day
I will HONK, HONK, HONK, with this hand
Can’t stop us now, eh!"

I have a nurse friend who is a libtard Branch Covidian. She tells me, "IVM causes fungal pneumonia in my patients."
And so I ask, "Are they being dosed Remdesevir?"
And she says, "Yeah, so? It doesn't happen when they're only on Remdesevir. IVM is giving them the pneumonia."
Guys, this is BS. IVM doesn't do this. I say it's the remdesevir and venting, but "what do I know? I'm not a nurse." Anyone here know anything about this?
What a way to end a week! Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty! Let that stand alone as a major win.
In addition, and in a selfish desire to throw more good news around, my religious waivers were approved. Both as a student and as a employee at a university. My student one was initially denied, but I appealed that hard and the decision was reversed. Do I need to be a student? No. And yes, I am rethinking this degree.
I do not believe there is a one-size-fits-all religious waiver. I was very careful. I tailored mine to my faith, citing religious leaders in a separate document, and I emphasized that previous immunizations occurred before my baptism (all true). I emphasized my constitutional right to this decision and, for my employee waiver, my rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (42 U.S. Code, section 2000e).
They took their sweet time making a decision, folks. As far as I can guess, they worked hard to find a way to deny my waiver, but ultimately couldn't.
Now to prepare myself for "mandatory weekly testing starting in 2022". Those PCR tests are being thrown out by Dec 31st, IIRC, for unreliability. No idea how they can assert medical necessity for a test that not even the CDC can stand behind...
It's a good day! Thanks for celebrating with me.