I have asked you to do your job and you have turned your back on me for me there is more danger to keep off of here. Blocking my personal info when i am so sessperate you drove me to do it. I am not judging you but you have abandoned a fellow Anon and won't help me reach the boss and you can all sit here and wait . At this moment we are broken all of my Christian broters and sister have left me down. My brainis has been on 80 percent

First I have been suffering from sever dehind ration. I did it to my self by drinking to dam much of a good thing. Coffee. I love it and don't take it away. It hit me so I am letting you know. We can't see them but I have been warned now is not the time to quit anything. I have now called out for the help I need as I am in what this world calls critical. I have been living for aprox a week with my air levels below 80. I Quit monitoring because after he helped bringing me out a full blown panic attack


Even We are not yet fully Awake yet. We do not have all the answers, and we were never brought together to gloat at other victims. As Q, and God and Trump and many others have told us to PRAY, the Great Awakening is mostly Spiritual, yet there are many good anons that will not even look at the evidence themselves and insist on not believing. We still have the choice not to follow our Father in heaven but very soon there will be no way to avoid the truth.

Some still believe that eventually they will have their chance at their own justice. And they think they have a right to blame innocent peoples for all their pain. Has anyone talked to the actual loving mothers that were fooled into hurting their own children. Most are feeling so much pain and guilt right now. Suicide weekend could be partly ending the pain santa put them through.
It has always hurt my heart to see the way some on this board enjoy seeing other real victim's pain.
I can give a real good example- Does anyone remember the video that of the woman on the cell phone in I think New York, everyone laughed at her falling over the railing headfirst into the hole opened there. She did not make it. We did not think about what we really saw. We laughed at video showing her cause of death. I was ashamed of myself for laughing before I knew the whole story. She was not doing anything different than many people do all the time.
For now, I must go get some rest, good morning, everyone.

God bless everyone.


I want to find one of the posts where Q posts all in Caps, about events. If I find it, I am going to save it to use on people that no matter how much happens they still are not happy that Q refuses to switch to their wants. Q had to yell at them.

Please, bing or goggle Isaia 11:6 read what it says and then look at the pictures, these beings are stupid I know a lot of people that could not follow a god that would leave his children to face his wrath, simply because they are too young. Especially when we know God love his children the most. I don't believe he would. I am really beginning to believe that both God and Jesus Christ are already here and helping Trump. Think, Georgia Guidestones being blown out from the top. Also, the George Floyd mural being blow apart in a ver weird way. How about the massive lighting storm in DC the night the rioters were going to go into the white house and drag him out. There have been Muslims that have come to Christ, after he visited him. They wouldn't change without proof, because it is a death sentence to do sow. They say Jesus came to their home over and over to demand they stop killing his people. I hope you would just consider it, and as always investigate for yourself.

Ok, I just Truthed Trump about this Pede thing I hope he will answer, we can watch his Truths and see.

I think someone does not know what they are doing or are going to use it later against us.

Pepe, is the term all the Q's, Trump and white hats use, I know they would not approve of the perverted term.


I watched a very important documentary about the return of Jesus Christ last night that gave me soooo much faith in his return. Based on Truth this video answered many Questions for me. It also explains some of why the prophecies are rarely talked about in church. I Pray that many will listen and spread the word, especially to the children.
I think Trump and Q know about it, I also think that if he must come soon, Before the end of this world. The movie is called 'before the wrath", and I watched it on purflix, there might be a free version out there. Hint--we do know he will come at night, what I don't get yet is the planet is never totally at night, now I have to investigate further.

After my family died mostly 2 people watched over me and waited until I needed to ask for help. I had a homeless guy living on my property that was mentally really messed up. Those 2 people were right there, I don't even remember calling them. 1 of those people is in trouble, he has heart attacks and can't go to the hospital. Around here if you don't have the vax and you test positive you automatically get the remdesivir and ventilator treatment
I woke up this morning with the 2 of them in my drive wanting a dose of Ivers and zinc, I through in a small dose of B-12. He was shaking so badly and was freezing cold, so we decided to get him over to her house and into bed. I sent along with her a can of chicken noodle soup and a thermometer. Obviously, I am no doctor and I found out later the shaking was from the nitro he took. I found out he has heart attacks on a regular basis and usually has it in his pocket but forgot it in my shop. They have become such great friends, one is a pretend liberal (I caught her singing along with "Proud to be an American"), she showed me her ballot that she voted for Trump and gave me a raspberry.
I am asking that those who are willing pray for a full healing of this huge hearted person. His name is Rusty and would be VERY missed by his 4 yr old granddaughter. She has him on speed dial and is very sophisticated, we have no idea how, but she is. She only made a couple weeks in preschool because those people are stupid. He sits on the ground with her in my yard and really listens to everything she says. I have a lot of yard art, and she loves to come over with him to play. I told her mom that she was completely welcome, and I was happy a child found it as fun as I did.
No mater your religion please pray for him, he is a Christian and was worried that since I am an anon, I worshipped Trump, but was ok when I told him no way.
Thank You!