posted ago by crazycloud ago by crazycloud +11 / -2

Please, bing or goggle Isaia 11:6 read what it says and then look at the pictures, these beings are stupid I know a lot of people that could not follow a god that would leave his children to face his wrath, simply because they are too young. Especially when we know God love his children the most. I don't believe he would. I am really beginning to believe that both God and Jesus Christ are already here and helping Trump. Think, Georgia Guidestones being blown out from the top. Also, the George Floyd mural being blow apart in a ver weird way. How about the massive lighting storm in DC the night the rioters were going to go into the white house and drag him out. There have been Muslims that have come to Christ, after he visited him. They wouldn't change without proof, because it is a death sentence to do sow. They say Jesus came to their home over and over to demand they stop killing his people. I hope you would just consider it, and as always investigate for yourself.