looking to stay in texas for a while and need work out there for the unvaxxed. i don't know anywhere else to go.
first i will say that anyone coming out against grooming is a good thing however there is some overlap that i don't see talked about often and that is:
"gay marriage is a slippery slope"
in my opinion the very existence of gay people led to what we see today. if it wasn't for them then the gradual normalization of more sexual themes wouldn't have happened.
do gay people realize this? or is it not connected to what we see today? the average person who believes in god is against being gay. not the person but the act itself yet when its to our convenience we would support them because the are against groomers
to me it doesn't make any sense. sometimes i see people on here bash gay people and people who cross dress but then at the top where all the big posts are stickied you would see massive support from us but if you were to take those same people and put them in a room with the same gay person they would probably bad mouth them
to me its either its all good or all bad. it seems that our movement is trying to have a it both ways. you know. have your cake and eat it too type of thing
i didn't think i would ever meet someone who says this word for word. to put it generally we were talking about women's rights and i asked her the famous question. "what is a women?" and she replied "a women is someone who identify as a woman".
overall she says that she wont see my perspective and "my truth" so i say what about "The truth"? and she keeps saying that "The truth" is "my truth" but also hers as well. her truth is also "The truth" as she explains.
so i try a thought experiment. i ask her a question:
"there is a 100 people in a room and there is a chair in the middle of the room. if you were to ask every person if the chair was there what would they say? there are no wrong answers"
the goal of this question to to gauge how someone views objective reality. if you say that most would say its there one could assume that the physical reality has proved itself enough to have a word that defines it. the word "chair" is based on something that exists and will always be the case. same thing applies to women. time and time again women are born with different autonomy, different bone structures compared to men and we call them such because of these observed differences.
and they just cant do it. no matter which way its explained to them. no matter how much information is given. even if they ask for it themselves at some point they just bow out. most end up not caring and drop the conversation and the ones who do care get so overwhelmed even with the most basic information that they just cant continue.
as anyone else experienced this? its every single vaccinated person ive ever met. not just a few. its like they are hardwired to dismiss anything that challenges that choice they made to get it
Imagine being Trump and you spent months putting together Truth social. hiring people to do the coding. promotion. you name it. it takes a lot to put a project together. when you have a vision for your project and you plan to finish it, you don't think about other peoples projects. you think about your own and constantly.
maybe its just me but i have a project going on and when im done with it i want people to use it. i don't want to abandon my own project just to use another project. when it comes to Trump specially i believe in his point of view there is no reason to go back to twitter. he took the "build your own platform" literally and hes following through with it.
in my eyes Truth social hasn't even officially kicked off yet. the moment its available on all platforms is when i will have a more concrete opinion on this platform.

he made a post saying this
"someone make it make sense for me please! how is Joe Biden responsible for Russia invading Ukraine? and give me a logical answer"
The video game Halo infinite features 3 body types to choose from when customizing your character. "slim" "filled in" "skinny. all of these body types are the same with mainly the waist being the only things that changes. this make all the body types look male since its in one mold instead with other features like smaller hands and less broad shoulders. a lot of women notice this and are upset by it because the model in the previous game (Halo 5) showed accurate representation.
im writing this post because in the last couple of days the topic has been exploding in the comments. very heated debates about gender are going on and a lot of people are becoming split like in real life. its not like its a small forum either. this is the official forum where the company responds. they usually don't but they did tonight and what they said i feel is important to this movement because it shows how little these companys care about the customers. it also shows the the mental gymnastics that people go through to defend such things.
This is the forum:
This is the comment that a 343i made. the company that makes halo infinite (Snickerdoodle is 343i)
what the comment says:
"There are different body types that anyone can choose from."
"That’s very intentional design and there are currently no plans to change that."
right after this comment, there have been some comments to note. some one replies this:
"Snickerdoodle responded and said they have no intention to change anything. Guess I’ll tell my daughter to go kick rocks and play as a male or find a game with females in it."
then someone replied to that saying this:
"Be sure to tell her that she also isn’t even allowed to talk about it."
the link for that is here:
Anyone that you know that has a Microsoft account can write in this forum. the narrative is shifting. people are waking up in the forums over this. they are realizing there is an agenda at play and 343i is apart of it.
i also write another post here that further explains the connection between 343i and The Great reset:
TL;DR at the bottom
some context for those who don't pay attention to video games. Halo is a sci-fi first person shooter. it became famous as the flag ship title for the Xbox for its amazing story and multiplayer.
i played every halo since i was young. i got to see all the changes that went on with the game. halo infinite changed a lot of the norms that halo players are used to. some of these changes align with some of the topics that get spoken about here
there is a lot to go through but to start, one change is that the multiplayer went free to play. it has now become a "live service" game. they also stated there would be a ten year plan for this game. the game was supposed to release in 2020. it got delayed because of the negative feedback on the game play reveal.
2020 release date. 10 year plan for the game. in ten years it would be 2030
the great reset is slated to happen in 2030
this alone definitely raises an eyebrow but that's not the only connection i made. below i will show evidence that this game is apart of the great reset
first lets talk about the state of video games as a whole. there have been trends that major companies have been following for a while now. at first it was small microtransactions. the gaming community as a whole dislikes this but the wallets of gamers who buy into it say otherwise so the trend continued and got worse and worse. then comes along battle royale. with this game type it birthed a new era of microtransactions where skins can cost up to 10 or 20 dollars. this also went hand and hand with games that are free to play. fort nite took charge with this model and still to this day fort nite is successful because of it.
video games in modern times often have bad launches for lack of content, bugs, and a game that is overall unfinished. no mans sky fell victim to this. a lot of what was promised was not delivered and it hurt the image of the company. another example is cyberpunk 2077. that game also released unfinished. halo infinite is no different. the game before it, halo 5, was also missing content at launch. halo infinite released with less content than the previous game. all the updates will take months to arrive. over the years we have been getting less and less with each game release.
this brings me to halo infinite not being an offline game. you cant just pop in the disc and play. there is no playable campaign on the disk. you have to connect to the internet in order to play and even after that you cant play offline
"you will own nothing and be happy". the above statements lay out the ground work for a system that lets you play the game but you don't actually own it like you did before with previous titles. once a upon a time you were able to take a disc home and it would work. no internet. no updates. the disc was yours to use. now with the free to play models you don't own anything but the skins you buy. you might be playing for free but you don't own the game in a traditional sense.
when it comes to feedback on halo infinite all of it is met with "but ohh its free". people say "be happy" its free and we are getting free updates. that's true the game will receive free updates. the problem is when ever someone says "its free" it muddys the conversation and ends up pushing out valid feedback. this also creates the perfect excuse for the lack of content
the lack of content are features that were there on day one in previous titles. each game that got released it came with less and less. other games released unfinished as well. this as a whole conditioned a lot of people to be ok with less. there are some people who speak up about this but over all people are accepting of halo infinite because it "has a good base" to some people. i said the same thing back then about missing content. i thought that if it had a good base then releasing unfinished was fine. i was wrong. as a customer we now have less because of that type of thinking.
now on to body shapes. right now in the halo infinite forums there is a heated debate going on about the different body types you can choose in game. there is only 3 body types. none of them are female. its just male and ambiguous body types. a lot of women came to the forums complaining about this because in the last game(halo 5) the Spartans had clear distinctions between male and female. some people say that the company just cut corners and didn't make a female model. there has been people in that past that complained about video games over sexualizing the body. i have no doubt in my mind that halo infinite body types are like this because they didn't want to over sexualize the body. you can also make another connection to trans humanism. one way to accomplish trans humanism is to make everyone into grey gender less blobs and when you look at the body types it shows this.
this brings me to the forums itself. there are people in these forums that openly identify as trans. people with pronouns in their bio. basically there is clear left wing sided people on these forums. some of them happen to be mods. there is one mod in particular that shuts down any posts or comments that go against the narrative. a topic can be going just fine and it ends up getting shut down because someone called out how ridiculous the gender topic is in halo. many people just want what was in the older games. if it aint broke don't fix it. this conversation leads to trans people feeling excluded (in their words). they feel like there isn't a need for a female body type.
there is some based people in the forum. they have called out the agenda that is unfolding. they called out the snowflakes and even called them as such. there is even some that are aware of the great reset. i told people about the 10 year plan and how it relates to 2030 and the great reset and of course some people call this a conspiracy theory. others understand where im coming from
if you wanted to check out the forum here it is
bonus points if you find my account by the way i speak on there. look for the topics that talk about gender options or body types. even posts that talk about the in game store show that this game is about money and not about the players. once you skim through it you will see what im talking about in greater detail
TL;DR: Halo infinite has been taken over by left wing ideology and it shows in their forums as well as in game. the model that halo infinite follows allows the great reset to take a foot hold because its yet another product that has turned into a live service one. if you notice a lot of things are moving to subscription based because they want you to own nothing and pay monthly or yearly for things you want. you will never actually own what you pay for. 10 year plan = great reset. halo infinite isn't the only game to experience this but its also the flagship title for the Xbox brand and it plays an important role because many people have grown up with halo. guess who owns halo. that's right. Microsoft. we all know Microsoft isn't a saint. knowing who owns it and knowing the state of the game i think its clear that this game is part of the bigger agenda known as the great reset.
im making a list of items and things to get as well as emergency food supplies. me and my family haven't been eating what we should have. i myself have been eating straight bread and pasta for months on end and its time to make a big change.
we got some of the basics like fresh veggies and what not but i need your guys help with items that we should get. my family knows of the supply chain and how its getting harder to get things so they are willing to make that hard 180 and get everything we need
He didn't double down. he was always in support of the "vaccine" since day 1. when people talk about this topic people often leave out one piece of context and that is when he said that no one is dying from the vaccine
if i knew i was going to see trump and potentially talk about the vaccine i would have stacks of research ready. every time trump would issue a false statement i would correct him. now my question is, would he interrupt me? would the interview just end? i don't understand how Candance Owens wasn't prepared to snap back with research proving otherwise. if i were there he wouldn't be able to simply just talk over me. i don't entertain people who don't speak truthfully no matter what the "plan" is. i would probably just walk out if he tried shouting or something. either way i have no clue how he can just make that statement and for some astronomical reason he hasn't been corrected yet.
people also claim that it "confuses" the deep state somehow. people say that the left would "start questioning things". did we not see what the left has turned into over the last 2 years? they still call us trumpers. over and over and over again it has been proven that no matter what facts you bring to the table or logical argument it will never change the far left. maybe some are like " why is everyone against the vax that likes trump?" but overall the attacks are still the same. the shills are still shillin. people say that if trump was against the vaccine that people would blame him for covid. so? they already hate the man. without trump they would still call your talking points "trumpism". ohh you support pro life? trumpism. ohh you support klye rittenhouse? trumpism. you think the mask dont work? trumpism.
the problem here is the vaccine. not covid. so if the media started blaming trump for covid deaths just because hes against the vax i don't think it would matter because the main goal is to wake people up about the vax. if people keep believing covid is a thing then people will stay asleep. there is no covid. people have been getting sick from everything under the sun other than covid. what did the elites tell the masses to do this whole time? lock themselves inside their homes. the sun is important and if you don't get enough of it it can cause issues. some people were so in fear that that stayed in indefinitely and went out only a few times throughout the year.
now pair that with the WiFi signals and peoples cell phones. people are baking because of radiation. its not getting warmer because of climate change. its getting warmer because the earth is in a big microwave. just today. it was 56 degrees out and warm compared to the 40 degree days. days like this were rare where i live in New York back ten years ago. now these days are common. right in the middle of winter in January. a new 5g technology is releasing in a few days. with every release of new 5g tech and tower placement the radiation gets worse. the mask also makes you sit in your own carbon. over time that can cause issues especially when working out in the mask. people have been reporting to feel sick around the vaccinated as well. and don't sleep on the food supply either. whatever you eat , if its not grown from your own yard or a farm you know locally then you have no idea whats in your food. a lot of the food in today's market is still poisoning the masses. stress and fear also play a huge factor into someones health.
with all that said i just don't see how trump not acknowledging vax deaths is anything but a massive waste of time. where i live they are proposing bills on jan 5 that would force people to take the vax for schools. the consent would be changed to 14 so that any one 14 and up can get a vax without their parents permission. the one thing thats fast approaching is more of a divide between the unvaxxed and the vaxxed and everyone needs to be on board "plan" or not.
i walk into a waiting area. some are waiting to be seen. there are a couple of rooms in front of the waiting area. a doctor is in and out seeing the patients out of these rooms. since its facing the waiting area everything in terms of nurses walking about is happening right in front of the waiting area.
as time goes on i watch one of the doctors go back and fourth. this doctor then walks into a room with the door open and some one says something to him. he then loudly replies
"we decide who gets covid tests, it doesn't matter if they ask for it"
everyone who was sitting down looked around and was confused by what he just said. then i realize the person behind me was trying to get a covid test. i think to myself "if covid was such a dire issue then why is it the hospitals choice if they give you a test or not?". i thought covid tests were given to any and all at any time. the lady behind me seemed to not have known this either as she was freaking out about not getting a test.
it doesn't end there. on the surface you could walk in and everything would seem normal but once you sit down and observe what goes on. it begins to not make sense. for example. the main door way is bustling full of people. there are a few people waiting to get seen. if a patient was there to be seen anyone with them must wait on the other side of the glass. sounds expected right? so the problem is i saw people walking in with each other. they had already checked in and have been sitting there for a while. once they go up to give their information, the booth is not far from security. the security ends up hearing who the actual patient is and THEN he comes up to them and saying oh the "non patient gotta wait outside the glass".
when im getting seen, the first things i tell them are about my health. one of them is a prevention of vaccines of any kind. as shes taking my my temp and what not she goes
"have you gotten your vaccine yet"
i looked her straight in the face and told her i already spoke about that. it was like a pre scripted message.a drone in a movie. it didn't matter what was told to her. that question would always be in the back of her head to ask.
i get seen by the doctor and im telling him about my problems. he prescribes pain medication. i gotten x rays done and they were suppose to be looked at by my family doctor but this was an emergency. i was feeling a lot of pain. he refuses to look at the x rays. then in the middle of explaining my pain he asks
"wears your mask?"
context: at this point i went throughout the hospital mask less the entire way. i was in pain to where it hurt to breath. a mask wouldn't help obviously. it felt uncomfortable. the first time i walked in the hospital i was withering in pain. it was very hard to keep my composure as i was falling to the ground with pain. after being there for while the security is like
"you gatta do somethin about a mask"
i voiced my opinions. i wasn't all sun shine and rainbows. the only thought that kept running through my head is " why would you care about a mask if someone is in that much pain" the even funnier part about it is that there was a guy with no mask laying a feet away from me.
i sat in the waiting area and the rest of the time i was there with no mask. 15 mins into seeing me the doctor says he cant see me because i refuse to put on a mask. it doesn't dawn on him that he was already seeing me and has already prescribed me medication. i leave the hospital. with nothing meaningful done but i did learn a lot. i learned that cognitive dissonance runs deep. so deep that their own ideologies are delayed. so deep that they cant even keep up with their own rules. the entire hospital no matter what is was didn't make sense. you have people suffering and moaning and then nurses and emts laughing in the next corner about their day to day. the mask rules don't make any sense because staff and people break them all the time just because of the nature of the job. everything is soulless, bare, devoid of any care for the fellow human being
one day when i was working on a project outside he asked if he could help. from then on we worked on the project and became good friends. i knew him about a year now. throughout that year we would get into conversations here and there about the "truth". i did a lot of research and showed him a lot of things. he might have not agreed with me on everything but it seemed like getting the jab was something he would never do. he knew everything was about control and that everything isn't the way the media make things out to be. we part for a while as he works on ventures and i work on mine.
fast forward to today and he shows up for the first time in a couple of months. we catch up and i eventually ask him if hes taken the jab. he says yes and im shocked but nothing was preparing me for what came next.
in short i tell him to look up things in order to reverse what he done. i also tell him the dangers and whats happening everyday to people who get them. the more i speak the more he tells me that what im saying doesn't make sense because
"im so sure im right"
and that the research i look at might not be the truth. and then he goes on to say
"you cant find the truth"
i asked him if he got 2 doses. he says yes. we also bring up god and he told me he prayed hard everyday for him not to get the jab but then his story just skips to him saying "i just said fuck lets get it over with". he said he was split in half about getting it because he didn't know what to believe.
here is the final kicker. after taking the two shots he tested positive for covid some time after. he never had covid or tested positive for it before getting the jab
you cant make this stuff up
and there is nothing there. they are months behind on important stories and almost every post is a meme or main stream new article that does nothing for the current conversations. no useful information. the normies around me are more based than that site
i come here and every other post is useful. a lot of research being done and we are far ahead of the curve. its a almost like we know exactly whats going to happen
what i mean by that is . you and i don't know him personally. in my point of view i don't trust kyle. i haven't from the start. i don't know a single person who would go to a riot with a gun to defend anything. that's like my friends pulling out their guns and going to the riots that were near me. its just unheard of.
ill be really honest with all of you here. i see this case as a massive honey pot everything about the lin wood drama stinks to high heaven
the fact that all 3 people he shot at were criminals and one of them was just released a day before makes me believe it was all setup like that so the patriots will scream at the top of their lungs. what better way to make a patriots heart swoon then to have the people that died be criminals. it gave us an easy narrative to distract ourselves with
i take everything with a grain of salt.
the only concrete things i know for sure are: the mask doesn't work and the vaccine kills. both of these i witnessed first hand. aside from that i don't trust lin wood. i don't trust flynn. i don't trust powell. i don't trust them all. I DONT KNOW THEM and neither do most of us. some have maybe exchanged words with those people but as a whole we don't know who these people are or what their thinking on the day to day
im making this post because im seeing people starting to poke holes in this story and i wanted to remind everyone TO QUESTION EVERYTHING. just because on the surface everything seemed like self defense doesn't mean there aren't other things happening behind the scenes
whenever i go out i never wear a mask. it doesn't matter what the store is i will walk in without a mask. so far many places that have a mask policy don't question that i don't wear one. in fact only a handful of stores ever bothered me for not wearing one
when it comes to best buy for all of 2020 they would hound me for not wearing one every time i went inside. this month was different though. they were all smiles saying good afternoon like they forgot about all the times they told me to put one on.
some stores have signs saying you have to show proof of vax to enter but i haven't been asked.
i also do delivery and every store i walk into no one ever asked me to put a mask on and customers never complained i didn't have one on either
basically my point is that (at least from my perspective) that there is no mask or vaccine mandate. in fact the vaccine mandate is hurting the businesses because its turning people away from employment
and that's where my friend comes in. he works in a restaurant as a dishwasher and he just called me up saying he was fired because as of today the restaurant will be requiring vaccines for all workers. i laughed so hard because for months i was telling him " what are you gonna do if your job requires the vax?" he never had an answer for that and he actually apologized to me because i was right because every time i was warning him about what would happen he would go "oh that's just conspiracy talk". after that he goes " yeah man the place lost a lot of workers because of the mandate and people going back to school".
Moral of the story. DO NOT COMPLY. do not give in. if not wearing a mask causes a scene then so be it but do not go gentle into that good night because WE ARE WINNING.