I have been "here" since Q's 1st post. I have been following the "plan" ever since. I still am. The thing we gave to remeber is we are part of the plan. We are not here to watch others roll out this plan. It is on us. Our job is to dig, find the truth and spread the truth. Because we have this truth, it is up to us to hold fast and defend it. The current modus operandi lately has been NOT to call for violence. We have been programed into this thinking. Let's step back to 1772 as things were building up in this land. Brittan was oppressive, demanding and actually in the process of coming after our arms. We stood strong. When they came, we where locked and loaded and we fought. (We won by the way) today, they know they can't go door to door to collect our arms. They are importing an army as we speak to fight us. Question: are we ready to fight them? I'm not talking about our military. I'm talking to you. Are you ready to fight? If a band of Hamas is operating in your neighborhood, will you be able and willing to stop them? Do you have fellow neighbors who are armed and on board?

I realize these are tough questions. They push us out of our comfortable online boundaries. The truth is, if we commit our selves to being Patriots, we should be ready at any time to defend our land. Yes, that means use of force. Are you ready? Do you own the appropriate guns? Do you have enough ammunition on hand? Do you have the traing to step outside your front door and defend your fellow Americans? If not, why not?

The Revolutionary War was fought by people who had no idea what they were doing but had the drive to defeat the enemy. We may have this drive, but do we have the means?

I am calling on this whole community of Brothers and Sisters to stop and think. If we say we are for America, are we willing to fight for it?

Are we willing to put our lives on the line to defend it?

Are we willing to do what it takes to get prepared to defend it?

I believe the time is at hand.

We need to arm our selves while we still can. Bulk up on ammo while we can and train openly while we can. This is America!

Talk to your neighbors. Find the ones who have similar views. (You'd be surprised who is with us)

Work together as a small group. Train together as a group. Buy arms and ammo as a group. Plan as a group. Fight for your nation as a group and FUCKING WIN AS A SMALL GROUP ACROSS THIS GREAT NATION! Neighborhoods are very important. Be the one to start the fuse. Trust me, so many people are ready to fight right now. Just talk to them.

We can do this. Everything is at your reach right now. Take advantage of it.

There are plenty of Patriots who are willing to fight Especially after the last 3 years of Biden. Take advantage of this and Recruit them. Train with them. Fight with them. We can do this.

The bottom line is, prepare train and be ready. If we are needed we're ready. Dont rely on anyone else to step up. We are Americans. Behave like one!

Do not cave in to the talking points about violence isn't the answer. If our forefathers caved into that, we'd still be English! Our forefathers knew this was coming. Thats why we have the 2nd Amendment.

Do not forget what is at stake.


Lets play Game Theory based on the questions from the Tucker interview.

IF they take Trump out, it undoubtedly will be an all out civil war. The millions of us who are armed to the teeth and have kept our calm and remained patient and trusted the plan as our land is torn apart will rise up. It will instantly go kinetic since all our hope is in on one man.

We will have no confidence that things will right themselves without Trump. We as Patriots will rise up, young and old. Experienced and green. We will probably go too far due to momentum. It will be bad. It will be bloody. Congressman judges governors mayors police and heads of dirty NGOs will be targeted. We may not succeed in taking them out as we will go head to head with police, swat, NG and Military.

It will be absolute chaos. We have had no organization since we have been denied that ability for decades due to anti-militia regulation.

It will be small, well armed and in many cases well trained men in groups planning and acting on their own.

Leaders will rise from the ranks and offer direction but they will most likely be controlled.

Internet, phone lines and any form of communication will be taken from us other than radio comms. Power will be cut. Roads will be Blocked. Food and water will run out.

Will be right back at 1776 again.

Our only hope is the Q team has our back and the military joins us as we take our country back.

Let's hope this does not happen. Pray to the Father. Prepare. Get to know your neighbors. Buy food, guns and tons of ammo and train.

May God bless the future of the United States of America!


We must remember we're all in a spiritual battle here. Yes, it's good vs evil but it's deeper than that. The last battle revealed in Revelation is not about buying or selling- it's about WHO we worship! That time will be about choosing WHO to follow. JESUS the only Son of God or the made up God presented to us to by the antichrist. Unless we bow allegiance to that false God, we will not be able to feed our children. (Vax passport was a trial balloon) those who remain steadfast in their faith in Jesus will be victorious even though most of the true believers will be killed for their beliefs. So be it. I would rather be killed by Gods enemy than bow to him.

This is what we need to prepare for now. If we don't know who the true God is now we will fail Him in the last days.

Remember, Satan's desire and ultimate sin was that he wanted to be like God. Isaiah 14:14“I will ascend above the heights of the cloudes, I wil be like the most High.” He was jealous of Jesus because Jesus was Gods only Son. Many people believe Jesus was born as a baby in a Manger. Jesus was with his father from the beginning. John 1:1–3: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” the "Word" is Jesus.

the antichrist is the system Satan put in place to fight Jesus. (Antichrist is defined as anything opposed to Jesus) The antichrist is not coming- the system has been here for 2000 years. Satan gives this system its power. He gives its members power and wealth through their allegiance to him (think child sacrifice)

The cabal is part the antichrist system. This is what we fight. If you don't know your enemy and the tactics they use how will you win? This is why the Father, in his unrelenting love for us, told us what we will go through in the future in the book Revelation written by John, the last surviving disciple.

Ask yourself, why are the churches not teaching these things? The same reason they caved during covid. What god are they worshiping?

Ask yourself what was the point of nearly all the Old Testament stories? WHO DO YOU WORSHIP! The True God or a false god? (Think Daniel, Sampson, Noah, Abraham, Joseph and many others) Why do you think God gave us these stories?

Don't trust the churches, trust Jesus. The only Son of God in who all judgment has been given.

John 5:22 “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:”

John 15:6-7 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

Our battle today and in the future is about who we worship. Dont be distracted by anything else. Satan has been defeated at the cross. He is angry and relentless in his pursuit to deceive and distract Gods believers.

Dont be deceived! Read the scripture!


That is all.


[I believe] Ye is playing his part as Trump, Elon, De Santis, Lake, the Brunson bros, the Supreme Court and others are right now. This is an extremely pivotal period in "The Plan." So many things are coming together if you are aware of them.

Yes, Ye is acting crazy. Thats his part to play right now. Look at the time line. He didnt start that until after meeting with Trump.

If you know anything about Trump's past, he used to act crazy while negotiating business deals to set his opponents off guard. Then he'd come in for "The Kill"

[My hope] is that one day this all makes sense. I keep thinking back to the "Art Of War." Trump has mastered this art for decades in business. Now he's mastered it in politics. Personally, I can not wait to see how this ends.

He. Always. Won. Let that sink in.


[[Edit: Not patented BY Dr. Martin. He has the proof Of patents. ]]

Class action lawsuits can be very powerful.

Anyone who has been affected financially or physically should join the suit.

Don't think legislators will do anything whatsoever.


I took my youngest son 13, to the ER to check for broken ribs (hockey parent here - just bruised) I'm a father of five and have had plenty of experience in the ER. I have never seen it so busy. Waiting room was filled with young people. One mother and 20 something son were checking in. He had apparently just had a previous blood clot and was now experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath with elevated heart rate. Hours later we were called in. I was expecting to be asked if my son was Vaccinated but instead was asked if we would ever approve blood transfusions! Was this a trick question? I said "Not now. Not since blood is taken from the Vaccinated." Anyone have similar experiences? This has to stop!


Not while we are currently an occupied nation. 11.3 is the marker. I will celebrate the second independence of this great nation. Pray for the Q team and the operatives around the globe working for our freedoms. Trust the Lord and watch the plan unfold.


People are waking up. Truth is being revealed.  What are their options when awake? We need to provide a platform for action. The question is, what action do we take?

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." *

I think it's time to take our Country back.

Our lives here in America have become too easy and we've grown too soft. We're used to others doing things for us. (Politicians) We have too much to lose now. Our jobs, homes, Cadillacs and friends. If we were  to make a stand that goes against the Narrative, we lose it all.  Look at us! For four years we've been anonymous so no one will know who we are! Are we Americans or Pussies? Have we forgotten that nearly every man who signed the Declaration of Independence lost everything?

Consider what we as Patriots have: A. All the guns B. Military training C. The truth regarding the DS's end game.

With all of this, we have the capability to over throw our government. The DS knows this.  Jan 6 was an op to show us (and the world) how bad an insurrection is. This was designed to keep us from making a move. Even the mods here will want to take this down lest anyone feel I'm calling for violence.

Dont think for a second the DS is not versed in the Art Of War. They know what we want. Look at what's happening around us. they're poking at us to get us make the first move: Biden, Voter fraud, BLM, Antifa, fake news, covid agendas, the list goes on. That's not the point. The point is, it's time to take our country back, hire the proper people to represent us and hold them to their job description.

How should it be done? 

Trump got the ball rolling to show what's possible. Q gave us the knowledge, motivation and the realization that there are MILLIONS OF US WHO FEEL THIS WAY! They gave us hope in a land many of us had given up on ever returning to its origins. 

If we fall, the world falls. Tyranny will prevail.

This movement cannot begin with an elected official. It must begin with the People. Elected officials (even Trump) are temporary.  We the people live on.

Just think about it. We need to stop looking for Hopium and waiting for someone to do something. Q never said to do nothing and wait for the cavalry.



Looking back, a few things become clear. We know for sure the "Insurrection" was clearly a staged event. Was it only for setting Trump up? Look at what it taught all of us: Storming the Capitol is the worst crime imaginable. I believe this was a two pronged event. Stage an uprising to set up Trump and at the same time teach the people the Capitol is hands off. Could this possibly be to protect themselves after they pass legislation soon they know will cause every American to want to storm their Hallowed Halls of Justice? Lastly, we understand if this was their plan, it was done by people in charge other than Pelosi and Schumer. They're not that smart.


Banking, Race divisions, Political divisions, War, Global agendas, One world government. Dig deep enough and you'll find it always goes back to Satan. Don't lose hope. Jesus already won the battle! Have faith in Him.


They know...hence the 17 EO's Day One. An attempted smack at Q


The Q team is running Biden...

Considering the fact all those EO's are intentionally pissing people off and not saving his own ass it makes you wonder. Now that would make a great movie huh?


Curious if there is any proof.


If a man KNOWINGLY cheats his way into office, he can only be charged with treason after he is sworn in.


-Since he was thrown out of Paradise.

He almost had it this time.

He would've got away with it if it weren't for those meddling Dital Warriors!

God wins.

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