posted ago by defendliberty911 ago by defendliberty911 +86 / -1

People are waking up. Truth is being revealed.  What are their options when awake? We need to provide a platform for action. The question is, what action do we take?

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." *

I think it's time to take our Country back.

Our lives here in America have become too easy and we've grown too soft. We're used to others doing things for us. (Politicians) We have too much to lose now. Our jobs, homes, Cadillacs and friends. If we were  to make a stand that goes against the Narrative, we lose it all.  Look at us! For four years we've been anonymous so no one will know who we are! Are we Americans or Pussies? Have we forgotten that nearly every man who signed the Declaration of Independence lost everything?

Consider what we as Patriots have: A. All the guns B. Military training C. The truth regarding the DS's end game.

With all of this, we have the capability to over throw our government. The DS knows this.  Jan 6 was an op to show us (and the world) how bad an insurrection is. This was designed to keep us from making a move. Even the mods here will want to take this down lest anyone feel I'm calling for violence.

Dont think for a second the DS is not versed in the Art Of War. They know what we want. Look at what's happening around us. they're poking at us to get us make the first move: Biden, Voter fraud, BLM, Antifa, fake news, covid agendas, the list goes on. That's not the point. The point is, it's time to take our country back, hire the proper people to represent us and hold them to their job description.

How should it be done? 

Trump got the ball rolling to show what's possible. Q gave us the knowledge, motivation and the realization that there are MILLIONS OF US WHO FEEL THIS WAY! They gave us hope in a land many of us had given up on ever returning to its origins. 

If we fall, the world falls. Tyranny will prevail.

This movement cannot begin with an elected official. It must begin with the People. Elected officials (even Trump) are temporary.  We the people live on.

Just think about it. We need to stop looking for Hopium and waiting for someone to do something. Q never said to do nothing and wait for the cavalry.